Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

Thanks @mommdc ! St. Francis is on the list but Slippery Rock is out of her distance zone :slight_smile: Pennsylvania has a good number of these programs. We have Arcadia, DeSales, Misericordia and Lebanon Valley also on the list. Just not sure how we can get all thise visits in plus the schools in MA on the list! And most do not have weekend tours/info sessions during the summer.

@EENYMum We visited DeSales and Lebanon Valley. They arenā€™t talked about much here so I though Iā€™d share some impressions.

DeSales felt remote even though itā€™s really not because itā€™s in the middle of fields. It did feel like a high school in a way, but the science and health care labs and sim rooms were very nice. It seems geared toward professional education. We didnā€™t meet any professors on our visit or see many students.

Lebanon Valley was also small but it was very pretty and in a small town. We really were impressed by the friendliness of the faculty. They seemed exceptionally devoted to teaching and their students, and the students seemed down to earth. The science building is new, and the PT facilities were spacious and located in the athletic complex. I liked that they open their gym to the community and people of all ages weā€™re working out together. The PT department provides a PT clinic in town for members of the community. It seems that there is a very good relationship with the town. LVC can also seem remote driving in from the north or south, going east or west there are things to do. Harrisburg and Lancaster arenā€™t far.

Practicing OT here @EENYMum and @Bubblewrap666 . Just a few thoughts on your posts. Therapy has competitive admissions whether you transfer after completing an undergrad or you do a direct entry program. If your student is sure that that therapy is the right path for them, consider a direct entry program. If they are not sure or not strong in sciences, I would not go the direct route. Transferring usually at least provides a student with a major that they can graduate with and become employable . A direct entry program does not if they decide therapy is not what they want to pursue.

The other thing that I would encourage is for your student to observe in a variety of settings before making that decision . I hear students all the time say " Iā€™m going to work with kids" , but realize that they will be responsible for completing internships and coursework with all different populations.

And lastly, you may want to start a new thread . Thereā€™s a lot of therapists in this forum that may have some recommendations or suggestions that may be helpful.

S now has two schools that are definitely on his list. In addition to Pitt, he has decided to apply to Umass. So we have come full circle since when we first started discussing schools. At first he didnā€™t want to go far at all. Then he progressed to nothing in MA but was looking at bordering states. Then he started looking farther afield. Now he adds the state flagship. I think heā€™s been talking to his friends and most of them are being made to apply. It is a slight reach for him. Naviance is mostly green where his stats are though there are a sprinkling of red xā€™s.

He took the SAT again today. Iā€™m hoping for a few more points but am not counting on it. He hardly studied at all since he took the test in March. Iā€™m not wasting money on any more testing. Whatever he gets out if this, is what he will have and weā€™ll just work with it.

@carolinamom2boys @MACmiracle @Bubblewrap666 Thanks for the suggestions! D19 is sticking with her 300 or so mile radius for direct admit PT program. We did hear DeSales was smaller but I think that may work for her. We have some OT shadowing hours in the works and working on finding a location that will ok shadowing with PT. D actually is thinking more of working with adults vs kids. @carolinamom2boys when you suggest starting a new thread, any ideas where? I am still a bit overwhelmed with cc :slight_smile:

@EENYMum there is a major forum. You might want to post there .

Run some net price calculators on those schoolsā€™ websites. And look at how tuition for the graduate part of the programs works.

Misericordia was pretty reasonable in price. Lebanon Valley was higher if I remember correctly.

For OT, Elizabethtown College is supposed to have a good program IIRC.

@mommdc Towson has a good progarm. If anyone is looking at schools to attend after undergrad Medical University of SC and University of St Augustine have excellent programs with excellent faculty.

@eandersmom FWIW my twins received the exact same ACT score and only one is getting the onslaught of mail. Clearly she checked some ā€˜kill a treeā€™ box. U of Chicago sent a big packet and that went straight into recycling. Itā€™s ridiculous.

So do you all think this can be used as an award for the college application. BTW, he has none right now. Here is what happened:

Kid comes up to me this morning with a piece of paper and says ā€œsign thisā€. I ask what it is. He says itā€™s a permission slip for a field trip. I glance at it. Itā€™s to a local college and for this Friday. Looks reasonable, so I sign. Thereā€™s a memo attached to it which I rip off and read a little later. It says ā€œCongratulations, your child is one of 100 students in the state selected to participate in a workshopā€¦ā€. You think he could have told me that? Instead I just get ā€œsign thisā€.

The letter is from the social studies department chair. It doesnā€™t directly say, but from the way it reads I assume he is not the only one going from his school. I donā€™t know how they will get there. Maybe a teacher is driving? I guess I should have read that permission slip a little closer. So is this reaching too much to call this an award?

@me29034 I might try to google and see what is happening at the local college on Friday to get more info lol. It is probably a reach to call it an award but it could be listed as an academic achievement or activity if you need those, or ā€œenrichmentā€. Thereā€™s definitely a way to get it in there.

My son visited the smaller OH public Us. He doesnā€™t like urban schools so no Cleveland State on the app list. He really likes Shawnee State which is the smallest (and most recently established) public U. The nice thing about the schools is they have scholarship calculators on their financial aid web sites so you know, based on GPA and scores, how much the student will get.

@eandesmom I have more info about it, I just didnā€™t want to post the details here. The organization running it is a non-profit that develops teaching materials on prejudices and injustices in America and Europe. It seems that its original focus was Nazi Germany and the Holocaust but now they are working on race in America. It sounds like a full day of workshops and Iā€™m guessing that the input from these kids will be used to further develop the teaching materials on the subject.

@me29034 based on those details I would definitely include it somehow. Additionally, if my kids were going, I would be sure to thoroughly discuss the experiences and impressions my kids gained from it in case something were to come together for an essay, even supplemental essay. It sounds very interesting and the kinds of information many colleges want their students to have and share to improve aspects of their student body.

@ā€œErinā€™s Dadā€ This is what I love about these Midwest schools. I havenā€™t even considered any schools without an automatic merit chart.

Weā€™re going to visit a small public on Monday. Iā€™d been avoiding it because itā€™s open admissions and somewhat of a commuter school but sheā€™s starting to like it and the price and distance are good. It has more campus life than the commuter CC my DDā€™17 is living at, so Iā€™m not sure why I was being paranoid about it. DDā€™19ā€™s stats will make her a bit of a big fish there, and the honors scholarship is fantastic, so hopefully weā€™ll have a good visit and later on, an Honors Program admit!

@me29034 that sounds wonderful. Iā€™d probably put it under academic but it could really go in either spot and arguably in both if you needed it to. One for attending and one for beings selected to go. The only caveat to the 2nd is that if you have to pay to attend it would likely not be viewed as an award (I am sure you said but I am on my phone)

Today is the final full-day of school, with half-days starting tomorrow, and the last day of school a week from tomorrow. D will be handing in her student questionnaire and parent brag sheet tomorrow; these are due to school counselors on the last day of school.

Saturday is her ACT retake day. She has not had a lot of time to prep, but she has been using an app on her phone with test questions.

She starts her arts program on July 2, so she has a small break in between school ending and arts beginning. :slight_smile: Sheā€™ll be visiting a nearby CTCL school in two weeks and will have her first admissions interview. (I think it will be good practice.)

As for applications, currently sheā€™s working on the activities list for the Common App. She has her resume done as well as her theatre resume and portfolio (which is more important for theatre tech applicants) in good shape.

We have eight college visits penciled in for over the summer, with three of them having admissions interviews. The more we can get done now, the less days sheā€™ll be absent from school in senior year. I havenā€™t quite figured out the fall/winter interview/portfolio review schedule for her college list yet as not all dates are announced, but several schools have posted the scheduling calendar will open up on July 1. So I guess weā€™ll figure it out soon enough. :slight_smile:

My D will also be taking ACT on Saturday. We got out of school 2 weeks ago so she spent this last week in intensive test prep class. She really grumbled about ā€œgoing back to schoolā€ for a week, but it turns out the instructor was super high energy and entertaining. Amazing how it kept the kids engaged. She is a terrible test taker, but I think sheā€™s much more confident that she actually does know the content, now that sheā€™s also learned a lot of test-taking strategies. She is actually taking timed tests ON HER OWN! I am really hoping she can pull out a good score now, because keeping up the studying over summer will be hard to sustain. Iā€™d like her to turn her energy toward applications and of course, required summer readings. Boy, do they have a lot of work to do!

Good luck @OrangeFish on interviews. We only have one college visit over the summer, but maybe putting some in place for our September break.

Best of luck to your D, @Acersaccharum, on the ACT prep and the exam. Taking timed tests on her own is huge! Most everywhere I have read about ACT prep stresses the importance of being comfortable with the timed test element, and it sounds like your D has that mastered.

Another ACT kid this Sat. Hoping for a better score , but little prep time.