Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Seeing as how so many kids are back to school, the summer is starting to get really loooong. School starts for both of our kids in 2 weeks. This is the last week of work for them, then they have a week at home before moving in just over a week from now. Looking forward to a week with S15 now that his internship (which went very well) is about over. S17 is getting cranky and I think he’s ready to head off, although part of him is apprehensive about it too.

At long last, tonight we cram the car full to head out to UChicago tomorrow morning…very excited…on the precipice of an empty nest - for the moment at least only feeling blessed (not sure if my spouse would concur =(( )

@vandyeyes Good luck with the drop off. Empty nestity or nestedness (making stuff up here) is actually pretty good (so far at least).

@vandyeyes Good luck! An elementary school friend of our son is starting there too.

Looks like the only ones left with a full nest are those of us whose DCs are on the quarter system (schools that come to mind include all the UCs but CAL, Stanford, and UChicago), which leaves @Ynotgo, @vandyeyes, @youcee, @Testingearly, @angelaD with the final calm before the storm. We’ve been shipping boxes to our Airbnb (our host is being super kind about it) and we just packed up DD’s bags to bring on the plane. We take off tomorrow a.m. and move-in is on Tuesday.

My dd is already talking about mid-terms!

Mine starts classes on Monday. So we are somewhere in between the quarter people and the semester people I guess.

@LoveTheBard I see Stanford starts 3 days earlier than the UCs and gets all of Thanksgiving week off. I wish the UCs would at least start on a Wednesday and get the day before Thanksgiving off to make travel a little easier. You might be crossing paths in the airport with Stanford boosters coming down for Saturday’s game against SDSU at Qualcomm. And then they face the Mighty Bruins the following weekend!

Interesting to see kids liking their accounting classes. My least favorite accounting classes were the two intro classes at everyone in the business college took. But I really liked the upper level accounting classes that followed.

Good luck to those who still have drop offs. Rest of us will be heading to parents weekend in a couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

@paveyourpath I attend Miami as well, and they have now cancelled classes until the 25th. They cancelled fall break which was only a four day weekend, and the fall semester ends a week later now.

Most the state universities in Florida, are closed till next Monday (9/18), however, UF started classes back up this Thursday. The state Board of Governors are going over their options and may delay the end of the semester, which would also push back commencements, etc. UF may be able to avoid doing that, since they started classes earlier than most of the other state public universities.

Talked with son today and he’s okay after the terrorist stuff over in London. Just told him to keep his eyes and ears out for weird stuff. He’s doing fine. I think he’s taking a trip this weekend outside of London to the coast.

@RightCoaster Glad to hear he is safe. I was thinking about him after I saw the news.

Glad everyone is safe from the hurricanes, terror attacks, etc. Scary stuff!

S17 has made it through 2.5 weeks of classes, and is doing fine-likes everything except French, which he tolerates. He’s doing “college stuff” like going to football games and having movie nights with his dorm floor. He’s joined the mock trial team (he competed in high school, too) and was chosen for an attorney role, so he’s happy and fitting in–at least that’s the vibe he’s giving…

@RightCoaster I’m glad to hear he wasn’t affected by the incident. Thanks for keeping us updated.

As we all know, stuff can happen anywhere. It’s stressful when they are so far from home.

I am sorry to hear the closure has been extended another week @ANR2017. Was fall break ending a week later decided before or after the additional week off was decided?

@paveyourpath Thank you, I am too! Fall break was cancelled and the semester was extended a week later after they made the decision to close campus for another week. Family weekend was also unfortunately cancelled.

Last two weekends we picked up DS17 at the dorm, had dinner, and dropped him off back at the dorm.
It feels really great to be able to do that.
Over the summer, we moved from Boulder to Austin. We are still unpacking and adjusting to the heat and humidity. The move was a lot of work (understatement of the century) and gave me gray hair (I did not have any before, really. I don’t know why. maybe something to do with altitude. :slight_smile: ), but tonight it felt worthwhile. :x :x
Wish he had chosen and we followed him elsewhere though! :))

D17 has survived her first bout of Freshman Crud, with just a little congestion hanging on.

We discussed plans for the rest of the semester and, sadly, concluded that it doesn’t make sense for her to come home for Thanksgiving. Driving, which is a minimum of eight hours, is by far the fastest method of transport, so she’d blow two days out of five. With her finals starting the day after break – and, really, who came up with that idea? – she really needs to study. She said several other out-of-state friends are coming to the same conclusion, so they’ll all hang out together and keep each other fed.

I’m going to have to promise a Skype session on the actual holiday in order to keep her grandparents from going off the deep end, but I told her that H and I would take the heat and tell them it was our idea.

@NerdMom88 - We mentioned to S17 that he needs to start putting out feelers for Thanksgiving opportunities now as he also will not be flying home. He said there are a few kids from long distances staying in Colorado - we just don’t want him staying on campus if he can find a local friend that he may be able to visit on the actual holiday.