Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@dfbdfb DH stepped outside in shorts in the evening (big mistake) and was bitten all over by bugs. While frantically applying Benadryl cream he claimed, “We are moving to Alaska!”

Ads in the mail for pest control claims they treat all 47 pests/insects (!) :open_mouth:
I do not want to know what all 47 insects here are as I only saw less than 10 bugs/pests.
Tell me there are bugs in Alaska.
I think the only bug-free livable place for us is back in Colorado. :)) No bugs, low humidity <20%, lots of snow.

@payn4ward - The most pesky bugs we get around here are ants (and not the fire ant-biting kind), although I hear there is a bit of a caterpillar invasion in the spring up at D17’s school; we saw some when we visited in April.

Like Colorado, we have no bugs and low humidity, but we (thankfully) have no snow (unless you go looking for it in the mountains, which are close enough).

@STEM2017 Maybe its an engineering kid thing because my son never has an interest in going to College Game Day either. Starts at 9 am which can be early for some college kids. Though with an 8 pm game, you could go take a nap during the afternoon after game day. Some of the kids are pretty creative with their signs.

I vote for “trip it.” I love it. Can’t say I’ve tried the others though to compare.

@payn4ward, oh, trust me, there are bugs in Alaska. The mosquitos aren’t as huge as legend would have it, but they travel in crazy thick swarms, and they’re silent.

@saillakeerie, nope, no air conditioning. It’s supposed to be in the low- to mid-70s right now where she is (which is where it’s supposed to get to at the end of the week).

@citymama9 --every kid is different, but for my kid it would’ve been a bust. She went to one local prep company with a very good reputation and she hated it. It was like parking a bike in the garage and expecting to find a Lexus six weeks later. Her very best improvement came from self-motivation and sitting down and practicing on her own.

@citymama9 My D just used Khan Academy and the official SAT tests that were then available. She did four full practice tests on her own under timed conditions, hit her plateau, and her score was consistent with practice tests.

I do believe that practice only gets you so far - otherwise everybody would get a 1600, right? So when your daughter’s improvement tapers off, I would say she’s prepped enough.

FWIW, my D did the same method for the ACT (online practice through ACT site plus a book of recent official tests). She got better results, so your D might try both formats, if she hasn’t done so already.

@citymama9, I also was going to suggest the Khan Academy. My S17 used it to study for both the PSAT (it uses the SAT as a study guide) and the SAT. The website has the student complete an assessment, and then it directs the study to areas that need improvement. And it is free and self directed (which might be a good or bad thing depending on your kid.)

Musing here… Overall I think S17 was more suited toward the ACT vs the SAT. He had to take the SAT for National Merit confirmation. He took the old SAT once and the new SAT once. His scores pretty much concorded. He only took the ACT once when his school district had the kids take it. I kind of wish I had asked him to take it again, but for the college he choose, it would not have mattered.

@dfbdfb, while I enjoy not having to heat the house yet (we have had snow in October before and occasionally in May), I am somewhat annoyed with this heat wave.

Usually it is hot and humid like this in July/August, but not this year.

When school started it was cooler than usual so I got our warmer conforters out. Now we need to use fans again.

But if I look at what the south and west has endured recently, I don’t mind so much.

Hopefully the temps will be in the 70s and more seasonal soon, the leaves will be pretty.

All four of us (DD14, DS17, Me, and “She who must be obeyed”) are in a messenger group, and we message every day. Last night we got our first “I’m overwhelmed” message from DS17. In addition to all of the normal activities that go on, this week is the big Career Showcase Fair at UF. :slight_smile:

I bet relearning how to tie a tie is the most stressful item on his list and the only one he really wants to skip…

DS17 goes on to list all of the items he’s already done/completed, so he’ll be fine. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, as this is part of dealing with college. I’m already used to getting the same “overwhelmed” complaints from DD14 each semester, she starts to stress out about 1/2 through the semester but always seems to do great by the end.

Everyone reaches that point of feeling overwhelmed, and then they learn they can actually handle the load. Big part of growing up.

Some of you may find this hard to believe, but classes finally start today for S17. Only 1 class today, sometime after noon. Welcome to college.

Wow, @youcee that seems so late.

My dd called me earlier today and I laughed so hard I started to cry. Due to arthritis in her hands, she has extended time for exams. She took a midterm today and said she didn’t know a single thing on the exam. She said the exam said Finance 4xx (she is only in a 200 level class). She asked the person in the office if they were sure that they had given her the right exam and they looked it up and told her yes. Dd says she thinks she made the first 0 of her life. She said she made up answers as she went along and spent the entire time taking the exam b/c it is such a huge percentage of her grade.

I told her to talk to the kids that took the exam in the classroom what the exam was like bc it seems obvious that she was given the wrong exam. They told her nothing like what she took. She is emailing the professor and asking for office hours bc when she looks at the exam she will realize just how lost dd is in the course.

I told dd this is one of those things that when you look back at it that you have a great story to share and can lighten up a little. It makes everything else she faces today that much less stressful. :wink:

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I hope they find out she got the wrong exam. Good luck to her.

@youcee Me, too.

@dfbdfb there is a nice cool breeze today and the temperature in our part of PA is only 65°F.

@mommdc, yeah, the heat wave appears to have finally broken, at least partially—Weather Underground says D17’s zip code will have a high of 79F, which is still higher than we get up here even in the peak of summer, but it’s a lot better than the upper-80s to mid-90s she’s been dealing with the past several days.

Her first year just would coincide with crazily above-normal temperatures across the entire eastern seaboard, it would…

Well, for any interested, dd was given the wrong exam. Major headache in her schedule, but honestly, I think it was a lesson worth learning. She shouldn’t have sat there for the entire test for questions that she was entirely clueless about. She has a high grade in that class and the odds of not knowing anything on the exam were slim to none.

She is type A perfectionist. This was a good life lesson that sometimes you just have to admit defeat and move on!! At least it was a situation that survivable! :wink:

(Guess I sound pretty unsympathetic, but golly, the girl is smarter than that!!)

@Mom2aphysicsgeek in her defense, she did question the person in the office. Glad they realized it was the wrong test - so she does get to re-take the correct one, right?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Glad it got sorted out. My D called in a panic the other day because there was material on a test that the teacher had not covered. I let her know that 1) sometimes professors recycle tests and goof and 2) sometimes professors teach multiple sections and one might move faster than another. 3) don’t worry until the test comes back.

However (thankfully), she’s yet to get an exam that is completely wrong!

@Motiv8tedmom23 Yes. They apologized profusely and told her that they would work with her for anything that fit her schedule. She is taking the correct exam right now.