Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

eb23282 Can you share the name of the college?

@eb23282 Wow, that must have some overnight! Congrats to your daughter!

@eb23282 Sounds fabulous.

(Cues ā€œEye of the Tigerā€) S finished twelve, count them, TWELVE individual college essays. 6 ā€œWhy do you love usā€, 2 ā€œTell us what you like to doā€ and 4 for one honors college application. What a weekend. His school had a retreat this past week so he had the impossible homework free, rehearsal free weekend. Not only are we almost done (the big essay is already finished) but his persistence gives me hope that he can actually DO college. Now we only have to wait for outstanding recommendations. Hooray!

@fwtxmom Where do you live? Can I drop off my twins? LOL Congrats though!! Weā€™re getting there.

Wow @fwtxmom Iā€™m impressed. S got a draft of his common app essay done yesterday and I am happy. He will have it reviewed by his English teacher this week, so hopefully it will be finished next weekend. Thank God he is not applying to any schools with supplemental essays. It will just be one and done for him.

Spent the day doing the summer/winter switch. Ok, more like dabbling in it while finding other more enjoyable things to do like making a big batch of black and white cookies! But more importantly no college stuff ?

Iā€™m jealous over here @EENYMum . It is still 80 degrees in central PA. Havenā€™t reached anything resembling sweater weather yet. And Iā€™m totally ready to go apple picking so I can make a bunch of pies. At the rate weā€™re going, fall foliage season will be in January.

Black and white cookies. Yum!

@InfiniteWaves Still warm and humid here on eastern Long Island. The humidity needs to go :slight_smile: Still have not put out mums and fall stuff because I am just not feeling it. So looking forward to sweater/fleece weather!

North Carolina - land of year round humidity and mosquitoes. Still, an improvement over Florida.

D16 is complaining temps in the 30s about potential snow this week in CO and Iā€™m wearing shorts and have mosquitoes swarming around my house in northern VA. It looks like we might have something resembling fall weather by Saturday.

We have had higher than normal temps here in PA, no frost at night so far, but this weekend it is supposed to cool down to 50s during the day and 30s at night.

Wahoo! 4 of 7 apps completed! Now on to the 3 public Uā€™s that have their own appsā€¦hopefully she can just whip those out and we can be done with this process. Iā€™m exhausted already and we still have scholarship season to goā€¦ugh.

@dadof2d - Roanoke College. We looked at practically all the Va. schools and this was by far her favorite. Something about it just clicked for her from the minute we got on campus. She canā€™t put it into words, but when you know, you know, I guess.

While weā€™re talking temperatures, weā€™re now a couple weeks overdue for our first overnight freeze in Southcentral Alaska (it just barely started occasionally dipping down into the upper 30s overnight!), and the 10-day forecast shows no danger of freezing temperaturesā€”and maybe even a slight warming trend next week! Weā€™ve been up here for ten autumns now, and a couple days ago would already have been the latest freeze date weā€™ve experienced.

And over the summer some were predicting weā€™d be getting back closer to normalcy after a few (comparatively) warm wintersā€¦

@eb23282 Thank you for sharing. Roanoke College is on our youngest daughterā€™s long list. It is great to hear how well your daughter likes it.

@dadof2d Iā€™ve talked to a lot of people about Roanoke and everyone has glowing recommendations. Iā€™ve messaged with some people here on CC who have/had kids attend, and they canā€™t say enough good things about it. During this past visit, I spent the night in downtown Roanoke at a brewery and had a long conversation with an alumni who happened to be sitting next to me. She loved her experience and even offered to put a call into the campus bookstore to help my D land a campus job next year. Iā€™ve even chatted up random people with Roanoke stickers on their car (something you hardly see here in NJ), and they too were happy to talk about how much their kid loved Roanoke. So weā€™re cautiously optimistic that D will have a good experience as well, though time will tell.

D19 HS has finally started sending out her transcripts to schools where applications have been submitted (all schools with their own application portals). She submitted the requests on 9/25 and they just sent out the first batch on 10/8. She submitted the 2nd batch to the school on 10/2 and they still have not shown up in Naviance yet (these are for schools with EA deadline of 11/1).

Good news - she logged into the University of Alabama portal this morning and saw she has been accepted!

She is still grinding away on a couple supplemental essays/short answer questions. The main common app essay is completed. LORā€™s were requested but nothing has shown up yet in Naviance.

The Coalition App is still driving her nuts and the school is not much help despite the state flagship (UMD) only using the Coalition App.

@eb23282 Friends have had two daughters go through Roanoke and they LOVE it. I think the 3rd daughter will go there too. The older one is in grad school now.

@DCNatFan WooHoo!!! So nice to be making progress.

Meanwhile, Twin A had local interview for safety and she was thrilled to hear about the school. It was not on our list at all until you and a few others brought it up. Thank you!!