Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

Thanks for the responses! I feel so bad for her but at least she will spend a lot of time prepping for the next one. It is somewhat rare for a student to take even 4 AP classes at our school and almost no one takes 5. They offer them but the work for Physics and Calc alone are enough (two classes most top kids take).

I think some of the questions were genuine interest but by that point she had already shut down. I told D19 to just use it as a learning experience and move on.

That is stressful! My S had to interview for vet school before he started undergrad for an early admit program. They ran the interview almost exactly as they would a student finishing up undergraduate school. This stressed him before he went in but the interviewers were very nice. Even when he couldn’t remember an answer he should have known they were ok. He knew the idea but not the acronym they used. (He is dyslexic and has trouble with acronyms when stressed). They were good and even though he worried about that it went well. When I picked him up one of the interviewers shook my hand and said “It is obvious you have a very bright son. I enjoyed talking to him.” They didn’t have to do that and it made my son feel so much better. (He got an acceptance letter 2 hours later while we were still on a tour!!). I loved that they made him at ease but still asked hard questions. That is the sign of a good interviewer.

@JBSeattle Oh I am not sure many at our school necessarily think of UWB as more than a backup plan (though generally thought of as a better one than CC) but I’m also glad that we don’t announce colleges in that kind of fashion. It is published at the end of the year in the student paper but that’s it. Not listed in the graduation booklet or anything either. Which is a very good thing. As is not ranking. If I just look at the numbers, almost a third of the class applied there but less than a third of that enrolled. Versus more than a third applied to UW but less than a third of that enrolled (though to e fair as you might imagine the admissions % for UWB was quite a bit higher than UW lol). What is interesting is how high the yield is at UW for those who are accepted. But, between the 2 it’s about 20% of the graduating class with basically equal enrollment at each.

As for UVM it all depends on the budget and your EFC to be honest. Their top OOS offer is still going to be more than UW. Run their NPC if you haven’t already. There are a couple of additional scholarships for the college of engineering and undecided liberal arts so in theory, someone could get up to 23K.

The $$ range has bumped up from when my son applied. Presidential is now 17-20, Trustee is 8-12. Kind of odd in that now there is a bigger gap between the levels. Used to be 8-12 and then 15-18.

It is gpa dependent but not horrible, 2.8 freshman year and then 3.0 thereafter.

Not sure if you’ve been to Burlington but it’s really the Bellingham of the east coast. And I mean that in the best possible way, it’s a great town. You get the smaller college feel but with the flagship elements. Really nice combo for the right kid.

I tend to think Cappex over inflates the results but admit that it worked for my S17

Just a suggestion for all of you whose children will be interviewing for scholarships or acceptance into a school. I hired a college consultant for 2 hrs just to practice interviewing startegies and to decrease anxiety when my DS16 was apply to college. He was facing interviewing for at least 3 substantial opportunities. He felt better prepared after the session and ultimately was accepted into the highest level at the Honors College with scholarships that cover almost everything but books.

@momof3kids Did they ask her why she wasn’t taking 5 APs in senior year alone? And this is a school that takes kids in the 3.0 to 3.4 range? Honestly, her answer to the question seemed fine. I’m sorry she had such a pushy interviewer.

@momof3kids I agree with your daughter about taking that college off the list. It sounds like an awful interview. If she does decide not to apply, I hope she writes to admissions and describes the interview questions in detail.

My d19 did have an interview last month. The interviewer was very kind and actually helpful in her interview.

Thanks all. Funny story - we had confusion with GC and getting documents squared away for ED last week. Back and forth we went. We knew ED was the right decision, but it was quickly expedited when GC went ahead and sent in materials before we had given the green light. LOL. In so many ways that was the best mistake, but I was a little taken aback and Twin A freaked out for a couple of hours, but it is a relief.

@Momof3kidz That is awful. Twin A removed a school that had been a favorite and had come on/off the list 20 times after her skype interview. The interview was so poorly done that it was the final straw. So not fun to put a kid through that. On the other hand, the Allegheny College (not her ED) interview ran way over and she absolutely loved the rep. That impressed her so much she detoured for a visit on her final college trip, but the school is too far. It makes a difference.

Interesting that you compare Burlington to Bellingham. I have never been to Burlington (at least not the one in Vermont ?). We like Bellingham even if it is a little kooky, it is in the middle of so much natural beauty.
Vermont is not my personal favorite choice. Our EFC is slightly higher than Vermont’s all in cost so expecting 0 aid. She would need to receive a nice scholarship/Presidential as budget (including she works and makes $10k per year) is $37k per year. She should be a pretty strong applicant so maybe she will get it. As long as the $ fit it is her choice and she has not seen the school so that could change things in the end.

We have seen: Western Washington, Tulane, Occidental.

Have not seen: Cal Poly (we did go to San Luis Obispo a few years ago for fam reunion), SD St (we have been to San Diego a few times as a family), u of San Diego, Point Loma, U of Denver (never been to Denver except for airport), Drexel (I was in Philly for a day once as a kid, rest of fam has never been) and Ohio Wesleyan (visited and applied when I was her age, 27 years ago. Rest of fam has never seen).

Colleges we have visited that she either eliminated after visiting or was not interested in to start: UW, Seattle U, SPU (does not want to go to college in Seattle), univ of San Francisco (worst your ever, super expensive), Loyola Marymount, Pepperdine, Santa Clara, Portland, Portland St, and Loyola of New Orleans.

Are these schools that require interviews from the east coast? I’m not familiar with west coast or midwest schools requiring interviews, especially schools for the 3.0-3.4 set. I know there are regional differences so this is new to me even having been through it twice previously.

@Knightcub – all of D19’s schools are mid-Atlantic’ish (with two in Ohio) both with admissions interviews and program interviews/portfolio reviews.

Occidental and University of San Diego wanted interviews. My daughter is upper end of students discussed in this thread. Occidental is going to be tough to get in and finances likely not practical. USD she is maybe better than 50/50 shot with at least some shot of scholarship. None of the other 9 schools she is applying to want interviews and she has met reps from most of them at her high school.

The schools requiring an interview are all east coast. My daughter is at the high end of this group due to a low freshman year GPA due to several grades of 92 and a school that counts a 92 as a 3.0 (same as an 85). Her SAT scores are higher than her GPA so given all of this she has a few schools that are reasonable applications for her but would seem out of reach for this group. Her reaches are true reaches though and they also require an interview.

I should add that these are smaller schools where expressed interest is important and not all of them are out of the range for this group. I think a big reason they do the interview is to make sure a student is genuinely interested in the school. That’s just a guess.

@eh1234 yes! This was a school that takes kids from our school in this range. That’s what surprises me the most. I heard of this happening at very competitive schools but we really thought this would be more relaxed. It isn’t an excuse for my daughter freezing but still surprising.

Twin B submitted ED tonight. And
Twin A thinks she is failing Calculus after her test today. One step forward, two steps back. I think we’ll go ahead and work on those ‘just in case’ RD apps. Why yes, I’d love some wine.

Y’all next Halloween our kids will be on a college campus partying and we’ll be missing them, but dang this is a long, arduous exercise.

Just wanted to let you all know that checking a school’s portal several times a day does not make the wait faster or easier. #themoreyouknow

LOL @InfiniteWaves! :))

@InfiniteWaves but really
do you actually KNOW it doesn’t help? :smiley:

@collegeyurr – where is your post?

This thread is for parents of high school seniors – maybe others on the chance me threads will comment?

@InfiniteWaves - I was just about to go check the portals! :smiley: