Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

@caymusjordan Has your D considered UNC Asheville? It’s much smaller than most of the UNC campuses. Also has a closed campus feel. I don’t think any of the dorms have a hall bathroom- which is a major plus!

I know a lot of kids who go to App State and love it. A 25 is in the 50% so maybe you shouldn’t submit it??? A lot depends on your county and school. Some counties/schools there is a lot of competition for Appalachian. Typically, it’s the 3rd choice after UNC and State.

@jeneric - she’s looking at social work and criminal justice so UNC Asheville won’t work for her. She was really excited for App State - reminded her of CO - but reading some of the reviews of over-crowding has her putting it further down her list.
From what I’ve read, her GPA and coursework could get her into the honors program at UNCC and UNCG which would help the school feel smaller.

It’s just so hard for these kids not being able to tour schools…of course she’s been able to tour at the private schools where the programs aren’t great and the cost is much higher…

@caymusjordan , has she considered East Carolina in Greenville? My niece is a sophomore there and loves it. She got accepted into Wake Forest, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State but she picked ECU and has not regretted it at all.

That’s fantastic, and a great example of why I love this thread so much more than the other one. Thank you for sharing.

Does anyone have a 2.5-3.0 kid? That’s what I’m working with and I was positive we were going to do a year or two of CC and see how that goes. She then got an offer from Virginia Wesleyan where they said based on her GPA being over a 2.5 (which is barely is) and her Pre-ACT (26) they would accept her and give her $20k a year. We went to visit and D loves it, but now I’m thinking she has a shot as some other schools as well. We visited McDaniel which is a CTCL and also really good for ADHD and other learning differences. It is also a little bigger than VWU and nationally ranked. I loved that one, her not so much. I think it would be a perfect fit for her. Just wondering if there are other parents on here with lower GPA kids who are finding some possible schools. I really didn’t think she’d get in anywhere. She will also apply to Shenandoah in Winchester VA and Marymount (we are in NoVa).

My nephew had a 1.9 and still got into Seton Hall and some other schools. @g8rmomk8ans A lot of schools will be very happy to take your D with a 2.5. I don’t have any specific recommendations, though.

@Johnny523 Wow! Good to know. I’m definitely seeing that she’ll have some options which is great. A year ago, she didn’t even want to go away to school and now she very much wants to, but I was afraid she’d have no schools that would take her. I think her ACT will help her and she has some, but not a lot, EC’s. It’s crazy because a 2.5 sounds just terrible these days but it’s a C+ which isn’t the end of the world.

There are PLENTY of schools that would happily take your 2.5 kid. And on top of that, she’ll likely do very well and have a successful and fulfilling life. Don’t get sucked into the Top 20 or bust mentality like so many on CC.


@g8rmomk8ans It’s great that she found one school that she loves! CTCL schools are wonderful and all a little different. We liked Ursinus in PA - good merit $ too.

Popping in with the lower GPA kid info here. My son had an interest in a tech school degree (associates degree in a healthcare field, there is no bachelors for this job). He barely made it through high school. We found a tech school with a dorm (these are growing) and he LOVES it there. Great school with wonderful support for kids who have struggled academically in the past, small class sizes, 3 colleges in town so he gets the feel of a “true college experience”. Oh, and he got a 3.45 last semester. Dont count out those “lower GPA” kids as not being able to be successful. Getting them into a college and letting them take the courses they truly want can be amazing for them!

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My S17 had a 2.7 or so. I think a 1130 SAT (can’t remember, somewhere around there). He went 9 for 9 in admissions. York College of PA; Lycoming also in Pa. castleton in VT. He also got into several PASSHE schools, but he picked a NJ state school and loves it.

This +10000. CC gives an extremely warped perspective on college admissions because most people here are focused on the elite colleges. Anyone who wants to college can find a school that will admit them.

Yes @g8rmomk8ans ! That’s where my son is at as well. Current GPA 2.58. And hasn’t been able to test as they were all cancelled. One more scheduled for Oct. but not holding his breath.

Looking at a number of schools. The conversation we’ve had around here is that no school on his list is a no-brainer acceptance but no school is off the table either. He’s got to tell his story in a compelling way and go from there. But there is a place for everyone!

Happy to share the schools with you if you’re interested. Are you looking to keep it in a particular geographic area and/or for a certain major?

Any insights on Elizabethtown?

@eb23282 my S21 did a virtual visit in May this year. I’ve copied my notes from that visit here. I liked the school for him but the marketing got pretty aggressive and S21 dropped it from his list.

S21 was the only student in the visit which threw him a little. Ultimately a good thing as the content was tailored a bit to him but it also put him in the position of having to be very interactive during the session which is tough enough during his high school classes where he knows everyone. Much more difficult in an online environment where he’s never met the person before. She was wonderful but dynamics are tough.

Several comments about how excited they were to have someone from our state visiting. That threw him a little too as we’re not that far away. (PA to MA) He felt like that reflected a real lack of geographic diversity in the student body.

Overall E-Town came across as a solid option that really wants to see the whole student during the application process. Music to our ears. They said they are likely to move to completely test optional soon (vs. only for those over a 3.5 GPA right now). They were very encouraging about conversations with coaches etc. but in an appropriate way given they know nothing of my son and his skill level.

The session was only a 1/2 hour with a push to check out student Q&A’s that are available elsewhere and dates and ways to visit in person next year. No pics of buildings or interiors anywhere. I know we can do the virtual campus tour ourselves, but we were there as a captive audience. Feels like a missed opportunity for them and I’m not sure he’s going to want to go back and do that work now.

There just wasn’t a hook for him here that each school he’s nodding eagerly at has had (none of those are the same hook).

All that said, it’s a school I’ve mentioned to other folks IRL as one for them to think about. Truly a case on our end of it just not “feeling” right to S21.

Thanks @ububumble. This is another of those dime-a-dozen LACs that I’m trying to figure out the fit, i.e. is it more intellectual than ranking would indicate, is it very sporty or nerdy or artsy, does lean left and have a strong SJW vibe, etc, etc. You’re in MA - any thoughts on Wheaton?

@ububumble Yes, sounds like you’re in the same boat. My D21’s school is holding their own sitting for the SAT and ACT in October so she’ll definitely be able to test, which is great. We’ve got a good list of “likely” schools right now and are just trying to find the best fit. My vote is for McDaniel–1.5 hours away from us in NoVA and excellent support for students with ADHD or other learning differences. She liked it but didn’t love it. Also having her apply to Arcadia in PA, per the suggestion of her counselor. She’s an artsy/theater kid who is LGBTQ and in need of a school where she’ll find her people. I’m concerned that her top choice, Virginia Wesleyan, may be tougher in that respect as it does have a very subtle religious vibe and is several hundred students smaller. I was able to very easily find the best fit for my college Junior and feel I can do the same for D21–it’s just that D21 is more stubborn/independent and will push back a bit.

@eb23282 Funny–we just got a postcard from Elizabethtown today. I don’t know anything about it/hadn’t heard of it. My husband and I and our older D are big SEC school people so the whole LAC scene is very new to us!

I’d love to hear about Wheaton (MA) as well. My S21 is applying. He did their virtual summer preview day and enjoyed it quite a bit - from the presentations from professors to the talk by the president to the student panel. One thing we really like about it is the open nature of the new curriculum - that is likely going to be a major factor for S21. I’m from MA, myself, but haven’t lived there in over 20 years, so I can’t say I know Wheaton well from that perspective. The town seems to be very sleepy - probably the sleepiest town all the schools S21 is looking at (though our in-person visit was cancelled, so I can’t say for sure…this is based on what’s there via google earth). But for my son, the location is still a draw because of the proximity to the Cape and the islands as he is very interested in nature-related internships in that geographic region. It’s also within an hour of family, so even though it’s far from where we currently live, the location is one we’re very comfortable with, and my S isn’t particularly high maintenance in regards to town. The vibe we got from the students on the student panel felt comfortable to my S21 - smart kids but not way out of his league, engaged, happy. I’d say liberal leaning but maybe not as far liberal as Clark? (He’s applying to both).

Not ububumble but my D and I visited Wheaton. Our tour was underwhelming, but it was really just the student guide. She was the biggest airhead I’ve come across in all our colleges tours (about 60 between my kids). It’s a pretty school in a pretty town. Very small campus. Didn’t seem to have a “type”, not sporty or preppy or nerdy, seemed to have a little bit of all. Between the small size and ditzy guide, D did not apply her senior year. However, when she had to transfer from another school after freshman year, she looked at Wheaton again (they were still accepting late applications). We didn’t revisit but did a lot of research, and D and I both spoke to a lot of people at the school. We were much more impressed the second time around. They have solid academics, have been climbing in the rankings, IIRC. There was some interesting detail about study abroad, like it was easy to get funding for or they offered everyone funding for it? I can’t remember now. They also give really really good merit. Happy to answer any specific questions if I can.