Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Overall with the crime rate in the UK vs the US kids are safer there. I’m not worried.

In the UK, public drunkeness and low level assaults are common. While violent crime are not as common as here, yo still have to be careful, especially in the cities.

St Andrews is a veritable hotbed of crime. :wink:

@STEM2017 Things happen everywhere it just becomes unnerving because he’s headed into a new experience which has its own stress associated with it. I hope it doesn’t weigh on him over the summer and he can enjoy his experience as he’s been so excited to go. Hopefully, he is too busy with graduation and year end festivities to catch to much of it on tv.

@STEM2017 S birthday is right on move in day at MSU, and we’ve told him he can have season tix for football and maybe hockey for his birthday if he wants–he’s played hockey since he was 4, so hockey MAY be even more of a big deal to him…

@STEM2017 Buying season football tickets? OH YES!

I am disappointed that the kids can’t give me their tickets…seems you have to use a student ID, with the ticket on game day. :frowning:

Looks like I’m going to have to buy my own tickets to the LSU and TAMU games…

Crimes are everywhere, what you need to do is to be aware of such stuffs/things, safeguard yourself, your children etc…

last day of official school for son17 today! Then just one test Friday and done, whew!

Exciting sports day today, son’s lax team has rallied lately and if they win today they make the playoffs, but if they lose they are done forever. It’s senior night, so the kids get some time in the limelight and the parents take pics with their kids. Both exciting and somewhat sad. Son17 has played with a few of the kids since 2nd grade. Lots of lax over the last 10 years, quite a journey.

^Bittersweet days ahead

Still three weeks until graduation here.

For the first time I am trying to keep two different school schedules for the kids. I admit to feeling a bit overwhelmed. We have recital practice and recital this Friday and Saturday, award ceremonies, graduation parties, actual graduation and heading to Florida. Whew!

Luckily my son has his doctor appointment today to get his health forms in. Just realized they are due next week! We are still in school until the 10th.
William and Mary is very clear that giving anyone your account/portal information even to your parents in a violation of their honor code, so I have to keep reminding my son to stay on top of these deadlines. I’m not sure he is ready for the handoff. He does his laundry so that is a plus.

My daughter still hasn’t signed up for housing! She is planning on rooming with a friend and they just haven’t got around to it yet. June 1st is the deadline, they are driving me crazy. Luckily there isn’t a first come bonus for housing at UVA.

Congrats to everyone who has made it through graduation! I’m a bit jealous.

For all you Bama fans, the new Out of State Scholarship schedule is out for Fall 2018. Its a bit tougher to win the big prize…

Graduation for D17 is on Saturday. She will be getting on a bus this morning, headed for Grad Night at Disneyland. I believe they get the run of California Adventures from 10pm to 2am, then get back on the bus home. I am expecting one worn out child to return tomorrow. On Monday they had a Senior Sendoff Assembly where the whole school salutes the graduating seniors. At the end they have a tradition called “Walking the Blue Line,” where the seniors parade their way out of the gymnasium holding the hand of a kindergartner. Seemed like just yesterday when she was that kindergartner. A little bit of dust may or may not have gotten in my eyes.

Is anyone else’s child giving a graduation speech? D is giving the salutatorian address and doesn’t want me to see it beforehand. I know I should be excited by the “surprise” factor, but I hate surprises–especially public ones. The speech is submitted to a faculty member for review, but it still worries me a little. (D tends to write a first draft and revise very lightly. I’m concerned that it won’t be as polished as it could be.)

S17’s last day of classes is today - with one AP Calc Test. Class meeting/barbecue on Friday and finals (any he is not exempt from) are next week. Feeling a little nostalgic here as this is my last one in High School. :frowning:

They have to audition to speak here, my kid did not audition. It is based on best speech, not GPA

Ours is the same, they have to audition for the speech. My didn’t try for it either. Not his thing.

Great tradition! Nevermind the dust, I would have a full blown sandstorm going on in my eyes.

It was also tougher this year to get free tuition at Temple or Pitt, and not guaranteed.

UA can still be a great deal for student from states where the instate options are $20,000 or over.

I had the chance to look thru my son’s yearbook and I loved seeing the pics and reading some of the senior quotes.
There were some good ones and some that we’re pretty bad, poorly written and worded, and many made no sense. The kids must have submitted them without reading them and the yearbook staff didn’t double check them either.

My son used a quote. to that was relevant to this year. Make A%^&***(. Great Again! ( name of his school starts with A). He thought it was timely and somewhat funny, and maybe kids will remember something about that election phrase when they look back on their yearbooks many years from now.

Son19 swears he is going to paraphrase Jay Z and go with " I got 99 problems but a diploma ain’t one".

Did your kids have some interesting quotes?