Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Our HS went the other way with much of the top ten choosing pricey but not elite options. My D says it is trendy to go out of state and some kids picked schools based on location with little or no regard to price or rankings… A few chose OOS publics and privates that were lower ranked than the in-state options where they could have gone tuition free. The SAL broke the trend and is staying local for the full ride scholarship in order to save money for Med school

Some of the families can afford it easily, but I have heard several parents complain (humble brag?) about the tuition cost. One parent was going to retire, but will need to work for four more years to play the OOS tuition. I am all for making sacrifices for a good education, but not for a four year vacation at a “more fun” school.

I have seen kids who go out of state at more expensive but lower ranked schools. I haven’t talked with any of them or their parents about it but I think some kids do not want to go to the same place as a lot of their classmates. Not something I would be interested in supporting and as the price difference increases, my interest level would decrease.

@paveyourpath – in response to your question: “So what is the order of enrobing: mattress, 3” mattress memory foam pad, mattress pad all inside of the mattress protector, correct?"

I started with bed bug protector, which really was not needed as mattresses were encased in vinyl, but I did it anyway. Then three inch memory foam, which has its own polyester cover that zips completely around the mattress (I think…it’s been a while…). Then the overkill of a traditional quilted mattress pad, of the type you probably use at home.

A call to home the first time he washed the sheets, asking how much of the under layers had to be removed.

At our HS, highly rated, the majority of the kids go to the in-state flagships or other in-state schools (we have a BIG state). They could easily go other places but like it in-state and just want to stay. For us there were two in-state options that had what he was looking for. One was HUGE and he wanted something a bit more personal. The other I think would have worked but he had a strong desire to go OOS and have a college with an attached veterinary school. He ended up choosing an OOS state college, middle ranked but with a good veterinary school, great Honors college, good merit scholarships, and guaranteed admission to vet school if he keeps up his GPA. He had no real desire to go to either coast and really liked everyone he met at this college. I saw no reason for him to spend more or go where he doesn’t fit. Even though he could (and did) get accepted at more prestigious colleges students should go where 1) meets the budget, and 2) fits the student. Ivys are NOT for everyone even if they could get in.

@saillakeerie Hahaha! I already basically keep my D17’s bedroom door closed so I don’t have to see her floor. Or rather, where I assume her floor would be underneath all that stuff.

Research JOTD:

A physicist, a biologist and a mathematician are sitting in a street café conducting research as people enter and exit a particular house on the other side of the street. First they see two people entering the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three people leaving the house.

The physicist says, “The measurement wasn’t accurate.” The biologist says, “They must have reproduced.” The mathematician says, “If one more person enters the house then it will be empty.”


OK, haven’t been around lately. Not exactly sure what will be going on next summer, but I could foresee D17’s research gig, which she starts shortly after arriving on campus this fall, extending over the summer? I would think most research projects don’t/can’t take summers off? It’s a 2-year paid commitment, so I’m not sure how this would work over the summer.

@saillakeerie My son is very organized and has always kept his room and other rooms in the house very neat (admittedly there are cleaning ladies that do the actual cleaning but they don’t ever have to pick up a thing, just clean). Now if he has to clean a bathroom, I would be very concerned. Bottom line is, I just need to make sure that he is comfortable and warm. What he does in his dorm room is up to him.

Suit update: I’ve seen DS with the suit on and it looks fantastic. I should not have doubted DH! Dark navy and shoes & belt match. And the jacket could easily double as a blazer with khaki’s. DS had to wear a jacket & tie to school every day so he doesn’t think twice about dressing more formally. I appreciate and agree with the comment about hiring based on qualifications, not attire, but a good first impression doesn’t hurt!

When DD15 went to school we had to fly, so we couldn’t shop until we arrived two days before move-in. The last minute rush meant we weren’t always able to get the best prices. This time around we are driving, so the bargain game is ON.

Tough LAX playoff loss last night. They were down by 5 at half but came back to lose by just one point. Could have tied it up in the last 20 seconds, but it just didn’t go their way. My son is relieved and says now it feels like summer!

I’m impressed with some of you and your DC already thinking about next summer. I am just trying to get through this one! I had assumed that there weren’t many research/internship opportunities available for freshman, and that D17 would come home and work at a ho-hum job next summer. After reading some of your posts, I’m rethinking that.

As for the dorm room outfitting, as usual, D17 and I are at loggerheads. I keep listing off things she I think she should consider acquiring, and she keeps telling me she doesn’t need 90% of the stuff that is on most dorm lists. My frustration diminished somewhat after I realized she has actually lived in a dorm for a semester at her semester school. At this point, I’m resigned to buying the things she will allow me to buy, and being prepared to let her buy all the rest as she gets further into the school year and realizes that yes, she really does need some of the stuff on all those dorm lists. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime!

QOTD - as of now, next summer, D will be in Oxford for a month, 8 weeks in the Middle East doing an intensive Arabic program, and then I’ll meet her for 1 week vacation in Spain. We are big planners.

QOTD - no idea what will be happening next summer. Some sort of job or internship.

QOTD, I hope D can get an internship at my company. I found out that 1st year college intern makes $16.5 an hour. Pretty good for freshman kids, right?

I am ok if she wants to stay at Vandy too.

I’m just pleased that we’ve finally got this summer lined up, now that we bought our big family vacation tickets this morning.

D graduated yesterday and we celebrated with a party for about 100. Last time I do such a large party without caterers. Many kids brought their bathing suits and jumped in the pool, but I don’t think anyone brought a towel. My laundry room looks scary. I am exhausted! I agreed to host an end of year pool party for my DS22 this afternoon even after DH told me I was crazy for even considering it. The icing on the cake is that I leave for beach week at 7 AM on Saturday. Help! I amazed at all of you that have thought of next summer. I haven’t thought past July 15, 2017.

It is getting busy at our house. D decided to start during the summer instead of fall. She has a lot of good reasons for starting early, but mainly she needs to stay busy and this would have been a slow summer by her standards. A bored and anxious D is not a good thing.

Orientation is next week and and we move her in the next Wednesday. New Laptop arrived yesterday and a printer is on the way and we picked up a used bicycle at a yard sale last weekend. Hopefully all the paperwork and forms are filled out correctly. She is linen and accessory shopping this this morning. No thought of clothes shopping yet.

Two weeks from today she will celebrate her 18th birthday in her new dorm room.

QOTD: We expect our D to stay at school next summer and probably every summer of her UG career. Hopefully it helps her lighten her Fall/Spring schedule a little so she can continue with music for fun and have time for research opportunities.

S is in England. He visited Cambridge and LOVED it! He is having a wonderful time. He comes home next week and then less than a week later we go to orientation/registration then he starts his job with the equine veterinarian.

QOTD: Next summer he has already been offered to continue working with the veterinarian that he is working with this summer. If nothing better comes along he will do that because this vet travels to 7 states and he can get a lot of experience and make a lot of contacts with him

@dfbdfb We are a nosey bunch and need more information about this big trip.

@CaucAsianDad Moving her in at the end of the 2nd day of Orientation? That worked out well, all in one trip. :smiley:

My two have me going back and forth, several times. DD14 has to be moved out of her appartment by the end of July, Then she moves into her new place late August. DS17 has Orientation, next week, but then he moves in middle of August, a week before DD14 returns to Gainesville. #:-S

Details for the nosey: Family reunion on the east coast for a weekend in July, followed by a flight to Europe to do a week in Augsburg and a week in Innsbruck (two incredibly underrated cities, and places I still have friends in) possibly linked by a day touring Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau, followed by a nonstop flight over the North Pole from Germany back to Alaska.

Then the next week D17 heads off to orientation.