Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@collegecue I sent you a PM with info.

Very good luck to all our kids taking exams this week!

Good luck to all the kids!
Canā€™t wait till this week is over :-S

To save me from toggling over to the SAT forum, does anyone know if the format of the USH subject test changed last year? Or perhaps it is the format to the AP-USH exam that changed?

I thought I recalled reading that the two tests no longer dovetail as well as they had in the past, but canā€™t recall which one changed. My sonā€™s APUSH teacher has not given them any prep, whereas other sections taught my other teachers have been practicing for the test. Son is determined to take the Subject Test this Saturday (in between Thurs, Fri & Mon AP examsā€”I am not supportive of this plan!)

I had ordered a book from Amazon a while back and he finally broke it out this evening. Just not sure if he is reviewing the correct material as the College Board subject test book has not been updated since 2006.


@CT1417 I think AP USH changed. It is the 1st or 2nd test since the change.
AP USH requires less memorization. Subject test still require lots of memorization.

On multiple choice questions, the changed AP tests have 4 choices.
Subject tests have 5 choices.

AP tests got rid of guessing penalty. You donā€™t lose points if you are wrong. So answer all MC questions.
Subject tests have the penalty. You lose 1/4 points for wrong answer. So leave answer blank if you have no idea.

AP USH, Chem, and Physics C have all recently been changed.

AP Calc will change next year.
So this yearā€™s AP Calc still has 5 answer choices in MC but no guessing penalty.

@payn4ward --THANK YOU!

I will pass this along to my son. He is taking Calc BC and Physics C but seems completely unconcerned about these. School has good track record on those exams but APUSH is a bit more mixed.

Thanks again!

Good luck with APā€™s this week and next! My D is starting it off with two today, ugh.

DD is taking AP Chem and US History this week and English next week. She did a chemistry practice test and graded it but said she could not score it. I am not sure why she could not score it but really hoping she will do at least a 4.

S is taking the APs for Physics C and Calc B/C. He already has the Math 2 subject test done, but is taking the SAT physics test Saturday. I got him the physics SAT book to study and there are sections that are different than what they are doing in physics. HOPEFULLY he is studying/reviewing the SAT book; however, I am not holding my breath because Iā€™am not sure that shade of blue would look good on meā€¦

Only AP Calc B/C for DS. No prep yet. Hopefully he studies in the flight home from Science Bowl.

D has AP Psych today, AP Physics tomorrow and AP Euro on Friday. She asked if she can stay home from school on Thursday to prepare for Euro, and Iā€™m fine with it.

Good luck to all our kids these next two weeks!! Tell them to get sleep, stay well, and wash their hands frequently.

DS has his tests spaced out pretty well. All are in the mornings, and they have to be there 15 minutes early, so 1:15 early for DS, because he doesnā€™t have a 1st period class. He has AP Spanish tomorrow, APUSH on Friday, AP Bio next Monday, AP Eng Lang on Wednesday, and Multivariable final next Friday. There might be IB Spanish SL next Tuesday and Wednesday, but he wonā€™t take that if he doesnā€™t have to, even though I may have signed him up (donā€™t remember).

@TimEnchanter ā€¦I would agree. D does this occasionally and especially on days where there are non-academic things happening that interfere with class time. She would rather get the extra sleep and get ahead on school work.

@4beardolls my D is taking the Chem this morning and then psych right after. She is just hoping to pass the Chem one because her teachers last day was Friday, quit school completely and for the past quarter she said she didnā€™t care about teaching the kids because she was leaving. So nothing has been taught or reviewed or anything for the Chem class. Really a pity. Teacher shouldā€™ve left a long time ago and let someone else who wants to actually teach the kids teach.

Darn @greeny8 . That is really crappy of the teacher and also bad on the schoolā€™s part for not replacing that (useless) teacher. Sorry your D got stuck with that situation.

@greeny8 Oh that stinks! I hope it goes well for her.

We had some drama this am with the first testing site telling D they needed to start late (students hadnā€™t arrived by bus yet) and that she wouldnā€™t be out until after she needed to be at testing site number 2 (different district but high schools are just a few minutes apart).

But it all worked out w the help of both AP coordinators and D is taking psych right now :slight_smile:

And I am enjoying a lovely lunch in the parking lot of the school lol

@greeny8 So sorry to hear about such a terrible teacher for Chem. Thatā€™s awful.

My daughter is taking AP Chem right now also- Iā€™m a wreck - I need to let go more!

Welcome @262mom! Fabulous news @NoVADad99! That has to be a huge relief.

Ds is also in testing hell this week, but not as bad as some of your dc. At my sonā€™s school AP classes are only offered after completing honors so he only has APUSH and AP Calc 1. He took his AP calc final last week and did average - the equivalent of a 4 apparently - but he is concerned about the test. The AP tests are Thursday and Friday morning at a nearby University and luckily heā€™s excused from school the rest of the day. AP Calc has been a struggle for him. He has a low A on the homework but makes small mistakes on the tests, which have sunk his grade. Heā€™ll be lucky to finish with a B-. And thereā€™s a lot of pressure from the teacher to get a 4 or a 5 on the AP test. And to top off his week, heā€™ll be taking the SAT on Saturday. May is way too stressful.

ETA: Thatā€™s the pits @greeny8! And @WhereIsMyKindle, this is the stuff that makes me crazy. Didnā€™t you say upthread that she was already stressed about making both tests? Thatā€™s too much pressure on top of 2 tests.