Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@EENYMum your HS will send a profile with the transcript that explains it. I wouldn’t worry about that. I’d just be careful on self reporting, how you report. I cannot recall what the options are on the common app, some schools ask what the scale is and have a few options, some do not.

I would agree though that if they weight, it’s unusual not to provide the unweighted as well.

Happy Aug 1! My D19 just announced she is back to square 1 with her college search

@Sconnie810 The good news is that it is only July 31!

My S19 is not on square one, but probably needs 4+ more schools on his list and hasn’t shown much interest in researching them. I think he has 4 he is definitely applying to, a few more in a gray area, and probably one or two that should be on the list that aren’t on his radar yet.

Oops! She had her choices narrowed down to 3 small LACs but now realizes she wants bigger! A weekend of camping with friends has made her realize or think she she woulf

OMG! It is July 31

Sorry I’m typing on my phone and having issues. D19 has decided against applying to the small LACs she had decided upon and now wants to look at bigger schools such as Ball State, Indiana, Illinois, Southern Illinois-Carbondale and I don’t know what else. We haven’t toured any of those and she wants to like today! Well, by the time school starts in 2weeks. We were going along so smoothly I just can’t believe this is happening.

Since I like this little subset of CCers and because I know there are many East Coasters here as well, thought I’d ask this here. I’m down in the Wilmington, NC area for a few days on vacation tho weather is not cooperating for much beach time. I have S21 with me so thought we’d check out UNC-Wilmington. It’s a no go for S19 (if he wants to play his sport) but S21 wants to look since we are nearby and since it’s most definitely not a beach day this morning. I know very little about the school, but for a public school, it’s not huge, price is good for out of state, not too far from home (6 hr drive). Personally I think S21 will need a smaller school as he has an LD and is not the best about advocating for himself. However, things may change, hopefully, as he matures. He’s not going to have the stats for a selective school (gpa probably in range of this thread, but due to LD, he will not do well on SAT/ACT), and he is adamant about not staying close to home. Just curious if anyone knows anything about UNC-W. If for nothing else, it will give S21 an idea what a medium size public university looks like.

@EENYMum D21’s school also doesn’t report unweighted; only weighted. They have a sheet online showing what they send to colleges - they include a chart with GPA ranges and the percent of the class in each range, so the school can infer where the student falls (also doesn’t rank).

@NJWrestlingmom …that is wonderful that your district has shared what actually gets sent. A great resource for families. Going to add that to the suggestion list for our district :slight_smile:

@EENYMum it’s awesome! My S18 went to a different high school and they didn’t provide nearly as much info. Her school includes the SAT/ACT score breakdows; SAT subject test and AP test results (giving a number of students in each score, so privacy is maintained). And a list of all the colleges the previous years class is attending. Her school is more than double the size of S18, so maybe that has something to do with it, but it’s a great resource.

@Sconnie810 That is harsh, I can relate though b/c I think my D19’s need have changed and will continue to evolve with therapy! So. Much. Work. I feel like we just can’t get it right. At least the larger schools will be cheaper, maybe?

@4kids4us My niece graduated from UNC W 4 years ago. She LOVED it. Seniors tend to rent beach houses for their last year, which was awesome for her. She is now out in LA working in film production. It is a big film school. Her roommate received a full ride to med. school from UNCW. It is a little more difficult for OOS kids to get in. No football team though. It’s star is definitely on the rise.

@TwinMom2023 So. Much. Work. is spot on. She has been so adamant about leaving Illinois for school but perhaps that was more my desire than hers. I do find solace in the fact that a bigger in-state school would be far more affordable but I just wanted more for her.

@sconnie810 what about a school within a school like honors programs, but subject oriendted? There are so many fabulous schools. I think we all just want the perfect match for our kids from our perspective, using our wisdom. Is it too late to compromise with a larger private?

Leaving tomorrow for Fri. interview with Dickinson and then will continue on to Philly area schools. I am getting on my own nerves with indecisiveness about what to see Sat. and Sun. Even the dogs walk away when I bring up potential schools to look at this weekend. Ugh. Trying to avoid another school that would be a reach. St. Jo’s and Ursinus are on the list (self guided tours), but are there any others that wouldn’t be a reach? Weighted GPA 3.73, ACT 30, but rough junior year so last year’s grades are sad. GPA is due to Fresh/Soph. grades.

@TwinMom2023 Is Juniata (in Huntingdon) on your radar? ACT 22-29. Less than two hours NW of Carlisle…I don’t know much about it but it gets some interest in PA. It was on our early, early list when D was thinking of elementary ed. Also, Immaculata is very close to Ursinus…

@bettzke1 No, it wasn’t. Thank you! I think I remember it being a CCTL college. I’ll start doing some research. I have to sy

@TwinMom2023 Is Muhlenberg on the list?

@TwinMom2023 if you have time, check out the new Museum of American History. It is supposed to be super! We were going to check out U Sciences and Thomas Jefferson/Penn for their physical therapy programs but d19 still un sure she can do city living even though she really likes Philly and we have family there. Good luck w visits!

@gallentjill just looking at it as Juniata is too far from home. Twin A has a new limit. I think Muhlenberg makes sense b/c it is on the way to Philly. If anyone has knowledge of Mulenberg, I’d love to hear. She just started back to therapy yesterday so this coming year will likely bring big changes, which adds to stress of planning. I’m not sure how people 3 or more kids can do this. Meanwhile anyone else touring this weekend?