Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Anyone else create a FB page for your fake kid solely for the purpose of following college admissions FB pages? (sometimes you are asked for a FB or Twitter when signing up for a mailing list, for example). I did this last week, and now FB won’t show more than 1 or 2 entries on my Newsfeed until I ‘Friend’ more people. Screw that. I don’t want to friend anyone… Boo!

Personally, I am only interested in the concordance tables to get an estimate of what the NMSF confirming score will be on the new SAT. Previously, I believe it was 2100, which according to the concordance table works out to about a 1470 on the new SAT. D took the March SAT and results are due out tomorrow. D was satisfied with her ACT scores and would have probably skipped the SAT altogether if not for National Merit.

You have a fake kid? How does that work?

Whoops, sorry about that. Correct numbers should be 1960 was the old confirming SAT score, which concords to a 1380 on the new SAT.

Whew, you scared me with the 2100!!
S has a college-specific e-mail that he uses to communicate with colleges. And his FB page is not under his full name, so it really can’t be traced to him if colleges are looking. Truthfully, he isn’t on FB or twitter, so it would be meaningless to use that to communicate with him. I suppose he might want to finally make a real FB account when he chooses a college if only to join the accepted students page. OTOH, he may not really care to do that.

Ah, @TimEnchanter, that makes sense. That’s a good use. We are on the low side of the bubble for NMS, so I’ve kind of blocked all that out of my mind!

@RightCoaster You’d think I would be able to come up with a fake GPA, ECs, and NMF…and get a full ride somewhere!

@mtrosemom Yeah, this FB page was only intended to follow posts by admissions departments. My kid doesn’t even know about it (I used it for the first time when registering for a Pitt open house). I’ve seen some admissions departments announce their essay/supplements on FB/Twitter…so you would know as soon as they are available. Plus, it’s interesting to see some of the announcements. I’ve friend-ed a couple of Honors Programs, and you can see when awards are announced, and various other stuff.

I’m not advertising my D’s real FB page to any schools…thus the ‘fake’ kid.

I’m giggling over the fake kid :slight_smile:

@2muchquan You are so devious! You could use your fake kid to get into carpool lanes, too.

I’m working on how to pay a fake tuition

Since I do not want to crowd my own FB newsfeed, I use Twitter (where I have 2 tweets last 6 years) to follow the colleges, ACT, CollegeBoard, etc. I find it quite useful.
I made a mistake of following a state university and they Twitted thousands of graduation photos. :frowning:

Here is your chance to create a fake child and earn scholarships.

A private counselor mentioned it at a meeting and he said he has a fake GPA, etc.

I use Twitter, not Facebook, to follow groups and organizations. I’ll add th schools on D’s list after graduation season :wink:

Welcome @mac51996 my niece is in NY and is looking at schools there for nursing as well. She visited Adelphi and liked it but she also wants to play bball for div III. My D16 went to France two years ago with her school. She had the time of her life.

@MotherOfDragons sounds like you had an interesting tennis match. Kick their rich butt! Re the ivies, I know a few people who go and the always seem to find their own people. I think about 40% pay full so at least you know you are a part of the majority if you need aid.

@srk2017 my D had prom two weeks ago. Luckily we only had to pay for a dress but that was still quite pricey at $350!

@Ynotgo thanks for the concordance links.

Re school spirit, since my D is a cheerleader, she loves the football games and wants a school that has some spirit.

Hmm, I have a twitter account that I also never use. Maybe I can put it to good use…thanks for that tip @payn4ward .

So much good advice today, thank you everyone :slight_smile:

Yup, I’m thinking Twitter is the way to go @WhereIsMyKindle. Lots of activity from the same organizations, without all the FB bs. I guess the Fakebook page was a failure!

It would be true to assume that there are about 40-50% paying in full at the Ivies. However, I suspect less than 10% are actually rich enough to give to their children 30k Hermes bags. Most who would be asked to pay full tab are in that group which starts around 150k and some times lower if they are scrimpers and savers or got lucky enough to have a home that appreciated in value and hence show a larger than 100k equity.

We have friends whose kids have gone to elite schools and there have definitely been awkward moments due to finances. Things like entire dorm (house) floors going on skiing trips and their kids not being able to afford to go. Or dances where everyone is getting new outfits, etc and they couldn’t afford to buy anything. It isn’t 30k handbags, but it is weekend trips or other events where far more are active and spending $$ than those not.

Those kinds of things can happen even at your home flagship. I certainly missed out on a few spring break trips and other things my sorority sisters did, (and a heck of a lot of cute clothes lol) while I worked but I also had the satisfaction of saying I paid for all my tuition and frankly, over time I have found that to be as (or more) valuable on a resume as those non paid internships I didn’t get because I couldn’t afford not to work :slight_smile:

D got her first job over the weekend. She will be a server in a dinning hall at an upscale retirement community. It is all inclusive and like living on a cruise ship with organized activities, housekeeping (including having someone make your bead), and three meals a day in one of four dining halls. They use HS students to supplement the wait staff in the formal dinning areas. There is evidently a lot of competition for the positions due to it being a very professional and well run place to work.

She is very excited and will start as soon as school is out. I am afraid she will be over extended next year with 6 APs, band and a job, but she says she has not reached her breaking point yet and would rather find it in HS than college. Oh to be young again.