Parents of the HS Class of 2019 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

@longhaul I hear you on the boyfriend aspect. I’m so hopeful they’ll phase out and just be friends by May. I have a ‘what if she won’t engage where she is’ fear.

PA is the place to be! It is surprising there isn’t interior design though. I didn’t realize your D19 is in at three. I knew one, but I’m so excited for you to have three already. Yay!! Excellent job on getting her to be so organized.

We have five schools on the list, all in-state public Us, all safeties and all affordable. My S picked four and we have one parent add close to home. He really liked the four he picked during tour sessions and isn’t happy with our selection but, oh well.

@Erin’s Dad, I’m jealous! I wish I could get mine to like all affordable IS schools! We are in a very busy suburban area, while most of our state schools are rural. A turn-off for my D. I thought for sure she’d love West Chester. We did a drive by and eat dinner in town on the way home from a day trip. She hated it so much, we canceled the official tour.

Temple is “too city.” Pitt is too high of a reach… You would think by this stage (child #3), I’d be used to the lack of rationale of teenagers with this process.

@TwinMom2023, I wouldn’t call it organized as much as the 3 were easy applications and no teacher recommendations required. It has taken a deal of anxiety off of her. The 3 are Kutztown, Bama and Iowa State. My oldest went to Bama. Iowa State is not any of our favorites due to distance and fear of their weather, but their design school is impressive on paper. We won’t visit in person until we have all acceptances and finances in hand.

We were limiting the interior design search to CIDA accredited schools. In PA that leaves all private schools. She already ruled out one for area. We will go in mid-September to an open house of a private that is close by (not close enough to commute easily with traffic).

She started senior year today, so hoping this applying early doesn’t back-fire and induce senioritus early.

@Longhaul we visited some that were too city and too big. He likes smaller schools but wants to stay closer to home which we are fine with. It’s funny, he likes smaller schools (his favorite is about the size of a large LAC) but has no interest in LACs.

We have 9 schools on the list.

Reach - 1
Match - 2
Low Reach - 2
Safety - 4

The schools are all over the country with the closest being 4 hours away by car.

School starts next Wednesday. I’ve pretty much left her on her own this summer regarding her summer schoolwork and studying for the ACT. 99% of the time I don’t have to push her to do schoolwork so I’m confident that she’s done or very nearly done. We’ve applied to 2 schools with rolling admissions so if she’s accepted, she won’t have that “I’m not getting into college” stress.

Oh update on the wedding!

Remember D19 didn’t want to go to her uncle’s wedding because of her internship? We went of course. We both has an amazing time! The traveling there and back was a different story. The professor from her internship came over and spoke to us during the reception and it was awkward but we didn’t see him again after that.

@Longhaul please post if you do visit Iowa! S17 begin spring sophomore year at Rowan this week, but I continue to ■■■■■ for D21, who will be casting a much wider net for schools. Iowa is one that seems interesting.

Good luck to everyone waiting on acceptances!

D19 got her first acceptance today! She was admitted to Arizona State!

Congratulations! First acceptances for my D19, too! Northern Arizona University and University of Kansas. And money from both!! Feels great to be wanted. Takes away much of the stress of this application season.

@cinn124 and @Turquoise52 Congrats. My D19 has been admitted to NAU and ASU (we’re in state). Merit aid from NAU and expecting merit from ASU but it’s not showing on the portal at this point.

NC peeps - just saw article re: free application by N.C. HS students for state schools in North Carolina. Oct. 15-19.

@Turquoise52 and @Corinthian Congratulations and Thank you!!!

Just returned a week vacation and found letter from Kansas offering merit aid, which brings cost of attendance down to the equivalent of in-state tuition.

Congratulations @DCNatFan that’s wonderful!!!

@DCNatFan Yay!! Great news.

Congrats @DCNatFan .

Posting this here and on the other 2019 parents page to save some people a lot of discomfort once their child moves into their chosen school. I belong to quite a few other groups and right now they’re are blowing up over their children being uncomfortable with their roommates having overnight guests. It is important that you research the rules regarding overnight guests in dorm rooms at the schools that your children are considering . Every school is different with different rules regarding how many nights per month, how many days in a row, etc. You may also want to investigate the availability of private rooms. I know that this is not always a comfortable subject , but it should be addressed before choosing a school if someone has strong feelings about it. Just throwing this out there.

@carolinamom2boys Thank you. That never even occurred to me. I’ve been fretting b/c Twin A is an extreme introvert and she is in therapy to develop some skills she’ll need in college, but truly I thought a triple was a deal breaker. These stories of multiple boys sleeping in the dorm room the first week are pretty alarming. Are the policies generally available on the housing site? I’m not a prude in any way, but my girls don’t need strange guys living in their room b/c the roommate has gone a little wild.

From my experience, official policies don’t capture everything even if they exist at all. For example, my D’s school has rules that guests must be signed in and out, and only so many overnight stays are allowed per semester. But, this won’t catch overnight stays from someone who lives in the dorm and doesn’t need to be signed in. Many dorms are complelety coed, and others are single sex by floor or wing. There are many members of the opposite sex that don’t need a special sign in in order to spend the night.

Some schools have model roommate contracts that have to be negotiated and signed in the first week, that include policies on overnight visitors, and can lead to repercussions when broken.

I guess my issue is the lack of respect for the roommate and the story that I read on another site, the girl was left with a strange guy in the room after roomie headed out with 1st guy and the 2nd guy just remained in room sleeping. In addition, the school response was not stellar.

Having inside knowledge re: a sexual assault in a dorm last year, I think I’m worried about how red flags can be overlooked until something dire happens.