Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

What the heck? Headed over to the PSAT forum…

I didn’t find the thread. But you’re saying that the percentiles - say a student scored 95% in reading - is inflated? Their score is still their score.

@Agentninetynine oh, please don’t! It is book length and not worth the effort of slogging through. If you look at commended at 209, based on the percentile scores in the past, that should be around the 97th percentile, but that is not its percentile rank according to the CB %iles. I don’t remember what it is according to their chart, but I am thinking 99th.

Read this instead. http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/national-merit-semifinalist-cutoffs/

I understand the ACT science test is sort of weird, lots of reading and some graphs. My son, I think was confused with the graphs and what kind of data they were looking for. I’ll talk him later about it. He has an ACT guide book and he took the “home” test before he took the actual test, so he should’ve known what to sort of expect. I think if he can figure it out and make the adjustments needed.
He is not planning in going into a science field anyways, so I guess it doesn’t really matter, other than the effect on the composite score.
Maybe his SAT will be better. He did feel pretty good about it when he finished.
And if not, well, we’ll just move on and put it behind us and focus on other stuff.He’ll be fine.

@RightCoaster - you can find old ACT tests on web and ask him to practice. Another option is red boom & black book combination.

Folks, if it appears that I am incapable of writing in a cohesive manner without a bunch of spelling mistakes please don’t worry. I access this site on my tablet and it is impossible for me to type long sentences without some sort of error. I don’t think I’m quite as dumb in real life, but I can’t be certain.

@mtrosemom We had DS’ ACT essay rescored. It took about 7 weeks after I sent the check. His score got bumped up by 1 to 25. The percentiles on the essay are different than the percentiles on the other sections, so the 25 is 90th percentile for the essay, even though a 25 would be lower than that for the other tests.

A few (lots now, I guess) pages back, @payn4ward posted some useful information about a number of colleges not requiring the essay for Class of 2017 even through they had required it previously.

People are correct that the ACT essay score doesn’t affect the composite score. With the new SAT, it is also now the case that the essay doesn’t affect the regular score out of 1600.

Getting the ACT essay scored doesn’t seem to have any downside other than the $50. It isn’t supposed to go down, and you may get your money back if the score goes up. (SAT can go down if you rescore.)

At my D’s school AP test takers are not required to attend any classes if they have a test. The AP Physic teacher had a pancake breakfast in her room this morning for those taking the test this afternoon.

Her AP test schedule is well spaced out with two exams each week, however, they are the same two weeks as Band Leadership tryouts. She has a mock audition today (3 hours long following an AP exam), her interview tomorrow with the band director and her real audition in front of the judges (another 3-4 hours) next week.

Oh, and SAT scores come in next week, better buy more chocolate ice cream.

@itsgettingreal17 I used to play USTA but they wouldn’t let me drop down from 3.5 to 3.0 after I injured my shoulder and had to take two years off from tennis to heal completely (or surgery-but I just did time+physical therapy).

I play ALTA (Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association). I think at last count there were about 100k players in metro atlanta. It’s a lot of fun. There is usually drama, as well. Some players and teams take it all way too seriously. We don’t; we just have fun and have a great team :). I just won in three sets with my partner to help clinch playoffs. My feet are killing me but it was an awesome game!

Younger D just got back from the ap comp sci-she said the multiple choice was easy, but there was a collective groan when they opened their FRQ part. She thinks she bombed that part.

@eandesmom I was wondering the same thing about waitlists, but I’ve resisted looking on those threads because I’m trying to just worry about the stuff that she needs to know right now. But I’m definitely curious as to how it works, and suspect it’s stressful.

@2muchquan – I need that gmail filter text thing – how do I set that up? thanks!

@Tgirlfriend Has your son visited TAMU already? If not, they have a free recruiting trip (room and board, transportation), to campus you may want to look into. Its on July 15th. If you didn’t get the email, let me know and I’ll send you the info.

@CA1543 watch this:

It’s not simple, but it’s worth it.

@MotherOfDragons Congrats on the win! I know what you mean about drama. I used to play in a couple of leagues with a wonderful group of women, including USTA. We had a blast on and off the courts. But there were some teams that had the worse reputations because they thought they were playing Wimbledon. lol I don’t play anymore, but hope to get back to it soon. I took up some other sports and between those and work, there just isn’t not enough time, but I miss it and my team. sigh

Hope your D did better than she thinks on the comp sci FRQ. :slight_smile:

@CA1543 @MOD sent a good intro video. To get an email sent to your phone via SMS text, check this out:

In the Gmail filter box you can use the following example to forward only the school emails you are interested in…you will have to tweak it appropriately:


PM me if you need more details…happy to help. Filters are very powerful.

@eandesmom , My bad!! It was my mistake! My D will have APUSH on Friday AM and APLang on Wednesday AM.
Sorry for the confusion!

I have a silly question-I’m seeing some people’s avatar with prison bars over it-does this mean they’re banned or something else. I wanted to ask it here because then I can be less obviously dumb, lol.

I was wondering and guessing the same thing. I am both dumb and too lazy to look it up. :))

The link about ACT Writing requirement changes was on Compass Prep.

@mtrosemom The ACT Writing score has no impact on the Compsite score.

However, if you are applying to U Texas Austin that uses a special AI for holistic admission pool, I think they use “ELA” composite (Average of English, Reading, and Writing scores) and Math subsection scores to calculate the AI. Science subsection score is not used.

RE: forwarding student’s college email to own account. My son’s approach was to create his college email account when he took his first CB exams in 9th grade, set the account up on my computer so that the messages come into my inbox, but have those same messages go into a dedicated box on his computer, so that they do not clutter his inbox.

So far he hasn’t missed anything worth reading!

I have been slapped on the wrist a couple of times for things I posted (against the Terms of Service). They were kind of nit-pickey, IMO, but I believe I was put in jail for a week. I was OK with that, and have been more careful.