Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Rules are common courtesy, pick up after yourself, and drive safely. D15 and S17 share a car, so they have to communicate appointments, etc. S17 has a group of buddies that hang out all the time, so when he’s not with GF he’s with them. The house they tend to congregate at is only about a mile from home and the parents are around so I’m fine with it. The family has 3 boys so what’s another 4 or 5, or 6 hanging around, LOL. Break is only 3 weeks long so neither one works.

My kids just hang out during Christmas break. No rules other than the unspoken, understood rules that have always been, well, understood.

Btw, I’m thrilled to share that my “had never stepped into a classroom until this semester” Dd made a 4.0 for the semester (and she took 17 hrs!) Super proud of her.

No explicit rules for D’17 and S’14, but then they don’t need them. S’20, well, we’ll see.

D’17 doesn’t “work” per say, but spent 12+ hours Saturday and Sunday “volunteering” at her job. She spent today with college friends who are local even though the school is 2000 miles away.

S’14 spends time at home relaxing, working out, and seeing his girlfriend.

No rules other than get out of bed before dinner time.

Be respectful… don’t come home after midnight on a work night - dogs bark and my husband he can’t get back to sleep. Sleepovers ok, both at our home or others, help with minor things, ie empty dishwasher or walk dog occasionally. Pretty laid back.

No curfew began at HS graduation. Sleepovers haven’t been an issue, especially now since we live in a new city. No assigned chores, but picking up after himself, and being helpful in general as needed. My DS always seems to have something he needs put together or help with. Resting up for 2nd semester and having some fun is job 1.

Grades are in and DS held on to all A’s. This included a weed out engineering chem class, that he really didn’t have to take, and was having some regrets. Pulled it out in the final, scoring more than a standard deviation above the mean.

DS is really looking forward to 2nd semester . The classes are ones he has been waiting for… and he has made friends, many coming from other countries.

Seeing subtle changes is maturity and worldliness. It’s beautiful thing!

Wisdom teeth went well. Still in recovery mode but much further along than we thought/feared. Looks like she will be fully recovered by Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope you enjoy the time with your kids home. And if your kid is not coming home for the holidays, hope you are able to reconnect soon.

I love reading all the updates - you all are really great - thanks for sharing! DS loves aspects of UPenn (like Penn Electric Racing) but certainly finds the transition and coursework challenging.

We are happy DS17 finally got home on the 21st and will indulge him in home cooked meals (loves his morning pancakes and had rack of lamb for dinner tonight) and lots of R&R. He was THRILLED that we waited for him to pick out our Christmas tree and we basically missed Hanukkah so we might have a do over.

Enjoy your kids over the break if they are around - goes fast doesn’t it? If they are away I hope you can still manage some quality time with them virtually.

We have a DS18 getting ready to for college (he has several acceptances and is fairly relaxed) and we will soon be empty nesters - I am finding that very hard to believe/accept!

My rules are to clean up after yourself, do what mom and dad ask you to do and be nice to everyone. DS17 needs to get back on a better sleep and exercise schedule so that’s a goal.

More laundry and more trips to grocery is the only sign boys are home. And slow internet.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone ! :x

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year to all!

Just found out that D17 made Dean’s List/First Honors this semester while being a D1 athlete, rehabbing her hip from surgery in August, taking two Honors tracks and participating in the Freshman service program. Very, freaking, proud of her resilience and tenacity.

Moved son17 downtown Boston yesterday, luckily one day ahead of this crazy storm. He has orientation activities planned for the next week or so, before classes start. His dorm room is kind of small, but it’s in a decent spot and one of his good friends lives in the dorm next door. We enjoyed having him home and it will be nice to be able to visit with him more than last semester.

It’s nice to have them not too far away. 16 days was the longest stretch without seeing my D so far.

Congratulations @cleoforshort ! <:-P

@RightCoaster Glad S17 is settled in before snowmageddon.
We enjoy weekly dinners with S17.

Winter quarter has already started for S17. He took the train down on Tuesday and classes started yesterday. His 3 1/2 week break seemed to go by so fast! Oddly, by contrast, the 3 1/2 week break S21 had from high school (7 extra days off due to fire and smoke) seemed really long.

Hoping snowmageddon is manageable for all of our East Coasters.

D17 is back at school; classes start Monday. We chatted the other day about how much more she’s looking forward to this semester, knowing that she’s going back to a school she loves and surrounded by friends she truly enjoys. I miss her already – those 3 1/2 weeks flew by – but ultimately I’m just happy for her.

After a 3 week winter break, DS17 going back to UPenn tomorrow though classes start on Wednesday. Schedule not 100% settled - will choose bt a couple of courses and end up with 4 or 4.5 courses/credits- some are very demanding in CS and Eng. Hoping the weather moderates some. Hugs to all whose kids have left for school already.

D '17 is back at school too.

Smooth flight and Lyft this time.

7 hrs “door-to-door” for 2000+ miles isn’t really too bad. Could have cut an hour out of this trip, but D likes to get to the airport really early.

18 degrees when we dropped her off at the airport, 72 degrees when she got back to campus.

My D is back at school. She started classes last Thursday and went on her first of back to back weekend retreats. Monday she’s going to the National Championships in Atlanta. Go Dawgs!!! Otherwise, she’s taking 19 credits again (6 three credit courses and 1 one credit freshman seminar). She’s hoping to pledge a business frat this semester, applying to the business school, finalizing her summer and fall semester study abroad plans, and now is intent on joining the swim club but is stressing about how she’ll get everything in (scheduling conflicts).

Said goodbye to D17 today as she is doing a half block (equivalent to a J-term) which starts tomorrow. It was a delight to have her home, but oh man - she did not leave her bedroom in pristine condition. I’m considering leaving it as is for her! :slight_smile: