Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

At WashU now. Admitted students day thing starts soon!

Though it seems DD has already pretty much decided on WashU. So - hopefully nothing changes her mind… :slight_smile:

Graduation Party: D was really lukewarm on the idea of a graduation party. She thinks HS graduation isn’t that big of an accomplishment. But when I asked about a Send-Off party instead, her eyes lit up. So we are having a Send-Off party in July, with decorations in the colors of her college, etc.

Send-Off party is a great way to describe it. My son was beyond lukewarm, he initially just said no thanks, not interested. The school helped quite a bit by scheduling a senior party the weekend before graduation and telling the students they should spend graduation weekend with their family and friends because the different orientation schedules and summer plans may make it hard for some of the kids to participate. I think that helped because it was said at the same time the kids were trying to plan some summer events together and with a group of 6, they are realizing already how much compromise is needed to do some of the things they want to do this summer because of orientation and move-in schedules and they are headed in all different directions.

Graduation is at 6, and grad night starts at 10. We are trying to figure out if we have time to grab a quick dinner before dropping her off.

DD’s opinion of the WashU experience so far - “it was OK”.

We finally have a decision!! My DD 2017 will attend The School of Visual Arts in NYC in the fall! Admitted students day was the scale tipper. Last night she turned down so much money in scholarships, it was hard, but I told her she needed to let it all go to someone else! She is so excited about SVA, and has a generous scholarship, honors program and a free trip abroad her junior year! We have paid the enrollment fee and housing deposit. Thinking about how to drive up there for drop off? Both of the older girls want to go for drop off! My oldest (DD HS 2011, Vandy 2014, UT med school 2020). My middle graduates Vanderbilt on the 12th of May and then the my baby graduates HS on the 22. Which means I’ll have company here for 10 DAYS. My nephew graduates high school in Houston the 25th, and we are planning on driving out there with my parents. My middle wants to go to WACO and see Magnolia farms for her graduation present. My youngest has asked to go to her grandparents house on the lake in East Tn and take her friends for her senior trip… EASY and DONE! May is going to be CRAZY!

Alaska cruise for us right after graduation. It was supposed to be girls only, now DH and DS20 are tagging along. :wink:

D and DS are also going to a summer camp in my home country, and I will meet up with them to take them to see the grandparents. Have to book flights and finish tax returns this weekend!

It’s April 15, and D17 is no closer to a decision than she was when we completed re-visits in March.

sigh I have no patience.

@NerdMom88 and @thshadow I am sorry to hear that both of your children are not ready to make their decisions. Good things will come, it’s just going to be 15 more days (or less).

S is down to Virginia Tech, Ohio State, and University of Florida.

We visited Virginia Tech and he loved it. We will visit Ohio State on April 25 and we will try to squeeze in a day at UF this week.

He has all but decided on VT, but I really didn’t want him to make a final decision before walking the campuses and meeting some folks at the other two.

Luckily, at Virginia Tech he is guaranteed housing with his LLC, so there’s no real pressure to pay the enrollment fee before May 1 (but I probably will anyway).

We have a decision- it is CAL POLY SLO!!! Trying to keep my husband from tap dancing or bursting out in song. Ordering swag as we speak.

@socalmom007 I wish I could “like” your post more than once! Congratulations. It’s been a long, long road for your family.

@socalmom007 Congrats!!! So happy for you all. Seems like the right choice for her. What about BF?

Bf will be at UC Irvine. They’re not thrilled with the distance, but we’re helping them find ways to make it work. Train is cheap, car is faster, it won’t be impossible. Both will get an excellent education which has to be top priority.

@socalmom007 I wish I could like this more than once too!!! So happy for all of you!!!

go Mustangs!!!

@socalmom007 Congrats! Glad it worked out.
@srk2017 Congrats on Vandy, but I miss the waving Elmo!

@socalmom007 woo hoo! You must be so happy! Is it all working out with the BF?

oops guess I should have finished reading before responding @socalmom007 They will figure it out. I’m a big believer in if it’s meant to be…

I’m a little behind (only 200 posts) but I wanted to post my updated avatar (and see if it’s visible or too small). I’m hoping to fill in the other orb next year with D2’s choice :slight_smile:

ETA: hmm, I might need to tweak it more, it’s kind of hard to see.

Congrats @socalmom007, I know how difficult this has been.
@STEM2017, good luck this week. We have one Hokie from our town, and she loves it…