Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CA1543 , we were at Chicago too, 1 point from podium. Kudos to your son, as it is harder for underclassmen to place at Nationals!

DD has varsity swimming letters every year and there are some D3 recruiting her, but probably will not swim in college. Her body is her temple…we would be watching TV together, and she is doing pushup and lifting weights! Total six packs!

My D is very athletic but got burned out. She is, however, looking forward to intramural sports in college.

Yes, my D is petite but hoping to play club lacrosse at her next school. I was surprised to find that this was actually on her criteria list this spring.

We had a college fair recently. About 23 schools. so it was manageable.

I heard an AO from CWRU say “AP Stat is not a math class.”
Coming from a tech/engineering school, he notices if a student takes less rigorous classes to protect GPA (regular vs AP when the school offers AP.) Taking AP Stat post Calculus is okay if math offerings at the school are exhausted. I take this as Multivariable Calculus/Differential Equations is looked more rigorous than AP Stat.
He, as an AO of STEM heavy school, does not like to see someone doing “Honors Algebra 2 > Honors PreCalc > AP Stat” sequence to avoid Calculus and taking GPA hit when it is available at the school.
Someone asked, why would a PreMed take AP Calculus?
To which the AO said that PreMeds need regorous Math and need to take AP Calculus.

The CWRU AO also said they recalculate GPA. They calculate academic-only unweighted GPA.

AP Stats is not a math class. My D always knew she’d have to take Calc III at the local CC after talking to the math teachers at her high school. AP Stats is still a great class to take in addition if going into any major that requires stats.

I have heard similar things. I don’t think UW (madison) counts AP Stats as math class. S14 and D17 took the same math sequence Honors Geometry (9), Honors Pre-Calc (10), AP Calc BC(11), and AP Stats (12).

Calc 3 and linear algebra were available, but neither took them.

I am an engineer by training, but I personally believe that AP Stats is way more useful to “life”. Unless you are going to do a STEM career, take stats. (I know we are all subject to the whims of the college app process) AP Stats in high school might be a gentler introduction than the equivalent college class.

They said the same thing at Pitt…they don’t take AP Stats as an acceptable math credit.

My husband is an engineer and also is a Six Sigma Black Belt. He was rather astounded since he uses statistics every single day!

At our local U, stats isn’t offered through the Math curricula, it is offered through the Stats curricula.

AP exam score of 4 or 5 in AP stats gives credit for STAT 1000 (4 credits) at Pitt according to above link.

Or do you mean Stats alone doesn’t satisfy math requirement of four years math in high school?

It counts as an elective at our HS, not as a math credit or even a math elective.

I think in our HS, AP Stat counts as either a math or a science credit.

But colleges consider it differently, it seems.

I tried to get D to take Stats next year after Calc BC this year, but no. She chose to do MV. Luckily, schools will have made the choice to admit her based on grades through junior year + senior course selections (not grades). I’ll take @Mom2aphysicsgeek’s lead, and stand down.

(I still think Stats is a great choice)

My D took Calculus AB this year and absolutely hated it. She chose to take AP Stats next year instead of BC and said whatever happens, happens. She wasn’t willing to subject herself to another year of calculus just for her college apps. Plus, she’s genuinely interested in Stats, so it’ll probably work itself out.

@SincererLove – wow - Great for your DD and it is fabulous that she “owning” this and recognizes how important it is. I wish my DS was better to his body!! worked hard in karate for years and earned 3rd degree black belt but lately with school and ECs consuming him, he is gotten out of shape & his diet is not great - and don’t get me started on insufficient sleep.

@payn4ward – Regarding that CWRU AO comment about AP stats vs. Calc. -we heard the same thing at a USC info session.

My DS still has not settled on classes for next year - so far looks like AP Chem, AP Physics C, AP Econ, AP Calc BC, Science Research, Orchestra, some English – AP Lit or College Comp.etc. & PE. Has had 4 years of Chinese - hope that’s enough. He will graduate with many extra credits.

“Does anyone have a sports kid?”

DD’14 ran cross country all four years of high school, but always had more guts than speed. Freshman year she was that kid that you see in every race that comes in a minute or two after the second to last runner. By senior year she was in the top five for the team, though. Couldn’t be prouder.

DS’15 was a varsity football starter 8th-12th grade. Starting in 9th grade, he started on both defense and offense. Plus he was the punter AND the kicker. Poor kid played entire games with only sitting out <5 plays or so, except that he wasn’t on the receiving special team for punts and kickoffs. He also ran varsity track for 4 years. But he was one of those kids who needs lots to do to keep from getting bored, so he actually spent more time with his music ECs, believe it or not! Now that he’s in college, though, for sports he just does club TKD. He hated football and running by the end of high school.

DS '17 is all about running. He’s run varsity track and XC since eighth grade, and that’s all he does for ECs. Even in middle school, when he was feeling stressed, he’d go run 10-12 miles to blow off steam. Makes me tired to think of it. In any case, his college list consists of Div. 1 schools that have an affordable NPC for us. I know, he should be looking at D2 or D3 too, but he won’t hear of it :stuck_out_tongue: . He’d rather try to walk on at a D1. We’ll see how that works out, I guess.

“Does anyone have a sports kid?”

DD17 is my only sports kid. She was a gymnast for 9 years including 4 in competition. She was not the best, not the worst. She just did her best and enjoyed it.
After she quit, she decided to try volleyball. She NEVER loved gymnastics the way she loves volleyball. MN is a volleyball Mecca and her high school there had the winningest program in state history and won the state championship while she was there. She played JO regional and truly loved it even though she is a mid-size player. Then we moved back to NC and it’s been awful. The coaching is terrible at her club and she has decided to quit after this year. Her last tourney is this weekend. She won’t even play school ball in the fall. She has taken up coaching and has decided to focus on that.

Regarding AP stats, my sister in law works for admissions for a selective school and she said it is frowned upon when kids take stats over AP calc bc or something equally challenging. But really it depends on what schools your kid is applying to.

@mdcmom that’s so heartwarming to hear your D14’s improvement by senior year. As I was reading I was cheering her on! And for your S17 to run 10-12 miles just to blow off steam? Wowza I’m tired too just thinking about running 1 mile!

@disshar so sorry to hear about you D and the turn of events for vball. That’s so disheartening. I hope she will take it up again in college if she had truly loved it so much.

D17 is slated to take AP Calc BC, AP Stats, and AP Econ next year. GC was hesitant initially about her taking both math classes, but since she wants to major in business, the stats will be more useful. As for sports, she started gymnastics after her younger sister and kept with it through her freshman year, but it was never really her passion. She has dabbled in softball, bowling and tennis. She was offered a varsity tennis spot this year, but she turned it down because she was worried about keeping up with her workload of AP Euro, AP Physics, AP Psych, Precalc BC, Latin IV, and Honors English.

D19 got the sports genes in the family. She has been in gymnastics since pre-k, and there is no place she would rather be than the gym. She works out 27 hrs/wk, and even has to leave school one period early every day to get to practice on time. Thankfully, the school has a rotating class schedule, so she doesn’t miss the same class every day, but she still is responsible for making up all that she misses. I am amazed at how well she balances school and gym. She probably won’t take as rigorous a school schedule as her sister, but she is definitly interested in the sports med/PT route, hopefully on a gymnastics scholarship. Our gym has had eight girls in the last four years receive full ride D-I scholarships, so fingers crossed she can stay healthy.