Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

FAFSA finally showed up in the Kalamazoo portal for D, too. :slight_smile:

And thanks for the details (and positive thoughts). It does help. D21 homeschooled for 3.5 years and returned to PS in 10th grade. She’ll have 4 AP’s and a smattering of honors. Her SAT is similar to your son’s. But her GPA is 3.2, so that’s the worry.

I had a sneaky thought. Two of my older boys are in CA attending grad school. If the money doesn’t work out, she can take a year off and live with one of her brothers while earning some money (if that’s possible in CA)!

DS got an offer from DePaul tonight with a Dean’s scholarship which I think puts it in the range financially. He likes the idea of an urban school, but the big university is a bit intimidating. It’s very nice to be accepted and he actually seemed more pleased than he’s been in a while. I could visit Chicago for the next 4 years…
Hope good news keeps coming for everyone.

Fabulous news! I know a happy student there! And, yes, Chicago. :slight_smile:

Thanks! What does the happy student you know study?


S21 got his acceptance to Texas Tech tonight! Now we need to figure out a time to go visit Lubbock since he’s never seen the campus lol.

Waiting (anxiously & impatiently!) for Texas A&M and then it’s decision time!

Oklahoma State is still pending but he’s already said that’s a no go, he applied just to appease his dad.

He got some swag from UTD’s Jindal School of Management in the mail today…a pen, lanyard and stickers, along with an invite to apply for the Business Honors Program.

Wahoo! Exciting times! I love it when schools send fun stuff. Congrats. :smile:

I see…I’m hoping you hear from Knox before the weekend!

Is Beloit not on her list because she wants her own school (apart from any siblings)? I ask because I think Beloit can make things reasonably affordable (as you’re well aware).
If, after the Knox info comes in, you’re looking to add a financial safety, I have a suggestion - another CTCL school: Hendrix. My son really liked it at the CTCL fair, but we weren’t so sure Arkansas was the place for him. They do have some things he really likes (their Odyssey program), and he loves that they supposedly have great food, haha. It’s supposed to be a pretty liberal/progressive culture, and there is a town with independent coffee shops, restaurants, etc. Their academic offerings in some of his areas of interest aren’t as robust as he’s found elsewhere, and he ultimately decided he did want to go a bit further north, but we kept it on the list as a financial safety because their NPC seems to get us about $4-5k less than anywhere else (it was below Knox which was about $1500 below Beloit for us in the NPCs, and Knox came in exactly as predicted by the NPC). The Hendrix application is free and requires no supplemental essays - might be worth checking out if you’re completely unhappy with the Knox offer when it comes in.

I haven’t posted on this thread probably since wayback in the beginning. I have reading this thread all along and so happy to read all the good news being shared. I haven’t posted recently as I worried about “jinxing” myself by posting about my own son and where he was planning to apply.

This is my third go-round with college apps, but my older two were completely different experiences - D17 was above average student, with decent test scores and a well-rounded application. S19 was a recruited athlete which is a whole other stressful ball of wax. But S21 has been my biggest worry when it comes to college. A little background, he has an LD, has taken mainly college prep courses and a couple of honors courses. He’s done well for him (3.4GPA) but he’s also been in a special program at his private high school for kids with LDs, so he’s had a lot of support from the program. I’m more than a little nervous that he will be surprised at the rigor of college.

He’s been fortunate that his h.s. transitioned to remote learning pretty seamlessly last spring, and this year, his school has been hybrid, so two days/week in school. His counselor at school said the one positive for kids like S21 is that COVID/remote learning forced the kids to learn how to work more independently and figure out how to structure their time, which is a skill they obviously need for college.

He is a terrible standardized test taker so we had planned from the beginning to focus on test optional schools, so the schools he applied to were already test optional in years past, so the ACT/SAT problems did not really affect him. While he would love a big rah rah SEC type school, both dh and I were worried he would slip through the cracks and be overwhelmed at a large university so we had him focus on mid-size schools, most of which happen to be Catholic. We were also fortunate to have visited several of the schools on his list last fall/winter. With two older siblings in college, he had a reasonable idea what kind of campus he was looking for already.

I think he’s applied to 6-7 schools so far. One rolling admission, the rest EA. He has a couple more EA apps due 12/1 that he has not submitted yet. I have been really nervous about his app b/c 1) he’s not a good writer so his essay is just ok 2) his extracurriculars are so-so, mainly sports, no leadership and 3) no awards or honors. I also have no idea what kind of recommendations his teachers wrote though both knew him fairly well. I had no expectation he would get any sort of merit anywhere, so made him apply to a state school here as a financial safety, tho he does not want to stay in state at all.

So yesterday, I asked if he had been checking his portals, b/c I figured he might be hearing from the rolling admissions school, which also happens to be one of his top choices (Xavier University in Cincinnati). He said in his typically “Mom, you’re annoying me” voice, “Yeeeeesssss, Mom!”

Then, about 30 minutes later, he came running downstairs, yelling he got admitted and awarded a $20K/year scholarship, which definitely brings it down into our more affordable range. He got the notification two days prior, and was fibbing to me when he said he had been checking his portals, the idiot! Glad I nudged him!

Tomorrow he has one of those “in school decision” events for the state school he applied to. He has to go in to school just for to learn if he got in or not. In normal times, they are test optional only for kids who have a 3.5 or greater. They are test optional for everyone this year, but it will be interesting if they defer kids with less than a 3.5 to regular decision.

It has been a stressful week, as D17, who we haven’t seen since January as she has stayed in her college location due to COVID, found out a coworker whom she had worked with last Thursday, tested positive. D17 got tested Monday and was waiting on her results. She is in the middle of finals this week so waiting for her results was adding super stress. Not 10 minutes after S21 got his first acceptance, D17 texted to say her results came back negative. Phew! She will still quarantine but she has had no symptoms yet, and since they follow strict COVID guidelines at work, we are hopeful she will remain fine!

Sorry for writing a book!

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@lisabees good luck on Knox! Saw the discussion of Beloit and thought I would mention that Lawrence is also a phenomenal school and gives a lot of merit. Not sure if it was on your radar but I suggest you look. I have an older child who was looking at these schools and Lawrence was his top choice.

@BktoNJ I have a S17 at DePaul and he has loved being in the city! He didn’t think he was a big school kid either but the actual number of undergrads on campus is quite manageable. They have a lot of activities and quite a bit of school spirit which was surprising. He is a liberal arts major but has taken film and theater classes. They have amazing opportunities for not only internships in Chicago but also classes that utilize the city and various institutions to enrich learning.

@BktoNJ congrats to you and your son on the DePaul acceptance and scholarship.

@Momof3B wonderful news about Texas Tech (I’ve actually been to Lubbock as my high school/early college boyfriend’s dad was a professor there, and we went to visit him back in the late 80s…a long time ago and a bit of culture shock for a kid from the suburbs of Boston ?)

@4kids4us I enjoyed reading your book. So glad to hear that D17 tested negative and that S21 was excited by the Xavier acceptance and merit award.

@lisabees add one to the frustrating column for S21 (as you’ve had your share with the application process).

He just got an email from his admissions rep at Kalamazoo saying that she is super excited to read his application but before she does, she’d like to set up a zoom call to talk to him about his homeschooling experience. (Has your D gotten something like this)?

Fine except he ALREADY did this with her months ago. We know the interview is required some places for homeschoolers, and we thought it would be best if he simply did it everywhere, so he did that this summer. He interviewed with Kalamazoo, talking at length about his homeschooling experience, (with this exact person) on June 15th.

Then, in early Sept, he received what seemed like a form email from her (same AO) asking him if he’d like to know anything else about the college and if he’d like to set up a conversation. The email also included a question about his favorite fictional character. He emailed back, letting her know that he’d had all of his questions answered during his interview (we figured the email had just been sent out to everyone regardless of whether they’d already had an interview or not and figured that by mentioning to her that he’d had one, he’d be all set in that regard) and letting her know his favorite fictional character as asked (he doesn’t really have a favorite, but he did select one - Lyra from His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman).

Now she is asking again (this time not a form letter) for an interview. Sigh - the claim of a small college with a personal touch and the ability to know the students and not treat them as numbers is losing credibility for me at Kzoo - it’s not as if the admissions officer has changed (that happened at Knox…he interviewed with one who then left the school, so he got a new AO, but he emailed the new one to explain, and it was all taken care of - his interview was in his file and the transition to the new AO went quite well with a couple of nice personal short email exchanges back and forth). And at Willamette, he got an email a week or two ago from his AO commenting on his personal statement (very personalized email with specifics about his essay). But Kzoo can’t seem to figure out that they already interviewed him.

I guess he’ll try once again to remind her that he already had this conversation with her, but if she wants another interview, sigh…interviewing is just so not his thing, and I don’t think Kalamazoo is as top a choice for him at this point as Knox is (where he’s already in at an affordable cost), so I don’t know, but I guess I’ll probably make him do it if she insists. Grrrrr…?

@4kids4us So many things to juggle, right? So happy your son has a great choice. And it sounds as if he’s excited. Congrats!

@nichols51 Thanks for the heads up on Hendrix. Arkansas might be a hard sell. She is absolutely fine with the midwest as two of her siblings went to the midwest for school. And, yeah, Beloit is off the table b/c her sibling is currently there. They were the most generous by far. One of my sons is also in school right now - he’s at Columbia and, of course, they’ve been overly generous, too.

This is kinda reminding me of when my oldest applied to college. The first decision to come in was from Dickinson - with not one penny of merit. I freaked out, worried we wouldn’t be able to afford anything. He ended up at Oberlin with good merit (and got into Haverford so his stats were clearly good enough).

@whyboydanny Yes! Lawrence is on the list! Lawrence, Clark, and Wooster might be worse financially, though, if she gets in (and, of course, they’re her top choices). I’m thinking Kalamazoo might be a strong contender?

@BktoNJ Another happy student at DePaul! Glad @whyboydanny chimed in!

Congrats to everyone on the acceptances! D has several of her rolling acceptances in; now we begin the long wait for her top picks. I think most are late January, but a few have come in early already, so hopefully that’s a trend this year! I’m more worried about money than acceptances at this point, but you never know!

Good luck!

I just sat in on a family virtual “coffee chat” at Hendrix. Pros - I liked several of the professors in things of interest to S21 (politics, bio/environmental studies)…found them engaging and appreciated the consistent message of high expectations combined with high support. Cons - the vibe came off as more southern than would be a good fit for S21.

Re: Dickinson - interesting about the expense for your oldest…it’s falling further down my list for S21. He really likes some things about it (the farm is a huge draw for him as is their Environmental Studies program), and we like the location (husband is from PA) and think the campus seems nice (haven’t been able to visit), but I think it’s going to be too expensive. I already sort of knew this, but another person on CC told me last week that is was really expensive in comparison to the other schools his son got into, and as it’s a reach for S21 anyway, it’s not as if they’re going to shower him with merit.

Did Clark and Wooster come out as more affordable than Knox when you ran the NPCs? Did Kalamazoo come in as more affordable than Clark and Wooster? (or are the NPCs completely unreliable for you due to non custodial parent complications)?

Not all NPCs ask as many questions or allow you to be as precise, so it remains to be seen how the actual offers compare to these, but for our NPCs, the cheapest was Hendrix (hence its inclusion on the list), but I don’t really think it’s an option in our case based on what S21 wants, so I’m going to use Knox (the next cheapest) as a baseline for comparison purposes with the NPCs (Knox came in exactly where NPC said they would)

Hendrix -$3400 (that is, $3400 below Knox)
Knox using as baseline (which was with $31K merit)
Beloit +$1500 (in comparison to Knox)
Clark +$3800
Wooster +$4700
Wheaton(MA) +$5800
Kzoo +$6200
Denison +$7400
Dickinson +$9800
Willamette +$11000

So for us, Kzoo seems it might be a bit on the expensive side. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out.

First…Lyra!!! I like your son already!!

And grrr is right regarding that Kalamazoo request. On so many levels, it’s just plain annoying. Yes, some schools require interviews from homeschoolers - I’m cool with that. And those who don’t require it appreciate the insight they garner from such conversations. But geesh. Get your act together. I’m sorry you have to deal with it. And it sure does make you think twice about a school. (As you know, I’m feeling that way about Knox.)

How cool that he’s received personal emails about his essay. It really does make a difference, doesn’t it?

@lisabees my S17 got the biggest merit package from Lawrence. We thought Kalamazoo was going to be ‘the one’ but ended up not even applying after a visit. He just did not feel it and frankly neither did I. Felt like it was being swallowed up surrounded by Western. Noted that juniors and seniors did not really stay on campus or stay connected in the school community. We just felt like it lacked school spirit. I will note we did not have a great tour guide and our AO was just simply not very welcoming when we sat down for a planned interview. The students we saw didn’t look super happy. It was a beautiful day and we were so excited to see it as it was his number 1 pick at that time.

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Dickinson is a great school. My son showed them a lot of love. We even visited 3 times (we’re near Philly).

Dang, girl. I love what you’ve shown me; I’m so curious to see how it works out in the end. My situation is a bit tricky, yes, because of the noncustodial thing. Clark said they recreate the bio parents and leave out the stepparent. Not sure what Wooster will do. They don’t ask for anything from the noncustodial - we just had to answer some questions. Lawrence asks the non-custodial to fill out a form. He (and my husband) make a lot but will contribute 0. Hence, the problem.

DD is only showing $20,000 in merit for Knox using the NPC. Does your son have a high GPA? His SAT is 1230? $31,000 is amazing! Huge congrats!

Yup. That’s my worry about Kalamazoo. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your experience. I’ve never been there so that makes things difficult. Nor have I been to Lawrence. Have you?

This is one of the concerns we have about Kalamazoo - S21 would prefer a more on campus living community all 4 years. I think that bubbled up even more this past year when students were sent home - easier to get refunds on dorms than on apartment leases. We also noticed that Kalamazoo only draws about 1/3 of its students from out of state. What first drew us to Kalamazoo was the relatively open curriculum. But then Wheaton ended up revising their curriculum in a way that made it even more appealing to S21 than Kzoo’s (maybe Wheaton(MA) is worth checking out, though it won’t likely be cheaper than Knox but could come in around the same or a little cheaper than Kalamazoo)?