Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

No MAC’s here. BTDT and we are PC people.

S17 has a Dell Inspiron 5000 I bought him last summer so will be using that. He’s not engineering, wanted massive storage for music and decent enough setup for gaming, decent sized screen for video/movies/tv.

it’s a core i5 which may have been top at the time but I don’t recall, has 1T of storage. His brother helped him with the specs. So far it’s been great, he’s happy and that’s all that matters. It may not make it all four years but will definitely be fine for 1-2 at a minimum.

Definitely a budget choice but the bang for the buck has been good so far. If/when I need to upgrade him it will likely be to a Latitude.

@eandesmom I’m a PC girl myself but for some reason my DD wants an Apple. Go figure. I got my laptop about 7-8 months ago, it is an i5 also 1T storage and it’s been great for me. I don’t do any music or anything, mostly just use for word processing, transcription, and browsing the internet. I got the Asus Zenbook 13’ and I absolutely love it. Lightweight, back lit keyboard. It’s awesome. I was going to get that for DD but she told my Dad she wanted an Apple MacBook so he went and bought it for her! If I need another laptop at some point I’d get a newer Zenbook. They have i7s now and the newest one (Zenbook 3) has SSD and supposedly even faster and lighter. And they are pretty spiffy looking too.

^^ For what you do, the i5 processor is already overkill. An i3 would be sufficient. No reason for an i7 which puts out more heat. Increase the RAM for better performance.

I agree about the i5 vs i7, but it’s hard to find configurations with an i5 and 16GB now, at least in the ones I’ve looked at.

If you can DIY, adding RAM is one of the easiest upgrades anyone can perform.

@NoVADad99 Depends on the system. An ultrabook like a Dell XPS 13 or HP Spectre x360 is either very hard or not possible. Now that I’ve had some experience with my son’s ultrabook, my perspective of bulky has dropped to what used to be considered fairly light like my work laptop.

We’re a Mac family for computing (and Android for portable devices), but we’re going with a Windows laptop for D17 to take with her—they’re cheaper, and the range of special-purpose academic software available is larger. Her college says that they provide warranty support for Lenovo, Hewlett Packard, and Apple machines, so we’ll probably be going with one of those.

**JOTD: **

There’s a new documentary on HBO about white trash. I hear it’s good but so far I’ve only seen the trailer.

Hahaha @illinoyz

Ran across TurboFuture website and recommendations for laptops for engineering students:

Top 5 Best Laptops for Engineers/Students in 2017:

HP Envy with 7th Gen Intel i7 Processor
Asus Vivobook Pro
Lenovo Y700 (Touch/Non-Touch)
Toshiba Satellite S55
Dell XPS 15

I’m an occasional lurker here, but S2 is heading to Notre Dame in the fall with chillkitty’s D.

I just wanted to say that my wife bought four Toshiba Satellite laptops for her business and none of them made it two years. She has switched to Dell.

Custom fly rod for S2 graduation gift, something I made for S1 and D.

We purchased S17 a Dell Inspiron 15 - 7559 with i7 processor and 1TB drive. It is a gaming laptop so it has a separate video card. Price was $699.99

Its interesting to me to see different experiences that people have with computers. I know people who swear by brand x. And just as many people who think brand x is total junk. Presumably its based on positive/negative experiences with brand x. And that makes sense. Just interesting to see strong views either way as if we are talking about two totally different brands.

@mtrosemom Thanks for the suggestions! I will look into all of them. I am almost wishing we had an extra week for this vacation… there are so many things to see. We are flying into Seattle and then out of Oakland, CA in the span of 9 days so we’ll be in the car for much (maybe too much) of the trip, but hopefully we won’t get too burnt out on that. We are from upstate NY, btw.

@madredos I love that Vera Bradley duffle bag idea, and the lanyard! Great ideas…

@saillakeerie Yeah, you can see that difference in experience in the user reviews at Amazon and Best Buy. Some laptop will be rated 3.x out of 5 which isn’t very good, but then you’ll notice that 5 of the reviews are 5s and the other 2 are 1s.

Does anyone have a Surface Book? I have a hard time justifying paying the much, not that it’s not a great laptop with some of the best reviews. Curious on thoughts about it (or deals).

I’m wondering if we should start a separate thread for laptop talk so it doesn’t take over this one.

@youcee the Surface Book that would work for my S is $2400 in the Microsoft Store with a student discount. Gets great reviews. I’m tempted.

@youcee I stand corrected. The $300,000 in scholarships is all local. The one that pays 2 years of all expenses at any in-state school for 2 students is local, not state like I had thought.

@Testingearly That’s quite a story about you leaving the country thinking your D was going to school on the East coast and finding out that she had changed her mind and is now going to school on the West coast! Glad she sorted it out. I think of it like regrets at the altar. As hard as it can be to call off a wedding, better to do it before the vows are exchanged.

@twoforone99 I feel very scattered and disorganized about graduation gifts for D. I think it’s because I’m so emotional about her leaving - I want to give her EVERYTHING, yet we’re not the kind of family who lavishes gifts on each other, nor can I afford to do so in light of all the expenses as you mentioned in your post - graduation party, new laptop, dorm room, etc. @eandesmom I love the gift list for your S. Since D plans to join the backpacking club at Willamette, we plan to use our mother/daughter backpacking trip in July on Isle Royale NP to sort out what gear is hers, what gear is “ours” that she can take because we have duplicates, and what gear she will need to purchase because I’m not parting with mine :slight_smile:

@MotherOfDragons I hope you will post a picture of the graduation quilt you are making. I’m sure with your artistic talent it will be stunning!

@RightCoaster We love Ticket to Ride. The London edition is a great idea for your S.

@greeny8 You can get the Apple student discount on a Mac at any time. You just have to send a copy of the student’s registration. I was just reviewing the rules last night. We are waiting for the new releases and then D plans to pounce.

And one more… @mageecrew 9 days is doable. DH and I drove from Oakland to Portland and I think we spent 3 nights on the road. I’ve never been farther north than Mt. St. Helen’s, but here are my recommendations for the Oakland to Mt. St. Helen’s stretch:

The trolley in San Fran
Lombard St. in San Fran
Golden Gate Park in San Fran
Wok Wiz Chinatown Walking Tour - we chose the one with a dim sum lunch
A boat tour that takes you past Alcatraz
The Golden Gate Bridge in San Fran
Of course I could go on and on…there are so many wonderful things to do in San Fran. But these are the things that stand out in my mind the most.

Redwood National and State Parks (probably my favorite thing on the whole trip - we just spent a few hours there, but it was beautiful)
Eating fresh crab at a crab house - the one we found was in Eureka, CA

You’ll have to make a choice whether to come up on I-5, in which case you can go to Crater Lake National Park and Ashland, or whether to follow the 101, in which case you’ll have gorgeous coastal views. We chose the 101.
Florence - the Sea Lion Caves

Newport - our favorite town on the Oregon Coast. It’s a working fishing town - you can buy fish right off the boats on the docks. You can also see sea lions for free on the docks if you don’t want to pay to see them in Florence. Several restaurants and sea food markets near the docks sell fresh seafood. The Oregon Aquarium is also in Newport, as is the Hatfield Marine Science Center. The later funs a cool whale watching/sealife boat tour with a naturalist. On the way out to sea, they set crab pots and on the way back they retrieve them and you get to learn a lot about crabs and crabbing (then they release the crabs). There are 2 beautiful lighthouses in Newport. Yaquina Bay lighthouse is furnished and you can tour it. Yaquina Head is in a more natural setting and there are tide pools you can visit. If you like American microbrew, Rogue Brewery is headquartered in Newport and it’s one of the oldest and best in the US. Their main facility is right across from the Hatfield Marine Science Center. Ok, I could go on and on about Newport - we are considering retiring there - but I’d better move along.

Depoe Bay is just north of Newport and it’s the best place from which to take whale watching tours. Can’t remember their season. We were there in early August, if I recall correctly, and saw several, but we’ve been there other times of the year and seen them, too. Highly recommend Whale Research EcoExcursions. There’s not much else in Depoe Bay. It’s very small.

Lincoln City is more touristy. Outlet mall is there. We stayed there last summer because we needed a bigger rental house than the one we usually rent in Newport. Had a good time, but prefer Newport.

I’d probably head inland to Portland from Newport or Lincoln City. A lot of people like the northern coast, like Cannon Beach, too, but I’ve heard it’s more crowded because it’s closer to Portland. And if you keep going north all the way to Washington, you’ll miss Portland. Portland faves include the Saturday Market (which is open on Sundays, too), the Japanese Garden, the Chinese Garden (which is in a completely different part of town). Favorite quick side-trip from Portland is Multnomah Falls. Beautiful and right on the highway.

Mt. St. Helen’s - had a good day trip there, but wouldn’t go out of my way to see it again.

Alright, sorry for the PNW tourism advertisement - there’s a reason D17 is going 2,000 miles from home to attend college in OR! My secret plan is that she will settle there, finally giving DH and I a reason to move there! :slight_smile:

@mageecrew I missed the PNW trip post, how many days are you in Seattle and what are your plans/wishes so far?? I can definitely weigh on the Seattle aspect (well all of it but you are getting some great ideas from others).

That’s a very doable drive, in 9 days, with seeing a bunch.

I road tripped it after HS graduation and it’s 14 hours driving.

Of course in our case it was a bit more thanks to the flat tire by Mt. Shasta.


Not what you want your 18 year old doing/experiencing. But hey it was before cell phones, I am not sure my parents know, even now!

No updates to the list expected this weekend b/c it’s all about graduation over here. Ceremony is Sunday morning!!

Next week I’ll do one more update and try to capture corrections and additions, so keep 'em coming. After that, I think folks can copy and update, and perhaps a new thread would be the way to go at that point.

His grad party looks exactly like a ticket to Costa Rica. I’ll attach some balloons for effect. Like most of you, the graduation present will be a computer. Not sure what kind - they recommend discussing it during orientation. He has expensive tastes but we have a practical budget, so we’ll see. Got the sweatshirt swag in the mail, and ordered the student season tickets with special add ones for football and basketball. Patting myself on the back for getting it done early because the basketball student section is already sold out.

Am going to pick up balloons tomorrow - should I get his high school colors OR his college colors?