Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@NerdMom88, at Admitted Students Day, there were lots of clubs represented, and a couple were for LBGT groups, I think. I wonder if you could contact those groups to get their take on the environment.

@Testingearly @LoveTheBard - You guys need a very long massage come Monday evening.

@robNNN - Your S at Stanford event?

As long as your students graduate from the any university, they will be happy and successful
you guys have some amazing kids.

@NerdMom88 hang in there, I understand this must be a hard decision for her. Coming for CA which is so open and liberal I can understand how it might feel to go somewhere that you won’t feel as comfortable. My DS is going to the South for school and we have been talking about how he needs to stand by his values. We mostly want our kids to feel safe and happy and wherever that is for her is where she should go. My son also looked at UMD but it was just to big.

UMD is near the MARC Camden line between DC Union Station and downtown Baltimore. The station is next to the Greenbelt metro station, which is served by the shuttle.

@NerdMom88 it seems like the campus is a commuter school. The town does seem to be up and coming with business coming plus they have areospace near by. I bet for internships. The cost of living they said was very low there. My son’s only negative was he shares a bathroom. He wanted a roommate in his room.

@LoveTheBard and @srk2017 HRC won the popular vote by 3 million which can be accounted for in one state CA. We are all more alike than we are different, in times like these we should listen and be open to each others ideas even if they are not the same as our own. Our kids will have the power to help shape the world and lets hope they are open to all ideas from all sides. Lets let the politics rest and celebrate our Amazing DC!!!

@ibf - yes, the whole purpose of electoral college is to prevent one state dominate the country. However, I don’t beleive electoral college is good any more. We need comprehensive electoral reform, but I rather discuss colleges here :slight_smile: I always tell my S to debate both sides any issue before he makes up his mind and I insisted that he should do speech and debate at the expense of additional science competitions. Who all for making speech and debate a mandatory class?

Just popping in to support those with decisions coming down to the wire. I hope you find some peace and clarity as you move towards a decision

Turning schools down was not a gleeful part of Ds process. We taught her to be positive about the search and respectful of others decisions. It is a privilege just to be able to go to college and she roots everyone on with grace. I’m proud that she does not trash other’s decisions!

(the only exception being University of Texas which made her wait until one of the last waves of acceptances and made her a bit bitter
but even then she was respectful and appreciative of what the campus had to offer)

Only 98 hours and a few minutes left in Pacific Time Zone before decision time
good vibes to families on the fence.

And she’s talked herself back from the edge. (For now?) D17 decided that 1) She’s ok with turning down a top-ten ranking because she knows she’s going to be in another really great program, 2) She’s ok with being in a “live-and-let-live” atmosphere, at least through school, and 3) The $ difference isn’t enough to tip the scales in favor of a more stressful, more competitive environment.

:)>- :-bd

@gr8pl8 - When is the actual deadline? Midnight in the time zone of the college or of the student? And yes, that massage for me and for @Testingearly sounds like a great plan!! I think @NerdMom88 can use one too!

@NerdMom88 - Glad to hear that D is sorting through all of the factors and owning her decision. There are no bad choices there.

@NerdMom88, I hear you about the child’s stress—my daughter turned down a top-15 for a great program and a school she felt really comfortable with (and all the other reasons you mention—maybe we actually have the same child?), but it was still hard for her for a moment to ignore the whispering in the back of her head that she must be ruining her life by doing such a (according to modern American upper-middle-class received wisdom) foolhardy thing.

Fortunately, she realized it was nowhere near foolhardy for her, has moved past it, and hasn’t looked back.

@dfbdfb – Yeah, that little voice inside the head can be a b*tch. As D said, what she has (had?) is a first class, first-world problem.

@LoveTheBard - Just to be on the safe side with all the time zone deadlines
and I would imagine that it is on the time zone of the schools
families on the fence, make sure to make a choice by midnight the 30th of this month! Don’t be shut out because your kid could not decide. Take the computer and pick one for your “lazy” student

@LoveTheBard @Testingearly @NerdMom88 - I guess I have become your countdown clock til midnight April 30. To make it easy on me I will make it the Pacific Time Zone.

@CA1543 Will his robot be weaving baskets?

You guys are all worrying me. I thought the kids had until 11:59 PM on May 1st to make their final decision.


Typically May 1 at 11:59pm in the time zone of the college.

@Atyraulove My D was very happy the next day, which surprised me because grumpy is her middle name. She applied and was accepted to Syracuse ED, so this wasn’t a decision day for her. But she loved it even more.

Ok, I made you all a countdown timer based on East coast time (since that comes first!!)