Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@gr8pl8 what kind of requested materials were missing? Curious if there is a list of things in particular and if there was any one type of item that went more missing.

@eandesmom - Transcripts from two of the community colleges he attended in the summer, junior year, and HS. The final official transcript from HS was requested two weeks after graduation and paid by check was received by UCSC two or three days after the cutoff date. Only one of the community college transcripts ever made it and because the other failed to send it in completely or was lost in communication because it is sent electronically or the wrong student information was sent.

Community colleges have a network of sending official transcripts to colleges electronically and do not send physical transcripts. If they screw up you are totally screwed up.

Check the cutoff dates for the university and act quickly and pay extra for certified mail or priority mail.

Here was the story on UCSC rescinding the applications.

Same situation will not happen with our graduating D this year. Did not allow any community college and we will be making sure that the official HS transcript will be sent Fedex to her final choice of schools after visiting them this weekend and next weekend for their admitted student days.

Should be a fun and fulfilling day tomorrow for S17 and family. Weā€™re heading to UChicago tomorrow for 2 days of Admitted Student Days after Cum Laude induction ceremony at the high school in the morning. Since heā€™s absolutely attending, itā€™s more about dorms, classes, and swag (of course)!

Have fun @vandyeyes ā€“ celebrate and congrats on the cum laude induction!

@thshadow Glad your D is taking a long and thoughtful look at both schools and finally found something to love about WashU! Cute boys, huh?
Iā€™ll make sure to share with my daughter!

Iā€™m confused about these references to a paper trail for enrollment and transcripts. Arenā€™t both electronic?

Also, my kidā€™s GC has never done this before, so should I tell her the final report/transcript goes through Common App? Or is it sent only snail mail from the school registrar (if the latter, how does a student ensure itā€™s sent certified)?

Thanks in advance.

@mtrosemom - yup, weā€™re going to be in Toronto as well. Iā€™m going to play with her in some gold rush pairs before the weekend (I still have just under 750 master points), and then sheā€™s going to play in the youth games over the weekend.

@STEM2017 and others - just got back from a day at Rose, leaving DD with her host.

Not sure what language I can use, but - darn, Rose is friggin awesome too!

Every class has < 30 kids. I mean every class. Even physics 1. (Someone said that one might actually go into the 30ā€™s)

The classes are all small, with the professor interacting with the students. How can you not love that??

She sat in on one class today, which was a lab. Apparently the prof spoke, with I guess some back and forth, and then the kids worked on their projects. The class was supposed to be a double period (i.e. 1 hr 45). But everyone stayed, including DD. She didnā€™t even notice my texts until after she had been in there for 2 1/2 hours!

Tomorrow she has a long morning of classes. Starting at 8am, ~2 hours of a software class. Then 1 hr of matrix algebra, then 1 hr of Spanish. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she really loves the classes - which will make her really like Rose (just like WashU) - and make her decision rather difficult.

I think the 1 sentence summary of WashU vs Rose **for my one-and-only CS daughter/b is: Rose is fantastic academically with a good enough college experience, while Wash U has a fantastic college experience with a good enough academic experience (again, Iā€™m only saying ā€œgood enoughā€ because she really really likes small classes, and doesnā€™t seem to value flexibility).

Or an alternative summary of where we are in our decision process - we are now 1 day closer to May 1stā€¦ :slight_smile:

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D17 had Cum Laude induction on Monday. I didnā€™t even know anything about it at all until we got the letter saying she was to be inducted. Now she is trying to get everything she needs for her trip to Coachella this weekend. She is going with three other girlfriends and one set of parents. D19 gets inducted into NHS tomorrow night. Neither of them appreciated me referring to this as Induction Week.

@binky17 - Snail mail by the HS. Going to prepay for a fedex envelope for the transcript to be sent to Dā€™s college choice. Our HS knows they kinda screwed up with my son and they will not mess this one up. Also will be emailing the AO when the stuff is sent so they know we have done our part.

When they do it electronically then it is totally out of your hands. You need to follow up with your school to make sure they get the stuff.

I just caught up on the last 5 days and itā€™s so exciting to see some kids have made decisions and reading about the visits.Graduation here is in about 5 weeks and my son and his friends are relaxed and having a lot of fun. Itā€™s really nice to see how excited they all are.

Congratulations to everyone who has come to a decision ā€” Love hearing about successful endings leading to bright beginnings!

D17 has narrowed down her choices but still has a ways to go. Almost all the bigger (for us) scholarship schools are now out as UCB would win over them and Cal costs basically the same at full price, as we live instate. Out as well with other UCs although it is hard to say good bye to Regents priority everything as we have experience with that with older child and it really makes the whole college experience less stressful.

D17 visited Scripps on an overnight over break last week and liked it a lot. Said it felt like somewhere she would go on vacation! Visited 4 classes and really enjoyed the professors. But, felt the level of upper level classes was more to her taste NOW and did not want to have to wait for them. Now in Boston with dad visiting Wellesley overnight and padded some extra time for visiting Smith and Mount Holyoke again if feels like that would be helpful. (Mount Holyoke is the last of our big FA options).

Hoping she just ā€œknowsā€ after this trip as her 3 previous English teachers say they think she will (very supportive of my girl!) The topics that keep coming up are small classes, and a mysterious something that adds a sparkle to her eye vs large classes, better climate, less distance, and lower cost. Even with the scales loaded toward one coast, I think she probably will pick the other

@paveyourpath Iā€™m glad your DS and friends are enjoying their last days of HS. My D17 is tearing her hair out with engineering projects and nightly orchestra rehearsals for the spring musical. About every other day she mutters some variation of ā€œwho thought this was a good idea, anyway?ā€

(Iā€™m optimistic that May will be a bit less stressful.)

I am so sorry your daughter still has so much to do @NerdMom88 ! I do hope she gets to enjoy May.

@NerdMom88 I can so relate with regard to my daughter! We have figured out that the date that her life will change is May 10th. Finally! All her AP tests will be over, senior projects done, big EC commitments done. She has been waiting for this moment for so longā€“suffering from ā€œPTHDā€ (Post-Traumatic Homework Disorder) from the last two years. Planning on a gap year if possible to return to her healthier more balanced self!

The last 8 months have been a blur here at headquarters as KAOS has reigned. But weā€™re back on track and full steam ahead. I will give some advice for you parents who are first timers. Make your hotel reservations NOW for move in weekend and family/parent weekend. Then in July make Thanksgiving flight reservations so your darlings can come home and tell you how wrong you are on a variety of subjects. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@eandesmom - where is your son going?

Thank you @gr8pl8

Gosh, @gr8pl8 - what a nightmare of an experience with your older S at UCSC. I hope that itā€™s been smooth sailing since then - I think they owe you that!

I posted a while back S committed to Purdue for engineering, but afterward he started to have second thoughts. About 10 kids from his high school are currently planning to attend VTech, and they have been talking it up a lot. This is a pretty big number considering we are in Massachusetts. One friend in particular talked about how he knew it was the right school as soon as he visited campus, and he is really enthusiastic and happy about his choice. I donā€™t think S has really had that BIG feeling. Heā€™s more casual and could see himself at most of the schools we visited, so he worried his lack of an ā€œahaā€ moment meant maybe Purdue wasnā€™t the right school, even though he did like it a lot. Over the past week weā€™ve been doing research and looked into setting up a trip to Blacksburg, which would involve crazy logistics for me and sandwiching the visit in between two LAX games for him. We finally hashed it out last night over dinner at a favorite local restaurant, reviewed the pros and cons, and heā€™s decided that Purdue is still the one. No more second thoughts, just moving forward. This has been really difficult, because there is a teeny tiny part of me that thinks maybe VTech would be a better fit for him. Then again, I am terrible about making decisions. Just ask the TV salesman I tortured today for about an hour (then I left without making a purchase).

@NerdMom88, has she been doing the stress dance again? I love PTHD, @ChalkPastel!

Enjoying everyoneā€™s progress!!