Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@eandesmom that makes me feel better. I was a little freaked out today. I honestly can’t believe that after two years of touring and preparing, I had to pay $43 to expedite scores TWICE. We’re like the Poster Family for how NOT to go about college applications.

Breathe. This too shall pass. There will no doubt be some great options available after all the results are in.

@TwinMom2023 yikes, were they new schools or did they just slip through the cracks? I had a moment of scare paranoia last week as I’d not saved the print out which had the full list of scores sent and thought I’d spaced on 2. I hadn’t but it scared me for a minute!

@eandesmom one was last minute tour and I am kicking myself for not getting her up there earlier. OTOH, she’s my over thinker so this is probably better. The other one, I thought we didn’t need to send b/c of self reporting, but the score has to be there for ED. It’s very confusing between ED and EA, test scores for one twin ACT the other SAT, and midterm grades at HS and Dual Enrollment.

Basically, if a school is on the list, don’t wait to visit if ED is a remote possibility. At least I changed the tour from Nov. 12 to last weekend.

LOL. D received another acceptance today that she didn’t even bother to open because she already deposited to her first choice which was rolling.

which school did your D commit to? eb23282

A great underrated school is Ohio Wesleyan. It is expensive at face value: nearly 60k all in per year. However a 3.4 and 1150 SAT nets a $30k per year automatic scholarship. I think they are also generous with slightly lesser scholarships for kids who are close.

My daughter just applied EA to: Univ of Denver, Drexel, UVM, Point Loma and Ohio Wesleyan.

Still working on apps for: Tulane (EA by 11/15), Western Washington (needs to hurry as EA is 11/1 but she could do RD with plenty of time), San Diego St (RD between 11/1-11/30), Cal Poly SLO (same as SDSU), University of San Diego (RD is in December I think) and Occidental College (RD is 1/15).

She has 3.45ish UW and 3.7ish weighted with 1160 SAT (she tried for a 3rd time but could not improve it). She rows crew and very dedicated albeit not scholarship material, worked at Nordstrom’s and was a Nordstrom’s Ambassador, some volunteering etc.

I have went through costs in detail with her and some of these are very unlikely to work.
I was glad she agreed to apply to Ohio Wesleyan though. FYI, we live in Seattle area.

Good luck to everyone!!!

OWU is on my list for S21 - though he doesn’t know it yet :wink:
D19 has deposited to Roanoke with a nice merit package.

D19 taking her last ACT today. So happy for her to be done with that. Managed a 1320 on last SAT. Not sure if this ACT result will help as her health profession major has deadline of 11/15 or 12/1 at all the schools she is applying to. FAFSA and CSS done and SAT scores sent. We both are having a hard time hitting the submit button on common app though. Crazy, right!

Ha ha. It took a lot of nagging from my wife and I to get my daughter to hit the button on this first batch of schools. I knocked out the FAFSA and CSS on 10/1-10/2 even though not expecting much.

1320 is a nice SAT score, congrats to your daughter and hopefully ACT goes well.

Thanks @JBSeattle …I am baking “no more tests” celebration treats for D19 and afterward will sit her down and submit a few applications. I think we are just nervous about everything being right.

My daughter is interviewing with Occidental College as I type this then has another one with University of San Diego. I probably told her five times to mention that I went to Occidental. “Yes Dad, sigh@. ? These are her first regular interviews even though we did a few visits and she has met the counselors that came to her high school.

Awesome on the treats Eeny Mum! It is a hard balance between letting your kid do the work.

and making sure all is ok as a parent. Sorry hit send by mistake.

D19 has no theatre tech this weekend due to the middle school show performances, so she is getting caught up and ahead with schoolwork (!) and getting more college stuff done. Her school no longer requires a pre-approved absence form for college visits, so I just have to write a note. She has already spoken to her teachers about missing school two days this coming week. However, it is also the end of the first quarter, so she wants to be sure she has everything turned in properly.

Some definite frustration about the lack of consistency of “what is in a portfolio?” for each school. Some schools want a subset of portfolio items submitted in advance (Slideroom or Acceptd) and a larger collection of items can be presented at the on-campus interview. Others want exactly what will be presented at the interview. Others don’t really define what portfolio means. So each school ends up with a customized set (or two versions) which is simply time-intensive.

All LORs have now been submitted by her teachers. She hopes to have one more application (school-specific) submitted before Monday morning. Just lots to do between school work and finalizing portfolios for two schools for the end of the week.

@rwpncjones Have you considered Seton Hall? They were very generous with merit aid with my older D17 but I do not know what their financial aid looks like. I’ve been very impressed with their finance students I have spoken to.

@JBSeattle good luck to your daughter with interviews! What do you think the chances are she mentioned you went to Occidental ?.
@OrangeFish and all the other M&T, Arts and any other major that require portfolios…bless you all. Can’t imagine that extra layer of work!

Yes, that extra layer of work would be really hard for me to deal with.

@orangefish Do all of her schools require an interview and in-person portfolio review? That sounds potentially exhausting - good luck to her on these two schools!

We are looking at six auditions between January 19 and February 18 (and I think the all-state audition is the next weekend after that?) DH is going with S19 to all the auditions because I will certainly drive him crazy. The drives vary from 20 minutes to 6 hours, but at least they are on weekends and school holidays for the most part.



Fun reading your list. We (also in Seattle) have one at Cal Poly graduating next month, a current sophomore at UVM and our current senior (oldest graduated from SPU). My H went to SDSU. Looks like WWU is your in state safety. EA may give her a small merit offer which is always nice, we were surprised by one for S17 though obviously he didn’t end up there. He had very similar stats to your D. If she can get it in on time, I’d nudge her. Every little bit helps and it’s a pretty easy app comparatively speaking.

Drexel was on my S19’s short list but was cut after visiting, it seems like you have quite the variety of options on your list. His is RIT (ED), Seattle U (EA), UW, Colorado State (EA) and UWB. Could end up adding more depending on ED/EA results though I expect Seattle U (#2 choice) to come in at a livable amount so it really may be only 4 as I fail to see the point in paying an app fee to UWB before we need to lol.