Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

This is the sense I got at RM too - the school/professors seemed very vested in insuring their students were successful. I came away with the feeling that it was a good fit academically for S19, who needs a good push now and then, but he ultimately chose a mid-size school.

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I didn’t see much about Miami University, OH on this thread but my son applied and just heard an answer from admissions to a question he had about scores. They said they run merit offers with and without scores and offer the student the best one.

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Also adding that snow was a criteria in the beginning of our search even though the kid doesn’t ski. Allegheny with Lake-effect snow and St. Olaf in MN will both deliver handsomely! Allegheny even has some snow-removal campus club. :smiley:

@BktoNJ my daughter applied to Miami Oh too. She was hoping uploading this year’s grades would boost her GPA for merit but not sure how that would work. I think we’re going to call next week.

Just drove through campus and thought of you! Campus was quiet. Not from the area but we were passing through…

Thought I’d chime in regarding my lower-stat D–she’s 2.53/25 ACT with some learning challenges, primarily executive functioning. She wants to be a nurse, and wants a small LAC. We in NoVa so kept search to VA/MD/PA. This is her list, which is all “likely” schools for her:

Virginia Wesleyan U (does not have on-site nursing) --Accepted, $20k merit
Stevenson U
Arcadia (no on-site nursing)
Wilkes U --Accepted, $19k merit

Hood College
York College-- Accepted to Pre-Nursing, longer program for students who do not meet criteria for direct Nursing admit–this is huge for her! She hasn’t shown me her acceptance so I’m not sure if there was merit
Marymount U

I wanted to post because a year ago, I didn’t think a 4-year college was in her future with the grades she has. We were planning on community college. But not only is she getting acceptances, she’ll likely get merit at all of these schools which is a huge boost for her ego. She’s excited, and now it’s just a matter of figuring out which one is the absolute best fit. I think she’s ruled out VWU and Arcadia as they have an “afilliated” nursing program with local nursing vocational schools and that’s not as appealing as having your classes on campus, for obvious reasons. Wilkes is too far so she’s eliminate that one as well. I am VERY excited about York–I like that it’s a little bigger than the others and that they’re willing to take her on for their Pre-Nursing–her stats were even low for that so that was a nice surprise.

For those of you (and future parents) with lower stat kids, some of these smaller LACs can be a good bet and almost all offer money. Covid may have helped her as well–the Pre-Nursing at York is typically a 2.8 min. GPA and she’s obviously under that. Silver linings?

This is just the best post ever! Congrats to you and your daughter! She has wonderful choices. Keep us updated on York!

And thank you for sharing. :smile: Your story is an inspiration for those of us who weren’t quite sure if college would be in our D21’s future.

@g8rmomk8ans I wish there was a :heart: Emoji to high five on this awesome post. I too have a child who did not even come close to a normal GPA or high school ‘resume’ due to executive functioning issues. Got in to every school with merit as well! Is successful in life and a happy productive human. She will soar once she is launched!

Love this! And thank you for the reminder. I, too, have an older one I wasn’t sure about and he is successful and happy in every way. I needed this reminder. :heart:

@whyboydanny and @lisabees. Your words give me encouragement! I really hope my bright, talented daughter is able to achieve success in college. I seem to hear stories from many parents who had a student like mine who really turned things around after high school. It’s also hard coming onto these forums where you hear about “low” GPAs and then you have my daughter’s stats to work with. I want people to know that there truly is a college for most all students. Fortunately, she wanted very small LACs so that was helpful. My husband, older daughter and myself are big state school people so the small LAC world was very new to us.

Hey all! What are your updates?!

D21 got acceptances to Knox ($25,000 merit) and Kalamazoo ($35,000 merit!).

That Kalamazoo offer is hard to beat…



@g8rmomk8ans Congratulations to your D! I have full faith that she will thrive wherever she goes. I followed her story a while ago and have been rooting for her ever since. My S21 has just about the same profile and is in the midst of hearing back from schools as well. What we know for sure, as you said, is that there is a college for most all students who want that. Life is long and your D and my S are just at the start of their journeys.


Congrats! My friend’s son loved DePaul. He is now working in film editing industry in CA with an impressive resume for a newcomer.


@g8rmomk8ans thanks for sharing your daughter’s story! CC can be a daunting place for those who are not looking at tippy top schools, but there are so many of us who are just looking for the right fit for our kids who are not at the top of their class. In one sense, despite the challenges your daughter has faced, she knows what she wants to do and found the options that best fit the path she needs to take. Congratulations! BTW, did you know that John McCain graduated at the very bottom of his class at the Naval Academy (he was the roommate of my husband’s former boss!)? And look what a successful and respectable career he had and legacy he left behind Grades do not always reflect an accurate picture.

@lisabees fantastic news on Knox and Kalamazoo. Those merit awards are generous!

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think we are done! In addition to acceptance to Xavier, which was at the top of his list, last week my son was also accepted to our in-state financial safety. He decided that unless he gets a better financial offer from the schools he is waiting to hear from, then Xavier is where he wants to go. I really cannot believe we know so early in this process as he was supposed to be the one I was most worried about, compared to his older siblings, given his LD, his non-honors/AP academic course load and basic extracurriculars. So any other acceptances he gets at this point are gravy. I doubt any will offer better merit/financial packages but he will hold off deciding until he can compare.

I look forward to cheering for the rest of the kids in this thread! Good luck to everyone.


Fabulous news, @4kids4us! Congrats! Your son sounds wise. For years, I worried about the one kid I shouldn’t have worried about, too. :slight_smile: Glad you’re sticking around to share the rest of his story.

And @ububumble! Let us know any updates on your son. :wink:

Well, I’m in a conundrum. My GS17 is applying to some UCs. But he is not really putting in much effort. He’s expecting to take a gap year and says he will refuse any offers he gets. My question: since he is putting little effort into his essays (and he’s a good writer) if he gets rejected from some (or all) will it dampen his changes when he re applies after the time out of school? Would it be better for him simply to Not apply at all this year?
He should be OK with the grade aspect and the 1340SAT is so so but…the essays, which I though would really boost him… His applications are due Nov 30. midnight. Should I suggest he just drop applying?

@lisabees congrats to your D on the acceptances and merit! I’ve been wondering while the forums were down if you’d heard anything yet. I’m so glad you did.

S21 got two acceptances on Tuesday to add to his Knox acceptance, and one was also Kalamazoo! For him, Kalamazoo was $34,000 merit, but @lisabees be on the lookout for the portal to update again if you’ve done the FAFSA. We thought the merit would be the end of it, but the portal was updated again within a day with a more complete financial aid package and it included a need-based grant as well. So Kalamazoo is currently his most affordable deal (and I’d be surprised if any of his schools can really beat it in affordability).

His other acceptance Tuesday was to Wooster which is probably one of his favorites (one of the two schools he was able to visit before the pandemic changed plans). $36,000 merit there. So he has 3 great options already and is expecting to hear from Beloit by Tuesday.

Hoping that with December almost here, many more kids in this thread start (and continue) hearing good news!


Very cool!

Yowza! Fabulous news, @nichols51!!! Such wonderful options. I’m curious to see what happens with Beloit for your son. They had the best deal for my daughter, for sure. Other than Wooster, which are your son’s favorites?

D21 also has Wooster at the top. She loved her visit also. I just don’t think it will come through financially for us if she gets in.

Thanks for the heads up about Kalamazoo - sigh, no financial aid information yet. We’re just behind you in every way lol!

This will be so interesting for us to compare our overlapping schools. The stats aren’t similar, but it still makes things interesting!

And, yup, things will be kicked up a notch around here in the upcoming weeks. I’m looking forward to celebrating the fabulous kids in this thread!

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This nee format is taking some getting used to…gah!

Fantastic news on all the updates, congrats everyone!

S21 got news on some merit aid from Texas Tech a few days ago, $3k/year…not a huge amount but every little bit helps! Since Tech superscores and he improved on the EBRW section when he took tbe Oct 28 school day SAT, he sent that on Nov 19 and according to College Board the score was sent on Nov 24, which is the same day he was notified of the merit aid. I don’t know if the new score was factored in or if there is a chance he may get more. I’m going to have him call his AO on Monday to see.

Still waiting on TAMU for a decision…

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