Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@NolaCAR my D went vegan. It is a struggle to find restaurants all of us want to go together. Good thing is that she likes to cook and normally cooks for herself. Sometimes she cooks for the whole family. Her recipe is getting better.

I wanted to update you all on my son. If you remember he loves playing odd sports and is quite competitive, and he won his HS Pickle Ball championship.

Wel,l he is still competing today, and informed me that he has just won his schools broom ball championship and then in the same weekend he emerged victorious in a SuperSmash Bros video game tournament held at his school. He won a gift card and he is thrilled. LOL

He is currently maintaining a respectable GPA, has not been placed on any sort of probation, seems to have some nice friends, and is now a Vice President of one of the business clubs on campus. He is interviewing for his first co-op which he will start in the summer.

He has also learned to cook for himself as he lives in a suite with a kitchen <:-P

FWIW, I make what I like, since IŹ»m the cook. Someone is always unhappy - too bad. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are family dinner. We sit at a table and eat together, which is lovely and exhausting - because my little pischers all have very strong opinions, LOL.

I am reminded anew how much I love this thread. I need to stand firm like @cleoforshort ! :slight_smile:

We also have strong opinions around the dinner table. :wink:

@rightcoaster. Iā€™m glad that the tradition of Pickle Ball is alive and well in the form of broom ball and video game tournaments!

(Context: Iā€™m the cook.) We eat dinner together most nights. Everyone in our family gets one food that they get to freely opt out of. For me, itā€™s bananas; for others in the family itā€™s shrimp, coconut, corn, salmon, and mushrooms. (Mushrooms! Do yā€™all realize how hard it is to cook decently for very long avoiding mushrooms?) The rule is that if the food youā€™re served contains your personal opt-out ingredient, you get to go find something else to eat in its place. Otherwise, you eat what youā€™re faced with, or you donā€™t eat.

It must be super easy to avoid bananas, honestly.

@HiToWaMom Youā€™d be surprisedā€”but given that Iā€™m the one that does the cookingā€¦ B-)

Banana dish, banana dishā€¦ :-/ :-? :open_mouth:

Fried plantains!

(Also, any number of desserts.)

Hello, 2017ers. Hope I can join you. :wink:

Great handle @bigmacbeth!

Brings a tear to my eye :smiley:

@bigmacbeth Welcome! how can we help you? :slight_smile:

Hello @bigmacbeth :slight_smile:

@botcom Is there where I come to brag about my 2017er? :))

@bigmacbeth apparently yes it is. Iā€™m so glad I have another venue to talk about my very normal student lol.

Brag away! We would love to hear about your student.

Nice to catch up with everyone.

@botcom I have the exact same issue with d - I worry about feeding her, she barely comes home and then when she does, itā€™s the rare time Iā€™m unprepared! I like the ā€œfreeze their portionā€ suggestion!

@STEM2017 I look forward to hearing about what your son decides.

So my d decided to take off this semester and work on herself. Iā€™m extremely happy with her decision as the past few semesters have been a bit of a struggle - not with her grades, but just with (real) anxiety and realizing sheā€™s not sure the ā€˜life pathā€™ she wants to take. Sheā€™s working 30 hours a week, saving money and working on herself: nutrition, fitness and clearing her mind.

She cleared her mind long enough to actually clean out and organize her room - haha!

She hopes to get back to the mental place where she loves learning and gets excited to go back to school in the fall.
We shall see how it plays out.

@dfbdfb -

i HATE, HATE, HATE mushrooms. I wonā€™t cook with them and if I am out to eat, I tell the waitstaff I am allergic to make sure they donā€™t put them in my food. That said, my H is basically a gourmet cook and he has never made anything for me with mushrooms in it for almost 30 years. He does make stuffed mushrooms as a holiday treat for others and I just avoid them. He will cook something and add mushrooms for everyone else after I have taken my share. I also opt out of avocado and peanut butter. There are other things I dislike, but I can pick them out or avoid them. Luckily for them, none of my kids has inherited my pickiness. S17 loves mushrooms. adore avocados and takes jar of pb to school with him.

No cures for cancer by D17, so until thenā€¦I got nothinā€™ā€¦
