Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

ED1 app is in!

Now we just wait for the last LOR to be submitted and one more app, hopefully this weekend and we are…I think…done! At least until results come in.

@eandesmom - YAY! Good luck!

Interesting, is that how it works for every school? Sounds like most of these choices will mean some job near school but not work Study then. My wife is very anti-loan. I would be ok how you did it but she hates the idea. Interesting on Cal Poly. I think that one is close enough and I could make it work.
Occidental and Tulane are the only two schools on her list that probably just won’t work (unless my Mom feels real generous and she also has to get in). Also congrats on your progress with the ED1 app!

@nukesmom: Awesome! My daughter got her app in today for Western Washington. Tulane (11/15 EA) is next.

Please. We did not drink that stuff. Point and Leinenkugel. Moosehead if we were feeling International.

There are campus jobs that aren’t federal work study jobs.

Remember we are talking college age. No one our age would drink that stuff obviously. I remember drinking some vile stuff in college like : 8 ball malt liquor, Boone’s, Bartles and Jaymes, Milwaukee’s Best, rumpleminz, Jager (fancy, lol) and only god knows what else!

Moosehead if you are feeling international, lol

@JBSeattle Jägermeister and rumple Mintz-Omg, those were popular back in my day but I’m not sure I’ve heard either mentioned in the last 25 years. I tried to avoid that kind of alcohol and stuck to beer most of the time.

@eandesmom congrats on being done! S19 has the next four days off but has no early action due tomorrow. I told him he needs everything mostly done by Sunday so he can start submitting rather than waiting until the last minute. His deadlines are mostly 12/15 with a couple that are a little earlier than that.

@4kids4us -Jager and rumple-mintz memories! And Goldschlager…So long ago… :))

My D did an overnight at her top choice, had a great visit and it is still #1. At an admissions session, she heard that FAFSA/CSS are required for institutional aid. Of course, we know that they are required if you are applying for financial aid, but she already submitted CA for EA and did not check the box because we are not applying for FA.
I contacted the FA office and they “advise” all families to submit the forms. So I have 2 questions:

1 - What aid could we be missing out on if we don’t file (besides the federal loan)? A previous email with this school confirmed that the forms are not required for Merit Aid.

2 - If we submit the forms will it hold up the review of her application in any way since she indicated that she is not applying for FA?

To complicate matters, our tax returns for 2017 are unrepresentative of our regular income due to a layoff and subsequent collection of severance package. Plus, DH does not like giving out personal financial information more than is absolutely necessary. Ugh, thought we were done . (I could use a shot of Jager :wink: )

The best part of Goldschlager was looking at your poop the next day!!! Ha ha!

Wish I had a good answer for the question above. Sorry idk.

Happy Halloween everyone!

@Acersaccharum , we are in the position of NOT qualifying for any need based aid, but of course would be open to Merit Aid. I contacted four schools about whether we needed to submit the CSS profile in this case and they all said no. We did do the FAFSA, having learned from my first child going to college that it was required for merit aid consideration. Now I’m sure not all schools are this way about FAFSA and Merit aid, and it sounds like yours isn’t. I don’t know though, I might give them a call if I were you; you don’t want to leave any Merit aid on the table. Then just ask your second question. FYI the CSS is WAY WAY more detailed so if you are unsure if you need to do it, contact each school and hopefully you will receive the same answer I did.

Leinenkugel!!! Forgot all about it! A fetish at Northwestern in the 1970’s. Or maybe just my WI roommate’s influence

I was just thinking about this @Acersaccharum. We did not file the FAFSA or the CSS (based on our experience with D16 and nothing has changed for us) - I do not think any of the schools we visited with S19 said that either were required for merit consideration, but I was just thinking that maybe I missed something and should file the FAFSA. I don’t like putting my personal or financial information out there either, even though I know it’s all out there anyway. I may call the schools to double check…

@bobo44 - Never heard of that one! :slight_smile: May have to go out and buy some of these “oldies but goodies” when this whole college process is over!

Yeah Leinenkugel is ok. I am a total beer snob though so you don’t want to get me started.

@JBSeattle My DS16 works on campus in the writing lab. It is not work study.

Where at Carolina Mom?
It seemed to me that a lot of schools had work opportunities on campus which is perhaps part of my confusion.

@JBSeattle He attends College of Charleston. It is not considered work study.

Thanks. We went to Charleston a few years ago. It is a very lovely city!