Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

What major , area of the country? Can’t say enough great things about Flagler College in St Augustine. There is also a whole thread dedicated to great colleges for B students that may have the specifics you’re looking for.

We’ve been kicking around ideas on the thread and didn’t know if anyone had toured recently. My senior girl is looking at small, private PA and NY. Last week Ursinus popped up (here) and seems like it worth a tour. St. Joseph’s came up recently (maybe on the similar thread parents of Class 2019). She’s interviewing at Dickinson next week, but would need to go ED. I have done so much research, I’m confusing myself now. I love the tour reviews and other input re: town character and news from kids who attend. She just got back from her first trip to Europe and definitely wants super strong study abroad. She is quirky (into botany, no drinking, vegetarian, would not survive a triple dorm room). :smiley:

@TwinMom2023 if she’s not opposed to Southern schools, check out College of Charleston. They have an excellent study abroad and international studies program . They also have a kosher/vegetarian dining hall. It is an urban school, so if that’s not her thing, maybe not a good choice . Big into sustainability.

@TwinMom2023 Have you looked at Goucher? From your description, Goucher sounds like it would be a fit-match for you daughter based on your description. All students are required to travel and it is a very quirky-kid-friendly place. My quirky kid loved it. We live in PA less than an hour north of Baltimore/DC. So Goucher isn’t that far out of range if you are considering schools such as Saint Joseph’s and Dickinson.

Thank you @InfiniteWaves and @carolinamom2boys I think we do need to look at Goucher. I think I may have to tweak our tour next week with her new passion about travel. CoC is on list for nephew, but my D wants some snow and cold weather. So Dickinson, Goucher, Ursinus, St. Jo’s might be better than HWS as planned. Thank God we can cancel hotel rooms easily. Goucher and Ursinus are both on CCTL, but I know nothing about them. Thank you again.

@TwinMom2023, my D17 is quite happy at Muhlenberg.

Any idea about possible majors? For NY/PA LACs, that can be of importance—different LACs have different strengths.

ETA: And my D17 did have a triple her first year (not a forced triple, a triple that was twice as big as a double, so everyone fit), but one roommate moved out right after winter break, giving my daughter possibly the most expansive double on campus for a semester. :)>-

@TwinMom2023 I have canceled and rescheduled so many hotel rooms (and college tours) during this process! Glad you are putting Goucher and Ursinus on the visit list.

And if Saint Joe’s is a possibility, you could consider Loyola U Maryland while in the area for Goucher. Saint Joe’s and Loyola U Maryland are both Jesuit schools, similar in mission, size, and student population. We visited Goucher in the morning and Loyola in the afternoon with time for lunch in the city between.

I’m a Loyola U Maryland alum (back when it was Loyola College). And at that time, I would have fit the student profile in this thread. The cool thing about the Baltimore colleges is that they are close to each other. And there is now a free bus service that runs between Goucher, Towson U, Loyola, Hopkins, U of Baltimore, and Penn Station. Students can get to DC on the train from Penn Station.

Goucher is close to where we live, so we’ve visited a few times for events and so forth. Kiddo doesn’t want to go anywhere that close to home so that crossed it off of our list. They are walking distance to a fairly good shopping mall. They take access/affordability for underserved populations seriously so it’s not just suburban white kids. I hear good things about their equestrian facilities.

@InfiniteWaves @ninakatarina @dfbdfb She is interested in Env. Science - total geology and botany nerd, however, I think she’ll wind up with some computer science double major or minor. She refuses to even consider that now, but her dad and cousin are gifted in IT and she has it too (a little on the ASD side). She loved Bryn Mawr and the new science building is awesome, but it might be too much of a stretch and I have concerns about how deep their faculty bench is. We will be full pay so she doesn’t have to worry about aid, but I worry about a match b/c she isn’t a typical student. Her twin could go anywhere and blend, but this kid is not easy. Have not looked at Loyola for her at all. Is the area okay for safety?

Any yes, I’m tagged as ‘crazy mom’ in the college tour/hotel cancellation d-base somewhere. It’s awful!

@TwinMom2023 Loyola is within the Baltimore city limits but adjacent to some affluent neighborhoods with one side not as affluent. It has a beautiful, traditional campus that is quite safe. Just like Saint Joe’s in Philly actually. Students can walk to events at Johns Hopkins (we did all the time back in the dark ages). And the rest of the city is as much a part of the campus experience as the campus itself.

I still work in the Baltimore area and spend a lot of time in the city so all of this is current info and not based on my own college experience from a bazillion years ago. LOL!

Loyola is known for business and the sciences. But it is a high quality LAC at heart. It was more LACy before it replaced “college” with “university” in its name.

Goucher is a true LAC and has a ton to offer as well for students who want that experience. I would be happy with my kid at either school.

@InfiniteWaves I really appreciate the help and insight of this group. It has been a week!!! I feel like I’m starting from scratch. Thank you. It sounds lovely.

@TwinMom2023 Another option to look at: Washington College in Chestertown, MD has a great “Chesapeake Semester”, where students from all different majors study the bay and spend a few weeks at another estuary in Central America. My niece did it and it was incredible! Their environmental studies are strong for an LAC.

@twinmom2023 She may want to look at Allegheny. It was #2 on my daughter’s list. Can’t say enough about how wonderful the administration, teachers, and students were. All very nice and down to earth. They have a great environmental science program. Daughter received excellent merit. Their environmental science building is really cool. From their website:

The Richard J. Cook Center is the new home for Allegheny College’s Department of Environmental Science, one of the oldest and most respected environmental science programs in the country. The lobby features a working model of an aquaponics system with marigolds and koi in interconnected tanks. Another, large-scale aquaponics system in a lab grows tilapia and romaine lettuce for use in the college’s dining rooms. A living wall designed by students includes a variety of plants watered from a rainwater catchment system that drains from the building’s roof.

@taverngirl Allegheny has come up several times as a fabulous Env. Science school. I think it is too far west from us, but I will definitely ask her about it this weekend. Washington College did look nice when I was searching. I can’t remember why it fell off of the list. I’ll look again!

@TwinMom2023 have you looked at RIT at all? We just toured it today and quite a bit of what you have said feels like might be a possible fit. Quirky, science-y.
ETA: and it’s not as small as you might be otherwise looking at, but on our tour today they talked about the average class size being around 23 students. The tour guide said he only ever had 2 classes that were larger (100ish students) and the rest have been as small as only 4 students.

I second the recommendation to look at Loyola. I have no affiliation tho I went to a Jesuit school in a different city. D had it on her list more as a safety but we live about 45 mins away so I took her and S19 on a tour two summers ago (D just finished freshman year of college elsewhere). She liked it as did S19. She got excellent merit aid tho her stats were a bit higher (4.0 but just ok SAT). Dh and I went to accepted students day with her and were very impressed. Unfortunately she did not want to be that close to home so it remained a safety. I would love for either of my boys to go there but S19 is hoping to play his sport and it’s not offered there. I’m holding out hope for S21 but he goes to h.s. in Baltimore so I have a feeling he will say no way, that it’s also too close to home. As far as the safety of the neighborhood, it is north of Hopkins, and as stated previously, borders a pretty affluent area.

I can’t speak for the strength of any of their programs but eight of D’s classmates, all of whom were in the top 5-10% of her class, just finished freshman year. Her best friend is studying biology and doing very well so far. I’m not sure what botany and environmental science opportunities are like.

@twinmom2023 Allegheny is far… a whole “state of PA the long way” away, lol. We are in CT, and really, that’s one of the main reasons dd finally decided against it. I will always have a soft spot for it and feel little pangs of regret that it wasn’t “the one” so I do try to talk it up when I can :slight_smile:

@4kids4us and @infinitewaves happy to hear good things about Loyola. It’s on my 2020 son’s list (engineering major, solid B student) Hope to visit soon.

Loyola also ‘hangs with the big boys’ in lacrosse too. Towson, Hopkins, Navy, Loyola, UMBC and of course Maryland. Some years one (okay, Maryland) is a lot better than the others, but it is really fun to have rivalries that are competitive right in the same area.

S is at a camp at WPI and has fallen in love with it, predictably. I had to tell him to tap the brakes a bit tonight. He will apply and I think he has a decent shot at admission but my research indicates that WPI just doesn’t give the merit love for our charming B students that the LACs on his list do: Allegheny, Knox, Earlham, Wooster, St. Olaf.

WPI is taking this valuable opportunity to admissions rush the campers, which is smart of them. He has been to an admissions presentation and has an interview on Monday. I hated to burst his bubble but I also don’t want to deal with “I can’t afford my one true love” admissions heartbreak. He can only fall in love with a school that loves him back.

@fwtxmom DS19 is attending an art camp next week at a school we cannot afford. We have already been having that conversation on a regular basis.