Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I’ve been trying to spread out D’s AP practice tests. She’s taking psych, environmental, calc AB, and comparative government with me at home (I go through the course approval process with College Board) and English lang with an online provider. Thankfully I could see on her English syllabus when she’d have practice tests and adjust accordingly.

The big wrinkle is her Arabic prof who is trying to squish 4 units into the amount of time he should spend on two units. D is handling the info fine but the workload this week is insane—an oral exam Tues, a quiz today outside of regular class time, and a quiz tomorrow. She’ll miss class Monday because of the psych and environmental exams. Yay.

It will all be over on May 17 with her oral final.

yeah - Northeast – goes too late – not enough summer.

@RightCoaster long story short my D was just asked to prom on Monday and prom is this Saturday. Went shopping for a dress Tuesday, brought it to a tailor to have a few adjustments and it won’t be ready until 1:00 Saturday, the day of prom. That’s cutting it close!


@CaucAsianDad I feel your pain regarding the AP test counting as a grade. It happened to my D as well and it is quite unfair. Her APUSH teacher said not to focus on grades, just passing the AP test…yeah right! She doesn’t want to ruin her 4.0 uw gpa but the teacher doesn’t seem to care. I think she can still get an A, there’s plenty of time left. Her AP chem teacher is leaving school the day of the exam and has already “checked out”. She told the kids she doesn’t care and she has had no practice exams like the other teachers do on the weekends. Really a crappy situation.

@Dave_N lucky your kids teacher adjust the grading scale

@Ynotgo the superstore went up a little but not enough to change the composite :frowning:

@MotherOfDragons I hope the momma bird comes back to her baby eggs!


My DS is also going to prom. Never thought he will ask a girl for prom :slight_smile: He is the youngest boy in the class and shy.

Our Prom was 4/8. DS’s friends all took 4/9 ACT so did not do prom.
Another school prom was on 4/15. We had 18 inches of snow that weekend and it got canceled. They are still trying to do a make up, I think this weekend, and guess what, it’s snowing here today.

Boy scouts also had to reschedule Spring Camporee to this weekend. I guess we will get less snow than 18 inches.

Our school started August 18th! so will be done before Memorial day.
It is always very hot at the school first month of school year.

@payn4ward I am trying to reconcile snow and the end of April. We went to beach on Saturday and the kids have been swimming in the pool. I had to go out and buy sunscreen on Friday!

@greeny8: And here I thought my oldest and her guy-she’s-effectively-been-dating-for-a-couple-months-but-they-refuse-to-call-it-that decided last-minute when they set up going to prom 8 whole days before it!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek No worries, it will be back up to 70s and sunscreen in a few days. It is like that during April, May, September and October. We would have 80 degrees, then boom, 8 inches of snow, then back to 80s sunnny days.

Its been chilly here lately & lots of rain - we got spoiled with warm weather and sunshine but it been gone now for awhile – Come back Spring!!!

Sorry, I’m so technologically behind. What is TL;DR? I thought it was someone’s typo, too.

^ “Too long; didn’t read”

Can I get a quick read – whose kid is taking foreign language as a senior for a total of 4 or 5 yrs of foreign lang.? Do colleges care a lot about keeping it all through high school?? We are fretting - DS prefers to take another AP Science.

For what it’s worth, my DD is taking AP French as a senior. She has mentioned she is just starting to think in French at times, so I’m glad she wants to take another year. I don’t know whether it will impact college admissions.

I’m ready to send D down south, and follow her down. Get IS tuition :))

DS is stopping with IB Spanish SL (4th year Spanish) as a junior. Most of his colleges require 2 years and suggest 3. Four years seems like plenty for a STEM major. (AP is 4th year language at our school.) He says he wants to try a new language in college; maybe Korean.

S is not taking a fourth year of language. It is not his thing and he’s rather take an additional math and science. I think it matters based on the school your S wants to go to. If it is a private, then check to see if 4 years of language is preferred. S is probably going to a public school and 3 years of language is all they require. They don’t put more weight on the 4th year in his STEM field.

@Ynotgo , Thank you! Never heard of it.