Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@crazym0m I hope your son loves DOtL. I am already planning football weekends with my UVA alum friends! Maybe I’ll meet up with you and @twoforone99 if your son chooses UVA. :-h

@socalmom007 I had totally forgotten about that. SD 14 did ED, so it’s a distant memory but I do recall it being a huge chunk of change far earlier than we were expecting. What dorms did she pick? She was in Cerro Vista freshman year but actually wished she’d picked the Towers.

@eandesmom she’s hoping for a single in cerro vista. Her OCD is a problem, she will have a difficult time sharing a room, a suite is fine. Those dorms looked the newest and cleanest of the ones we visited.

Now that D17 has committed, I thought everything was done.

Earlier this week she wrote 5 500 word (max) essays for an honors program application. On an entirely selfish note, I didn’t have to review any of them. She banged these out in a few hours.

Talked to S’14 last night too. He went to a reception with the Dean of the honor’s college at his school. He said that he remembered reading D’17’s essay for a scholarship and liked it. To which we all shouted into the phone, “But not enough to give her the scholarship!”

Anyway, onward and upward.

And now, for D’17, I suppose, Fight on!

@srk2017 – Congratulations to your son. Our D has been so happy at Vanderbilt and, we believe, is getting a top-notch education. I know you’re out on the left coast, but here on the right at least, the school has a stellar reputation (ain’t no-one saying it’s just for MRS degrees ;)). It has provided an ideal balance of everything our D was looking for in a college. And for your son to have all the benefits of the CV … amazing. Wishing him well. Anchor down!

Just a small addition, I don’t want to sound bitter or disappointed. We all found the Dean’s comment funny. We can be a jaded bunch.

D’17 ended up in a fantastic situation!

Fight on!

Hey @srk2017 congrats on the acceptance and commitment to Vandy! Very exciting, great news all around. Glad to worked out for you.

Good evening. I have been laying low while S figured out what he wanted to do. After much thought, and discussion, he has decided to enroll at UPENN. While he loved Vandy, Penn offered more grant aid, and with their business school(Vandy would have been a business minor), he will be less likely to need graduate school. Vandy was understanding of our economic situation, and graciously allowed him to withdraw his admission. He is excited and feels very fortunate to have this opportunity.

@srk2017, congrats on your S choice. I think the school and city are fantastic.

@srk2017 congrats on joining the vandy family! We will have to meet up at move in B-)

@srk2017 I’m so happy to your S that I needed to congrat him via you twice. :slight_smile:

@NoVADad99 CONGRATS – if Tulane is picked, I know a fun undergrad experience will be for the taking. :smiley:

@RightCoaster @eandesmom All these decisions being made, all these kids almost graduating high school…pretty soon, I’ll be seeing you guys on the Parents of the Class of 2019 more often than I see you here.

@socalmom007 You don’t get that deposit back if she decided to go elsewhere, right? Fingers crossed for you and a decision soon.

@socalmom007 & @JenJenJenJen —wait, is this the $2000 deposit? That must be refundable, I hope!!!

I cannot keep up with this thread, but the thought of losing $2000 caught my attention.

@srk2017 —I know, no congrats needed, but I cannot allow this one to slip by unnoticed!

Congrats on the Dandy Vandy!

The $2,000 is a housing deposit and 100% refundable. I read through all of their wording very carefully before paying, as long as we cancel at least 30 days before move in it’s refundable. I don’t want to be too hopeful… but I’m really thinking it may be Cal Poly. I’ve had to tell my husband 20 times to shut up and let things play out. It has to be her choice.

@socalmom007 Gotcha! That makes sense. She was in a suite, really liked the room and roommates…but it is a hike. The main reason she wished she was in the towers was actually for the shared bathrooms as she’d have met more people in the dorms. She felt her friends who were in the towers had made more connections in the dorms her freshman year than she did. But that doesn’t sound remotely ideal for your D.

They are pretty up there and it was nice for her as it was closer to the soccer field, though farther from class.

@socalmom007 --good! This college process is expensive enough w/o a $2000 non-refundable deposit. I think I am only out $55 for a housing deposit so far. Will not contemplate the costs of apps, trips to visit colleges, trips to revisit colleges…

We just booked flights for move in day for S. Three of us flying out, only two of us flying home! :(( I am so happy he is excited to be heading to college. And H and I will be OK with adjusting to the empty nest.

QOTD: Anyone have any big family trips planned before you DC goes off to college? We plan to meet D15 in Spain where she’ll be studying after S’s graduation for about 8 days. Then S and D plan to go to Rome for week by themselves. That is pretty much S’s graduation present and he is thrilled.