Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Our Leaning Tower of Pisa was nearly horizontal whilst D17 had a moment of indecision that has not entirely vanished wherein she was swinging back and forth between Yale and Stanford. (Seeing all pre-deluge photos from Bulldog Days invoked a certain wistfulness…and then the gray rains reminded her just how depressing she found New Haven to be)

Here’s hoping she sees lots of fun pics from Stanford’s Admit Days to remind her just how amazing Stanford can be…

In the meantime, she’s in the process of gleefully turning down Harvard…

@LoveTheBard - My D says the weather is beautiful today at Stanford. So far she is having a blast with all the smiling people and D is so at ease because she has committed to Stanford. Hope your D goes CARDINAL!

@Testingearly - My D at Stanford this morning and says it is a beautiful day there at Palo Alto. From the schedule they have set for the admitted students it looks like it will be anything but boring. Tough decision for your D and down to the wire. Great schools to choose from!

Congrats to all of your “slacker” children FINALLY making a decision. Ha. no really congrats, lots of good choices in the end, and it must be incredibly hard to choose and probably hard to let go too.

I’m impressed!!

Heh about kids in their underwear at MIT - I haven’t mentioned this yet, but D17 and I (and several hundred other admitted students and parents) got streaked by a pack of naked, mask-wearing runners at Hamilton while we were crossing the campus from the president’s welcoming address to lunch during Admitted Student Day.

They apparently have a “varsity streaking team”, who knew!? :))

Everyone was so shocked, lol, we all just kept trooping on towards the field house for sandwiches and chips and everyone carried on as though nothing had happened.

Didn’t stop D from falling in love with the school, anyway!

@thermom So is that a “walk-on” varsity team?

Cheeky Hamiltonians!

Now I’m left wondering how one gets a scholarship for that team. (Or is Hamilton a D3 school? I should go check.)

@Amkngk I can’t imagine getting any sleep in the Dome! Was your kid happy or cranky the next morning?!

Congrats @jedwards70 ! You’ll learn that everyone turn burnt orange in Austin :wink: Been here too long- the bunny looked perfect to me!

@MSHopeful Congrats!

and congrats to all as decisions come in! You have some amazing kids. I’m just hoping we make it to graduation at this point. Senioritis is real. IB testing looming yet I see noting happening. time to keep my mouth shut…

College Dorm JOTD:

Q: Have you heard about the pregnant bed bug?
A: She’s going to have her baby in the spring.

@itsgettingreal17 Wait, did your daughter get recruited by the Packers?

Great JOTD @toomuchcoin You catch on fast!

Hey @toomuchcoin - Did you find the penny that’s supposed to be worth $82K? :wink:

Still looking @srk2017

@Testingearly @LoveTheBard @gr8pl8 Looks like it’s warming up nicely at Stanford. Early photos have everyone wearing jackets, but later photos show some in t-shirts.

All of them are sunny.

Good luck to those deciding bt Stanford, Yale and other TOP schools - too bad they can only pick one but at least no bad options!!

Welcome @toomuchcoin – silly jokes are good.

We have to submit housing prefs by May 2nd - hard bc quad is so loved at UPenn but no dining hall really and I think DS would prefer being close to classes.No idea if prefs really matter a lot. Have you all been working on housing, can your DCs access courses lists and other things for Fall? Not much available to look at for us yet. DS not focused on it though - has APs and an underwater robotics competition he’s excited about. hope all the DCs who have decided are relaxed - end of the high school years is near!

@gr8pl8 & @robNNN The great weather at Stanford does not make me feel better. I haven’t talked to D since she got to campus. Where are you seeing pictures @robNNN? I know D went with a former roommate to the Melinda Gates leadership event. Somehow, I doubt that was boring Maybe the food will be horrible and she’ll have a bad hostess again?

@LoveTheBard you and I seem to want our D’s to make the opposite choice but the one closest to home. Good luck to you! I am not going to sleep well between now and Monday!

D has an AP exam on Monday and arrives back from California late Saturday night. I predict that she will be exhausted.

@Testingearly - that would seem to be the case. The good news, of course, is that they are both amazing schools and our girls can’t go wrong with either. That said, I’m voting for the one with better weather and more favorable both geographically and logistically – as I’m sure you are as well (except for the weather part).

@dfbdfb, LOL. Hamilton is a D3, so you have to join the streaking team simply for fun.