Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D’s second semester is wrapping up in less than 2 weeks. I can’t believe the first year of college is nearing its end already! She has already declared her major but hasn’t shown interest in grad school yet. It is good she has secured a research lab for next semester and they asked her to start early. She has been following around a grad student for several weeks now and will be replacing a graduating senior coming semester. Thanks for the REU information, will have her look into that also!

google DoE(nergy) SULI as well.

@HappyGoLucky2017 Definitely possible to do it reverse.
I would not recommend a terminal Masters program in physics unless it is a +1 yr BS+MS at the the same undergraduate institution with research journal publications underway.
Physics grad program admits students directly into the PhD program. The coursework usually lasts 2 years and there is plenty of time to catch up before qualifying exam.
One faculty said his private university is using the Master’s program as a revenue-generating scheme for foreign applicants who want to use it as a stepping stone/entry into the US. :frowning:
Remember physics grad programs are fully funded including the tuition and a stipend either through TA, RA or fellowship. Master programs are not funded.

All that depends on the program, really. Linguistics is another one that (usually) admits directly into PhD programs (unless someone came from something like, say, English literature, in which case a master’s in linguistics is useful), and those are funded.

However, there are exceptions. Some universities, or at least some colleges of arts and sciences within universities (fewer than there used to be, but they’re still out there), don’t entry into PhD programs for those who don’t already hold a masters or the equivalent—so in those programs, you’re offered admission into the masters program, and then upon successful completion of the masters program (which is actually the beginning of the PhD program) you’re technically admitted into the PhD program.

Similarly, masters programs (except at those like the above) are generally unfunded, except that a number of masters-but-not-PhD-granting programs do offer funding for their masters students via assistantships and such. This is helpful for students who go on and get a masters at their undergrad institution to burnish their credentials before applying to PhD programs, or for those who don’t want a PhD but want a job in something linguistics-y.

I can’t believe a year ago many of our kids or their friends were scrambling to make those last minute decisions. And now ds will be done for the year in less than 2 weeks. WOW! The time really has flown. I’m glad he’s happy at the school he chose but I’ll be happy to have him home for a few months.

I saw one of D17’s HS advisers at an athletic event this morning. She said that there were unusually high number of kids from D’s class trying to transfer this year. More than they’ve seen in a while, and that there were many unhappy kids this year too, but she didn’t see as many tears on campus.

I don’t miss any of that.

@cleoforshort I haven’t heard any statistic’s for S17’s class as far as transfers. D16 has a good HS friend that is transferring from her out of state school to UMass where D16 is attending for Fall. This friend was very unhappy where she was. D is very happy she’ll be at UMass though.

D is home. First year of college officially finished!

Heading downtown to pick son17 up from school, done for the year! I think he did well, and has gotten used to living in the city, and seems to be enjoying himself.

@whataboutcollege and @RightCoaster - Wow – I can’t believe your DC are done already! My D just finished Week 4 of her Spring Quarter!

@rightcoaster, nice that he gets an early start to the summer! I’m sure you’ll enjoy having him home.

Good news, son is welcome back on campus for sophomore year and did not flunk out. In fact he did rather well with a several A’s and a couple of B+. That’s pretty darn good. That was a challenging year for him, traveling abroad and then readjusting to being back on campus and living in the city. He buckled down and studied quite a bit.

The nice thing I learned about NEU is that the professors in most of his classes assigned “random group” projects which force the kids to get to know each other and helps them stay involved in the class. I think that really helped my son. He met some new friends and he stay engaged in some classes that I’m sure he found a bit boring.

He ended up getting a nice dorm next year so he is happy about that. He’s decided to opt out of the food plan and just figure it out on his own. His dorm suite has a little kitchen set up, so he plans on eating at home sometimes. He thought the food was overpriced on campus, and there are plenty of places to eat nearby that cost less per meal.

He starts a summer job this week and he is looking forward to that.

S17 is finishing up his first year. Oldest son and his gf will be doing the pickup on May 16. They will stay overnight, pack up S17 in the morning, visit a museum in Buffalo and then head home. This semester has gone better than last, primarily because he no longer has drafting. He is 100% happy in his choice of school and program and is looking forward to advancing in his training.

In June, he will be taking his gen ed math course at the local CC. Math is his bugaboo, so taking it in an environment where he only needs a C to get credit and the grade won’t impact his GPA is taking a great deal of pressure off of him. For July and August, we are hoping to get him an internship with a film company run by one of H’s friends. S17’s program doesn’t offer film classes and he would love the chance to do some lighting for film or at least to learn about it.

S17 will be home on Friday night! I am picking D16 up tonight. Hard to believe they are done with Freshman and Sophomore years.

Ds graduated from Bama on Sat. Picked dd from school yesterday. I cannot believe he has graduated and she has finished her freshman yr. She had a great yr. She’s waiting to see if she is offered an accounting internship for next school yr. She really wants it bc she is hoping it will help her clarify her goals. As of right now she is triple majoring and double minoring.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Congrats on your son’s graduation! And wishing good luck and clarity to your D with the accounting internship.

And, congrats to everyone whose kid has completed the first year!

My S17 still has over a month left; they just finished midterms which he said he thought went well. He’s going on a road trip with people from his House to the Salton Sea this weekend.

I logged in and saw some updates so I thought I would add my own. Both of my children are already home for the summer. They both had good freshman years. My daughter got along well with her friend that she roomed with and my son is living with his randomly assigned roommate again next year. My daughter is moving into a residential college with a new roommate.

They both thought college was harder than they were expecting but they did pretty well and for that I am happy.

My son has found a job and a spot volunteering at the Free Clinic. My daughter is out looking for a job. This year went by so quickly! Hoping everyone has a great summer with their kids!

So happy to hear everyone’s DCs outcomes.

Heading to pick up S at the airport now. He’s had a very good year. Plenty of ups and downs, but he’s going back in the fall - this is a win. His first exam of the year was Chem - he got a 53 (yes, 53 out of 100) and on his very LAST exam, his Physics final - he got a 103!

Onward and upward!

Last week, DS17 completed finales and this week he is with his Gator Motorsports team at the Michigan International Speedway for the 2018 Formula SAE competition. He will be there for a week before returning to Gainesville for the summer term.

He loves seeing all of the different cars (over 100+ teams are competing), but he is exhausted. Last night he was complaining about the drivers hitting cones and damaging “his” aero body parts. X_X

He is taking a few courses this summer, while doing some work with his design team. It seems that those team members not on internships, etc., do a lot of “testing” over the summer. I think “testing” is an excuse to go kill some cones at the Gainesville raceway.

Gainesville isn’t far from home, so we expect to see him several times over the summer. Still, this is the first summer without one or both kids, so it will be a bit strange.

We are happy S17 will be home tomorrow night. His car is packed and he leaves in the morning. He will work and travel this summer and maybe take a class. He got 105 on his physics final and 100 for the class so we are thrilled. Physics was supposed to be his worst class. (It was just physics 1 - physics 2 next semester). He said he and his gf finished the year in the top 1% of the school so he is very happy. We are so glad he is thriving!

So glad he will be home, when he isn’t traveling with his job or his friends.