Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Sorry to hear about the accident mtrosemom. He is smart to not to drive for a while. It must have given him quite a shock.

We have been getting college junk mail for three years, b/c at DS’s school freshmen take PSAT. They should have filtered the grades. They must be using the test score range. DS’s scores are low so we are getting a lot from colleges which I never heard of before.
However, U of Chicago must not be using test score range or may be using geography. Everone around here gets so many mailings from U Chicago.

Northwestern started sending me alumni magazines although I did not graduate and did not register on anything. I don’t know where they picked up my info. (social media? scary)

The more targeted the data (e.g. region, test range, ethnicity, etc.) you want from CB for sending out mailings, the more $$ CB will charge. Some schools pay more, and mail less. UChicago is notorious for slamming people. Or so I’ve heard. I think we have maybe received one thing from them.

Thanks about the accident. D15 had one too (her car only into a snow bank) and it actually made her a better driver. I think this will be a good life lesson for S and will increase his awareness of his surroundings.

D15 took 4 years of Spanish which definitely helped her get out of most of her college requirements. However, she wants to be fluent and is taking more Spanish! S17 has 3 years of Spanish. He didn’t really like it and struggled. This year he is taking Advanced Asian history ad his world history class. He really likes the teacher, so much so that he is considering taking Chinese next year. I am surprised but not opposed. That would give him 4 years of foreign language. Most schools we looked at that wanted 4 years of FL wanted at least 3 of the same language. The fourth year could be different.

My DD is in her 3rd year Latin but doesn’t want to take a 4th year because she hates it so much. She is debating on taking Spanish a the local college over the summer. Do all of the selective schools require 4 years or just recommend it?

I do think a lot of the mailings are regionally based. We get a lot of random things and some that are quite targeted. Go figure. It did all start with the PSAT. DS17 doesn’t even look at them. Even from the schools that are of interest as he is so annoyed with the waste.

@mtrosemom I am so sorry to hear that. Glad he is ok! DS17 still doesn’t have his license. He is able to test now but hasn’t passed our internal gut parent check to be allowed to do so.

@CT1417 I was looking at something else and it is only a .5 requirement for UW. Fyi.

@greeny8 Take a look at this thread:

@greeny8 I think that the most selective places probably want 4 years of foreign language. And some might want 4 years of the same language. So I’d double check before switching out of Latin.

Thanks @2muchquan and @mamaedefamilia I have checked all the websites of the schools and it doesn’t give a clear cut number. I’ve heard conflicting info from different people and can’t seem to get a straight answer. I just don’t want her to blow it

Will be 6 years of German. AP German next year.

@greeny8 – my son takes Latin and I was concerned that Latin wouldn’t be considered a foreign language! I have the impression that the more selective schools want four years of a spoken language, but we have already lost on that one since Latin isn’t a spoken language. Fingers crossed that it will not matter.

Just for kicks, I looked up CDS for Yale, MIT & Stanford. Yale–no info reported, MIT–2 years, Stanford 3+.

I am really off my game with this second child. Need to step up my research on many fronts, but I have in the back of my mind that four years of the same language is what is ‘suggested’. Sorry!

Glad to see an active thread. @greeny8 sorry there’s no clear answer for you.

@2muchquan – I agree about the activity. The other graduating classes were much more active. This is good to keep my mind on the task. Much less concerned with second child and fear that this carelessness will cause last-minute cramming (of visits, interviews, etc)

@greeny8 your dd might enjoy Latin 4 more. The first 2-3 yrs of Latin are pretty boring bc the focus is on grammar. Translation is far more interesting. Typically yr 4 is either poetry or prose. (If one of those was 3, the other is 4.).

If she hasn’t taken the Latin subject test, I would recommend taking it in June. (It is only offered in June and Dec.). It is one of the few subject tests where taking it later is not necessarily beneficial. It has a strong grammar focus. Additionally, some schools will grant credit for language test scores. The required score depends on the school. For example TAMU will give 4 hrs for a 630 and 8 for a 730.,-SAT,-ACT,-and-Other-Information-for-Incoming-F/files/14-15-UG-Catalog-pg-84.aspx Tufts will give 1 credit (Tufts must assign credit hrs differently than most schools) and place out of 5 semesters wit a 720.

Since some of the more competitive schools require subject tests anyway, it is worth taking one that will actually grant credit.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek – thanks for the info on Latin subject test. I will look into that and ask my son if he is considering taking the exam. His only concern is that several of the schools he is considering require submission of all testing history, so he will want to be sure he can score well on the test.

All I recall from three years of Latin was the endless discussion of battles and weapons…and lots of excellent grammar. Latin helped make sense of English grammar.

@CT1417 yikes it never crossed my mind that Latin wouldn’t be considered a spoken language (unless you go to the Vatican!) I do hope that’s not the case…ugh.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek good info for taking the subject test! She took world history last year and was planning on taking the math 2 and one other but hadn’t decided which. I will definitely suggest her taking the Latin. She was considering literature because she excels in it so I’ll let her look at each and see which she is more proficient at. She knows that AP Latin is translation but didn’t seem to keen on it…I will relay your info, sometimes hearing it from someone other than mommy works best.

And I also love that 2017 is more active too! We have a long year + together! Can’t wait to get to know you all and your kids!

Thank you @Mom2aphysicsgeek for the info.
Depending on DS’s college outcome/choice he may better take some Subject tests in May or June of senior year to get out of expository writing or spanish, LoL :))

Some of the schools I’ve looked at require the Math 2 subject test, plus one other of your choosing. Rarely a third as well. As usual, it depends.

Georgetown on that third test. Have not yet come across another school looking for a third.

CMU has very specific requirements such as Math II and either Chem or Physics. Their requirements vary by college within the university.

I think both G-town & CMU are ‘report all testing history’ schools.

I think engineering or science majors wanted Math 2 and Physics or Chemistry (Bio can be useless.)
DS took Math 2 already and will take Physics and Chemistry in May in the middle of 4 AP exams. :-&
The ones to take next year (May/ June) if any, would only be for placement purposes.

Hi everyone. I haven’t posted in awhile. We had planned to go to New York, Penn, and DC over spring break in early April for tours but I had to cancel the trip for financial reasons (we’re in CA so it’s pricey). The only school that is a must-see before applications is Columbia as DD wants to do ED there. I’m going to try to schedule a shorter trip in early fall but she’ll have to miss a few days of school. We’ve already toured most CA schools she’s interested in last year so at least that’s done.

I FINALLY got her PSAT scores just today! I could not get her counselor to call me back with the access code so I finally called CollegeBoard directly. I held for a half hour but finally got through. She did really well but needs to bring up her math score. She isn’t planning to take SAT but will be taking the ACT in April and then probably again in June depending on score. She definitely needs to bring the math score up a bit to be in the range for some of the colleges she’s interested in (already in the range for most). We plan to get a tutor for math before the June test.

She also scored really well on her US History SAT 2 test. So she’s definitely on the right path so I am relieved. Not looking forward to application fees come Fall LoL.