Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Are grades/scores self-reported, and are LORs not required? I’d love for son to knock out a few apps, but we’re months aways from having LORs available, and our GC sending grades.

NAU and MSU use self reported grades and rank. USU said they go off the official transcript but said there is some service they pull it from, they don’t even have you enter gpa on the application. No LOR needed, no essays. NAU and MSU say they have a two week notification.

My son applied to Oregon and OSU last year and they both used self reported grades, no LORs needed. They do need the common app essay and had some short answer questions as well.

She got accepted to NAU already. No mention of any aid other than she qualifies for the WUE rate. We’ll see what they offer after she tests and we do the FAFSA.

@Johnny523, congrats on one acceptance already!

S21 has pretty much finished the personal statement for the common app - it came out better than I thought it would, and he finished it sooner (the benefit of a class he took to guide him in writing it and make him stick to deadlines…plus me making sure he did the assignments every day and asking him questions that led him to add more detail, etc.) Phew. With that out of the way, I think I’m feeling pretty good about wherever-he-gets-in, he gets in…he’s studying for the SAT yet again even though it may not happen (likely won’t), and I think that’s just going to have to be less important at this point than the fact that he will be mostly done with his common app by the end of August and will probably end up with a few choices next Spring.

Anyone with experience, insights or opinions on Springfield College?

Seems to be respected/known for its PT program. Other than that, you barely hear about it (and I’m pretty local).

@eb23282 My D19 applied to Springfield. We never visited, but it seemed a very solid option. She’s an athlete and was interested in a more “pre-professional” experience. I think it is a good option if that’s your goal. Rolling admission meant a nice early acceptance and she received several handwritten notes encouraging her to enroll - a nice touch.

With all the NASA excitement lately, my S21 has been looking more closely at Florida Tech. We are OOS for Florida so the state schools are out of the question. Anyone know anything about FIT? I think there were a few posters on CC whose kid goes/went there. Would love to get some insight about the school.

If you’re looking at FIT, you might also want to check out Embry-Riddle in Daytona Beach.

Thanks for the suggestion. Does your child go to Embry-Riddle? We are considering FIT because he liked the campus and we have relatives nearby. There is an Embry -Riddle campus in Arizona that would work better for him, so it’s definitely on our radar!

D got accepted at Montana State. No word on merit aid because she hasn’t taken the SAT yet and they require test scores for the scholarships. She is scheduled for the 29th test date, hopefully it happens.

She submitted her apps to Oregon and Oregon State via the common app yesterday, so she’s done with all the main apps. She still needs to do the honors college apps for most of the schools.

@Johnny523 wow congrats! Nice and early! D got WVU in because she didn’t need the essay. She’s dying to get everything in ASAP but talking with her teacher tomorrow about her essay so she’s holding off for now! She did set herself up for an interview with Syracuse next week. She has her heart set on that, but unless they shock us with money, I’m afraid that won’t end well!

@Johnny523 Congrats to your D! That’s two acceptances now, right?: NAU and MSU! That must feel good to your D to have two already in hand!

@kethra Yes, that’s two. It’s great to have them in hand already.

@NJWrestlingmom It’s nice to get it done early so they don’t have to worry about when school starts.

Could I get your feedback on my S21’s current list of schools to apply…or maybe I should really say it’s my current list of schools for him to apply! :smiley:

S21 is looking to study CS. He currently has taken a total of 7 Honors classes, 1 DE, and 4 APs. He should end up with at least 1 more Honors and 1 more AP senior year, but I can’t check his Fall schedule until school starts. His current GPA is 3.51 UW and his PSAT score was 1460 / SI is 219, which should hopefully place him at the projected cutoff for NMSF for our state. Scheduled to take the SAT on Oct 3 locally, if it doesn’t get canceled. Since he’s a very good test taker and excels in math, expecting him to get over 1500 on the SAT. He was invited to apply for the National Hispanic Recognition Program, which should be a lock since his GC confirmed he made the GPA cutoff. No real ECs other than participating in marching band, after school jazz band, and participation in a couple of clubs. He has been a Davidson Young Scholar since the age of 6, skipped a grade (K), and also a member of the Center for Talented Youth at JHU since grade school. I think he’s a lot smarter than his grades reflect.

We are chasing merit money as we qualify for almost no need-based aid and due to me being in grad school forever due to being a victim of a crime, we got a really late start in saving for retirement. Also, since I am the sole breadwinner and will have to support both hubby and myself in retirement (I’m 52), there is no way that we can pay more than about $12k per year realistically towards his college, while the NPCs all say we can afford to pay $48k+/yr.

Right now we are mostly targeting schools that will likely be full rides or close to it for NMF, but if he doesn’t make that, then I want to make sure that we are considering other schools that have generous merit aid. We live in a suburb of Seattle, WA.

List to Apply:

  1. U Wash – no merit aid but instate fees and can live at home. Highly ranked CS program.
  2. U So Cal – not even sure if we should apply here because NMF is only half tuition, but he would possibly be legacy admit as I got my MA there
  3. Texas A&M
  4. U Central Florida
  5. U Texas Dallas
  6. Arizona State U
  7. U Florida
  8. Florida State U
  9. Texas Tech

I was looking at maybe also applying to U Alabama.

Any thoughts on where else we (I) should be looking? We aren’t trying to shoot for schools where he has no chance of merit aid.

I forgot to add that S21 has no preference as to location for the school, we are willing to send him anywhere in the U.S. where he can get his Bachelor’s in CS and graduate with no student loan debt. Seems like the majority of the schools we have on our list are FL and TX.

@Kethra, If you son has no preference, I would recommend UT Dallas, as it is on your list. Very strong in CS, the kids that go there are your pre professional type kids, very academically focused on their careers and class. No football , more of a geeky vibe.

@kethra I don’t have any suggestions, just want to say he sounds like a great kid!

I agree with @TVBingeWatcher2

So I have a serious question. DD is getting mailers from schools that I do not think she has a chance in heck of getting in, like U Chicago and Tulane. I understand that these colleges have gone test optional and might be looking to add a more diverse set of kids? Or, do they want more kids to apply (and reject) so that they can say how competitive they are?

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