Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Thanks! @Mom2aphysicsgeek I have started the search and the Arabic flagship programs look fabulous. Of course she still wants to leave Texas. And we’re still searching for scholarships. So Ole Miss, OU, Maryland, and Ohio State look like pretty good options. If she makes NMSF, that OU package would be hard to beat with a 5th year of tuition. We’re going to have to talk to the departments. I’m not sure all she wants to do is going to be feasible. Still wants to minor in Spanish and study abroad, dual degree accounting, and maybe finance as well…and Arabic. Even with all her AP credits, seems almost impossible.

My kids have not taken any foreign language APs, so I am not sure. I know that in most French dept’s, the 100-200 level sequences do not count toward language requirements. I assume that is where AP students end up. So, int mid would be classes beyond that. Russian’s classification at schools seems to be different and with lower graduation goals, probably bc most students start at 101.

If you follow the ACTFL link, they have examples of each levels goals. So if your student is looking at Spanish, they can read through each levels requirements in Spanish.

Honestly, I am not sure how to compare. My dd is writing essays in French that are close but not quite on par with her English essays. Her Russian is far more elementary. She can easily move through all verb tenses in Frnech. Her biggest issue is circumlocution (round about way of saying what she wants.) She has not mastered progressive tenses in Russian and does not easily move through tense transitions. I suspect where her Russian is is probably more on par with a typical AP level student.

If anyone wants some links for French assessments, I can share those. Most of them use the European classifications which is A,B, and C levels.

@itsgettingreal17 …thanks to you and all the great advise on here about GPA’s about scholarships I think OSU (Oklahoma State) has gotten their name in the hat. I think Texas Tech is dropping on the list. I do NOT want to set my S up for failure!!! He THINKS that a 3.5 is no big deal however I know differently. My daughter was number 4 in her class and went off to UTA nursing school had scholarships that needed a 3.25 GPA and one semester that was a tight. One bad teacher or one bad grade that you can’t recover. I will doing some heavy talking over the summer. What was your D’s SI score in Texas? We are at a 221 and holding on.

I’m interested in all this talk about languages because I’m hoping D can integrate language into whatever she decides to study in college. The focus has been more on her STEM major, so not much thinking of her language as a minor or second major…not sure of the possibilities. D will have gotten through AP Mandarin, and I’d like her to continue with it in college rather than just drop it. And, this might help to eliminate our too-long list of schools we are looking at, if we had a plan.

Just got the principal letter from NMSC. :slight_smile: Exciting. Now we wait to know how 209 commended works out for state levels.

Congrats @Mom2aphysicsgeek! Very exciting.

Stupid question… last year PA NMSF cutoff was 217(I think?), which is 15 higher than 202 commended. Now of 209 is commended for 2017, doesn’t that mean that the cutoff for PA will be 224? Apparenthe math doesn’t work this way, since people are estimating PA to be 216 for 2017. Why??

What is the latest estimate for each state if someone can share?

My principal letter arrived today as well :slight_smile: It’s hanging on the fridge as homeschooling validation lol

@2muchquan , regarding #2960,

Here, too. College list is far from complete. I suggested her to apply about 8 colleges and she said “That many???”
She needs more reality check … acceptance rate, SAT/ACT 50% range, ED or not ED, ED’s acceptance rate… All I have told her so far was to apply to the colleges where we can afford.

Congratulations on the principal letters!

@Tgirlfriend My D’s SI is 219. She is either going to just make it or miss it by one. Your S should be set with 221. If only my D had been better in reading than math… We’re still hopeful. Long wait though.

Great honor @Mom2aphysicsgeek and @WhereIsMyKindle. Congrats!

D came home from ACT feeling like she didn’t do as well as she was hoping. She said the science was more difficult than her practices. Fingers crossed she’s just being hard on herself. I hope everyone who took it did well today. Find out in 10 days

now I have to go check the mail…

@greeny8 , just 10 days? I thought it would take about two weeks to know the result.

I was surprised to read that your D came home from ACT already. I live on the west coast and she is still in the middle of taking the test!

College list was pretty much complete here, but after we toured Stanford and Berkeley and DH looked at the admissions percentages, DH was searching for top physics schools (a thing he’s never done, but I have of course). He threw out the idea that DS should apply to up to 20 schools. 20 !?!? I don’t think DH realizes how crazy and how much work that is.

Congrats on the commended letters! Kudos to the kids and the homeschool teachers!

D is back from the ACT. She said reading was a bit harder than previous but not bad. English and Math were good. She said science was “a lot harder… Didn’t finish the last section.”

@itsgettingreal17 …I think 219 will be good. I will be rooting for your D!!!

@greeny8 & @carachel2, S said the same thing when he took the ACT as part of the school testing. He actually needed up scoring higher in science than math (perfect in math on the PSAT), so there is hope for your Ds.

D17’s college list is hovering right around 20 with some schools going off and on. I don’t think I see her applying to more than 15 (and maybe not that many), mostly for the merit search.

She’ll be taking the ACT in school on Apr 19th, so I’m glad to hear about the experiences so far. She hasn’t even done a practice test yet, so I guess we need to get on the ball. I’m thinking the ACT may be better for her since she has a really great memory. I’m glad ACT gets their scores back so much sooner – I’ll be on pins and needles until May waiting for March SAT results. Why so long?!

@morningside95, Big congrats to your S and his partner – sounds really amazing, especially given it being their first year together. It sounds like such an interesting type of performance. Sounds like you are just a year ahead of me of having one senior and one junior. I have an S18 and I think it will be hard to get him enthused about the college search (unlike my D’s). So I will be in your place next year!

@itsgettingreal17, such an interesting combo of subjects your D is interested in. Does she have any interest in intelligence work? My D11’s friend majored in Russian and was invited to do an internship at the CIA, although he didn’t take it. I’m sure Arabic would be even more in demand. My niece works for the CIA and loves it. She travels to the Middle East fairly frequently and her stories are fascinating. She doesn’t speak Arabic, but the CIA is giving her private tutoring in French. Possibly something to think about!

What is the best way to handle declaring the NMF first choice school? It looks to m that we have to decide beforehand and cant wait until the acceptance deadline? Some of these schools have a deadline of Mar 1 to declare them as NMF first choice

@Hades321 What schools are March 1st? I thought it was May 1st or is that just with National Merit?