Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CT1417 , I am the same way with DD. Instead of giving my opinion that she will overrule, I tell myself that I am just her assistant.

@payn4ward , DD is taking Chem in May too, her 4th subject test. Again, does it matter what I say? Agree with you on Casper!! US history is pretty tough—DD got 5 on AP, and 760 on subject, which is not a great percentile. :wink:

@Dave_N the state/school sittings are not going to show up to the online account for at least two weeks or more after you get the paper score report. I asked because it meant that it created two separate ACT IDs for my DD. They said if it gets to be more than about four weeks and they still aren’t on her online account, then give them a call.

Thanks @mtrosemom.

@SincererLove – you reminded me that I should pull the percentile charts for USH, as that might persuade him that perhaps a dot of studying might help. I think he is underestimating his need for sleep in between the AP exams! He is convinced that it is best to take USH as he is taking the AP exam. I thought that the USH SAT II & AP exam no longer dovetail as nicely as they used to.

S is taking the Physics subject test the same week that he will take the Physics C Mechanics and E&M AP tests. He is going over the workbook for the Physics subject test to see what is not covered in his physics class at school. I am pleased he is actually doing some studying for the physics SAT test! And after all this testing, he will probably apply only to schools that don’t require any SAT subject tests! 8-|

@SincererLove @CT1417 You guys have very motivated kids :slight_smile:

DS took Math 2 Subject test and got 800 after Sophomore PreCalc last year. He will take Physics and Chemistry, both in May or one each in May and June. Better one of the two and Math scores will be sent to the colleges. Not all colleges require Two Subject tests though, and we are not considering Georgetown. So no need for more.
He is registered both Subject tests in May and June. With the Subject test, kids can change minds and take different tests from registered one(s) and take more tests (up to 3) in a day. CollegeBoard will bill later if more tests are taken than paid.

We are not looking at the schools requiring to send all SAT/ACT test scores (although I do not know if those schools also require all SAT Subject sent as well.)

If DS takes more Subject tests, it is for course credit/placement not for admission. More (mediocre) scores will not be sent.

I saw somewhere (cannot find it now) that some colleges waive History requirement for subject score of 650 or AP score of 3. I am not sure if DS will get either one so he’s gotta try.
If he makes neither, he will have to sit through US History in college, and that will be good for him :))

Once we decide on a college in a year (I hope) I am going to review college credit by exam and may have DS take some additional tests such as Spanish Subject test (or AP Spanish test although not in AP Spanish class) in May of 2017 (Tufts gives foreign lang credit for example.)

What do I know, I am only a Casper mom though.

Just added a few In-State Colleges to the ACT free score service.

Anyone using 4 free score services for SAT or ACT?

Apparently, colleges can see the student’s school ranking 1,2,3,4 if scores are sent this way. Given there are tens of thousands students applying to dozens of schools, I wonder if colleges worry if they are a 4th choice.

DS claims that he did not run out of time. During a full-length princeton review practice test provided at school, he misread his watch and ran out of time in reading and got 24, so composite 29. I’m hoping he get 30 but we will see.

My D prebubbled for her ACT test at her HS later this month, and utilized the 4 free scores. I wouldn’t worry about the order, that’s crazy if it’s taken into account. I think/remember in alpha order all the time.

I feel that sending scores before your application is submitted is a good way to show you’re interested. But that’s probably crazy too.

DD was a NMF, and one of her schools was U Kentucky because of their great NMF package and their linguistics department. They needed her to declare them first choice the first week of April, which was only a week after Ivy day so that was nervewracking. We visited UK in March, knowing that there wouldn’t be time after all the decisions came out. They were lovely and gave us such a wonderful welcome that it was hard to turn them down for her final (closer!) choice. If you visit, be sure to call ahead and make sure they know you’re NMSF; they didn’t realized this when we signed up for the tour online so when I did call, they pulled together a visit with a professor and dinner at a wonderful lounge.

I was only trying to save $48 :slight_smile:

Any of you all have kids participating in FIRST Robotics? My ds’s team is headed to the World Championships end of
April and I’m trying not to panic at the thought of him missing four days of school before his five AP exams the following two weeks… :open_mouth:

Congrats to your D’s team @crazym0m. S’s team didn’t qualify for worlds. We’re hoping for next year. His team is only 2 seasons old, and they need to do better fundraising early in the season to have the money to get all of the part they need to engineer a really good robot. But they had fun.

My kids don’t do FIRST Robotics, but they have the same issue of missing several days before AP exams due to DECA Internationals. He is planning to bring study materials to use during free time…I’m hoping they get used!

Congrats to @crazym0m 's son’s team!

DS tried to participate on both FTC and FRC teams this year. Both teams started up independent of his school as a reaction to the cancellation of his engineering program’s senior-only FRC team. He ended up spending more time working on the FTC team. They were the finalist team (2nd place) in two competitions, but didn’t advance beyond that. He really enjoyed it.

For FRC, he put in a good amount of time programming and building a driving prototype at the beginning of the season and more time just before the first regional they attended. They got finalist, but weren’t the highest rookie seed. At another regional over spring break, which he didn’t attend because of my dad’s memorial service, they did get highest rookie seed and rookie all star, so they are going to St. Louis. DS decided not to go to St. Louis for a number of reasons, including missing 4 days of school right before AP exams and his multivariable final.

I was glad that it was an interesting and fun game this year. That dumb box-stacking game last year probably made it easier for the engineering program to cancel FRC because no one was excited to watch that year.

@crazym0m - congratulations to your D’s team. My S did FTC last two years, but team retired end of last season. They didn’t qualify for world last year but he was one of the Dean’s List Finalist so we went to world to attend the award’s ceremony and lunch with Dean (Kaymen) and met MIT and Yale deans of undergraduate admissions. We watched both FTC and FRC games. He missed school one day only. We also went to top 3 top BBQ restaurants. So enjoyed the trip without competition anxiety. Both FTC and FRC are good but time consuming activities.

This year all science competitions (4 different ones) for ds with state and national tournaments in next few weeks. I am worried about missing school days but I guess no choice. Lot of kids go thru same.

@crazym0m, Congratualtions!! That is a great accomplishments! DD team did really well, considering the coaching change and current much smaller team. They have a great functional robot. We love this year’s game too! But they didn’t advance.

@srk2017 , Dean’s list in Sophomore(?) year, so impressive, all the science competitions too. Best of luck to you S!!

Congratulations @crazym0m and all the amazing robotics kids!
I would love to coach but my kids lost interest after FLL.

I have only coached little kids in FLL, DI and OotM.

Wow some great results for the FTC and FRC here. My son joined an FTC team at a local library, and it was their first year of sponsoring a team. They went to one competition and finished dead last! But they are still meeting weekly and hopefully will do better next year, after all they can’t really do worse.

The FRC team at my D’s school made it to worlds for the first time ever this year, so the whole school is really happy and is currently fundraising for them. D was never interested, but S20 will probably end up joining.

Congrats to everyone here whose kids will be competing!

I have no idea what any of those competitions are (well, I’ve seen the box-stacking competition on YouTube). I don’t think it’s very big her in the Midwest? Maybe someone can correct me. It looks like a blast to me.

Congrats @crazym0m!