Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

If a college offers a place to explain why we are declining, we will mention inadequate financial aid. This is the main reason in most cases.

This throws the ball back in their hands if they want to offer more…which is unlikely.

@sdl0625, Macalester (which makes it easy to decline, BTW), send a very nice (presumably automated, given that it was Saturday night) email confirming the decline, and also, interestingly, saying that they’ll keep her stuff on file so that if she wants to transfer there in the future, she’ll have an easy time of it. So no burned bridges there—they recognize, as presumably all of them do, that it’s a competitive market and a student can only choose one.

(And, @STEM2017, she did enter inadequate financial aid as the reason for declining there—they had an optional spot on their form for the reason.)

Hmm I just logged into 11 of D’s portals and found the decline option right away on 10. She hasn’t picked one school but has eliminated most. Should she wait to decline until she picks and deposits? Visits aren’t until later in the month.

@Dolemite, were most of them private colleges? We had better luck with privates than with publics.

Ahhhh just looked. I first posted in this thread 4 years ago today. #36. Of course then I took a few years off so you missed most of high school for my kid.

Just booked spring break to Boston & Cleveland to revisit/visit schools. Unfortunately hotels are astronomical because it overlaps with the boston Marathon. 2 of her schools are for Mech Engineering, and 1 for computer science. She prefers mech engineering, but think she likes the school w/ computer science better. My guess, she will change majors 3-4 times. I want her at a school she will be happy and is flexible with changing majors. She didn’t get into any of her reaches - very strong stats- just not strong enough for her major. She is bummed and unenthused, even though they are all great schools. I am praying “we buy the sweatshirt” on the trip! Otherwise, we will have to go back east again, the last week in April to revist a different school ( she says she isn’t interested right now, but hasn’t ruled it out) and maybe revisit a couple of California schools. She usually makes up her mind fairly easily…

@STEM2017 Where’s my invite to dinner?!

@CA1543 wow, have fun planning your April visits!!

Declines: Most for us were through the portal, a couple through email. @Dolemite if any are still in the game even a little bit, don’t decline yet… You say she’s still planning to revisit a few, correct? Sounds like she’s still unsure. Of she can certainly decline the ones she’s already eliminated completely!

@Calimom3 If she does choose a Boston school the hotel price for move in is high too.The school D is going to has move in Labour day weekend. I have already booked our move in trip. With so many schools in the Boston area I figure the best price and location for hotel options will be booked up quickly. I would plan that trip as soon as you have a decision.

Reason for wanting to go South for school: we opened our pool today. :slight_smile:

@Calimom3 Our revisit was on St. Patrick’s day weekend, so the Boston hotels were astronomical. Thought about getting a car and stay in Waltham/Natick/Woburn etc or staying at a hotel near airport. After no luck even browsing Priceline for several days, a 4 star hotel popped up for $160/nt on PL Express deal. I grabbed it with 10% off coupon. It turned out to be Sheraton back bay and was very convenient to NEU and the subway. I was very glad not to drive and park in the city.

@mom2collegekids Nice :smiley:

Here they try to open pools during the Memorial Day weekend but weather often does not cooperate.
We often have snow on Mother’s Day and kids hunted Easter eggs in snow wearing snow suit overalls (cute photo op.) :smiley: Halloween costumes need to go over snowsuit and snow boots as well. Some years they open for one day and ski on 4th of July just because we can. DS17 will have hard time adjusting to the weather in south. Still deciding… :!!

Hi everyone! Do Amy of you have any insights on USC engineering?

I guess I would like to retire early in this page year including paying off any loans. :smiley:
One can always dream =))

@letsshare – We are looking at USC Viterbi engineering too - among others - what kinds of questions do you have? Not currently attending but trying to learn a lot. My son went to USC Explore & sat in on a couple of classes.

I posted a review of our visit to UAH on the school’s thread. I’ll do one for UMD in a day or so.

Thanks @NerdMom88 we head to UMD admit day on Friday. We are from CA and have never been so I am anxious to see it!

@rerunagain I just looked at the page where I first posted. What happened to @moonpie @Proudpatriot @sseamom @CuriousJane @Agentninetynine? I still see @MichiganGeorgia @CT1417 all the time. I guess Novi mom called it quits early on. My first post showed how much I didn’t know. Fun to look back to other posts.

@CA1543 thanks for responding. I guess any insights or first hand experience people may have that we havent thought about. He also went to explore, but since he is my oldest I guess I am nervous about overlooking something. Do you know what I mean? Kind of you dont realize what you don’t know until you know it - kind of thing :open_mouth:
We are like you just trying to find out what we can, lots and lots of reading. Is your son leaning towards USC?

My son had a fun day in Boston this weekend. He went into the city with some friends. They went over to NEU for a bit, went to a film fest, out to lunch, shopping. It’s good he is getting some exposure to city life now. One of the kids from his school put in their deposit for NEU London over the weekend, so son17 will have a friend overseas with him for the first semester.
Spring sports start this week, it will be a fun action packed few months until graduation 6/4.

I’m afraid to look back on my old posts because I’d probably cringe at my rampaging ignorance about the college process @-)