Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

Ugh!!! Just received DS19’s schedule in the mail. He has two empty periods so we have to go to the school to see if he can find an available class that he actually wants to take that won’t pull down his GPA or let him have early release which we did not want because we wanted his rigor to remain high. Also found out that we will not have the counselor who DS19 had that was amazing .Tjis kid can’t catch a break. His brother had amazing teachers throughout school ,but DS 19 seems to run every other year . So frustrating! Thanks for letting me vent.

Like you need more stress at the start of senior year, @carolinamom2boys! Can you get it straightened out on Monday?

@OrangeFish Not until schedule error day on August 7th.

Ugh! How frustrating, @carolinamom2boys ! :((


@carolinamom2boys so sorry! That is very frustrating!

I love that they have so many errors they have to have a Schedule Error Day.

Our school has a Schedule Error Day, too. One. This year it happens to fall when we will be out of town. I’ve already preemptively told the GC that we would be meeting her outside of that date because we know we’re going to have to adjust DS’s schedule. Why should this year be any different from the last 3? We know he is signed up for a class that he took at the community college this summer, so that can be a free period. He’s gotten permission to be the teachers’ aide for the Shakespeare unit that the theatre magnet juniors will be taking. He’s already planning monologue assignments.

@twoinanddone it’s not the whole day, it’s just 3 hrs for a school with 2000 students.

This is the whole reason our school will not send out transcripts this summer. The transcript lists senior year classes but they are not yet finalized so they wait until 2nd week of September when all the scheduling issues are worked out.

@me29034 we must be very close as I’m within about 30 minutes of Providence. I lived in the area for college and while it’s not the best of neighborhoods, there are certainly far worse areas in the city. I was there for work to talk about emergency preparedness (I work at a college nearby) and PC has the best setup and procedures I’ve seen anywhere. Safety on campus will not be an issue. PC doesn’t have engineering so it’s not on our list.

My S19 really likes Quinnipiac and the campus is amazing. The facilities are top notch. The open house was well organized also.

Catching up and chiming in about Quinnipiac - I probably have mentioned it here already but if not: my D14 just graduated from there with a great job (nursing) and we had an extremely positive experience in every aspect. She really grew up in so many ways during that time. I met a lot of students throughout the four years when I visited theater plays, general events, etc. and the many friends D made were very nice, decent young adults. Touring again soon with S19 and D20 - with D14 joining us as she was a tour guide as well and will give the “extra” info to them.

Anyway - happy to answer any questions if you have them, and won’t be offended if you don’t like the school :slight_smile: I have four kiddos, all very different, so I understand.

Our school also has several days to work out schedules.The first two days back (Wednesday and Thursday before Labor Day) are filled with kids trying to get their schedules fixed. It amazes me that the school thinks it is OK to let this sit unaddressed all summer…especially since course selection is completed at the end of the third quarter the previous year.

@bjkmom @nanny1 D19 had Quinnipiac on her list as well but after seeing the tuition/room and board costs I told her she may have to take it off. She was not happy and would still like to apply as they have her major (PT) and our LI school has also sent a lot of students there w good results. D’s guidance counselor is also an alum so I know she would like it on the list :slight_smile: I just have not seen any indication that merit would put it in our range.

I just ran the NPC for Quinnipiac and it gave me a number of $13,500 for merit aid for D19. She has a 3.43 GPA (3.7 WGPA) and 1290 SAT.

Is there anything in the area surrounding the school or do the kids head into New Haven?

@cakeisgreat I would love any additional information about Quinnipiac. The tuition is so daunting but I know they have a new President with a very impressive background too.

@DCNatFan our d19 has similar stats and with a pricetag of $68,000, even w considerably more merit I don’t see how we could make it work. Esp since her major requires 6 or 7 years!

Oops, Quinnipiac comes in at 62,500 not 68,000.

I think it was last year that Quinnipiac had a big housing shortage and they turned some lounges into quads. One CC poster wasn’t very happy, but a reduction in the cost of housing was available. While it is not for everyone to share a bigger room, that option might still be available to bring prices down.

One of my daughter’s friends got accepted to Quinnipiac, went to the Orientation, was all set… until she realized that she couldn’t afford it. I have NO IDEA why it reached that point in the process before she realized that she wouldn’t be getting the loans she somehow thought that either she or her parents would qualify for.

So she’ll be staying home and attending a local LI school on a scholarship. Word is that she is NOT happy about it.