Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Absolutely! I felt a strong sense of community at K. It is a small school and people support one another and attend their friends’ performance/events. When I was a student, the school was open year round — most juniors and seniors took classes in the summer— and almost everyone lived on campus when they weren’t studying abroad or doing internships. I’m kind of sad about the change to be honest, because I liked summer classes, but I’m not overly concerned about a lack of community. It seemed to me that most people established a core group of friends during freshmen and sophomore years through res life, classes and activities and, junior year, the majority of students study abroad. I met up with some of my best friends over breaks/the winter holiday during our study abroad and we traveled together which was a blast and strengthened our already close friendships. I think this is a pretty common practice for those who are studying abroad in the same region. The fluidity is part of K’s culture and friends who travel for study abroad, internships, etc, are welcomed back into the fold when they return.

At any rate, I suspect that living off campus with established friends, at the end of junior/during senior year, wouldn’t be a huge problem in terms of community. I do worry about this year’s freshmen who are currently doing school virtually from home (and hoping to start on campus in the winter which is iffy.) It is not an ideal situation but that is true for most right now. I am hopeful that by next fall, things will begin to return closer to normal.

Academically, Kalamazoo can be intense. I think this can be especially true in the sciences but other areas as well. K is known for having a great reputation for med school and graduate school acceptances with good reason. I think my year 1/3 of the class started off as biology majors :joy: and the first semester bio class was a definite weeder. Overall, the trimester system is wonderful for bright, motivated students who like to engage with and go in depth with their coursework. I much preferred taking 3 classes to the 7-8 I had in high school. Like all LACs, the professors are there to teach and genuinely care about their students.

It certainly is not Philly but Kalamazoo is a small city with lots of artistic, social work/justice and scientific opportunities. Nearby Portage is the manufacturing headquarters of Pfizer and where they will be producing the Covid vaccine. Kalamazoo College campus is lovely and secluded but is a quick 15 minute walk from Western Michigan University (if you are looking for a larger sports/party scene) and a 15 minute walk to downtown where there is a museum, theater, public library, shops and restaurants. If you have a car or take a bus/Uber, you have fairly easy access to the typical popular retail and restaurant outlets. I also had friends who volunteered for Tillers International during college and joined the Peace Corp after college/before grad school. Kalamazoo is about 30 minutes from the Michigan beaches and 2-2:30 hours from Chicago and Detroit … We are from a popular college town area where there is a lot to do and, though my daughter is an introvert and a bit of a homebody, she likes to have options and feels like she would go stir crazy if a place is too remote. When we toured K, she said that it felt like it had enough of a balance to meet her needs.

Sending best wishes to your daughter in the coming weeks/months. It is challenging to make these decisions without being able to see the full picture in person. D21 is hoping that there will be admitted student opportunities, if only virtual, for K and Beloit coming up.


@auroranights Thank you for the information about K.

@lisabees Do you know from your stepdaughter what Beloit’s plans are for the modules next year ? Originally that schedule was developed because of COVID, but in the last virtual info session we did, they said that the system had been popular with students so they were evaluating whether to continue with them for next year. When thinking about semester vs. trimester options, I’m wondering if we should be thinking of Beloit as a semester school or as a 2-modules-every-7-weeks-school!

@TheRents522 good luck with the Tennessee results next week. :slight_smile:

We are waiting on just one more school this month - Willamette. Did anyone else here apply to Willamette ? My S really likes some things about it:
*the location - Pacific NW he thinks he’d love though he’s never been! Where they are in Salem seems to over small-city type amenities plus green space. And so close to govt buildings supposedly works out great for political internships)
*the unique Japan connection (they have a relationship with Tokyo Intl University and have about 100 students from Japan each year who do a full semester on the Willamette campus…there’s even a dining hall that specializes in Japanese food).
But my S has cooled on the idea since applying (due to keeping up with the news on the wildfires), and I think it’s going to be expensive.


@nichols51 @lisabees I would be interested in hearing more about Beloit’s plans as well. During her interview, D21’s admission counselor told her that English and foreign language students were having problems with the 7 week plan and they would likely have to adjust it.

My daughter didn’t apply to Williamette but it sounds lovely. She shares an interest with your son in Japan. Taking more Japanese language classes and having the chance to study abroad in Japan is a top priority for her in making her college decision.


@auroranights Thank you, thank you! Your information is invaluable. Thank you for taking the time! Kalamazoo sounds wonderful.

To you and @nichols51…I’ll check with my stepdaughter about Beloit and I’ll get back to you.

I’ve been wondering. Knox is also a trimester school, but I never hear it referred to as intense like Lawrence or Kalamazoo’s schedule. Thoughts? Types of kids maybe?

Re: Willamette. I strayed from it b/c I assumed it wouldn’t come through financially, but I’m looking forward to hearing about your S’s thoughts and experiences moving forward.

D21 is beginning to accept her options if finances/grades don’t work out this year. She’s been asking a lot of questions, talking to her trainer and others at the barn (she’s an equestrian). Her best friend has been Face Timing us asking me about community college/state school options. (She, too, had more traditional options on the table and won’t be able to manage it financially. She’s a first-gen with Dominican parents; I was hoping she would be able to swing it).

Japan: My 21 year old son has always been obsessed. He studied in Japan during high school; He, my husband, and I went shortly after for a competition he was in; it was free b/c he had a sponsor!). He took 2 years of Japanese during high school and 2 more years in college. He was hoping to do research there this spring, but COVID. :frowning:


Thank you for checking with your stepdaughter about Beloit. I appreciate it!

It is good that your daughter is looking at all the options with an open mind. FWIW, we’ve made it very clear to D21 that community college or a local college are perfectly fine and viable choices. She did apply/was accepted to a nearby directional state school where she could commute (and basically attend for free) if need be.

Knox wasn’t on our radar so I can’t speak to the culture there. K tends to attract high achievers with eclectic interests, a global worldview and progressive social/political leanings. The high school that D21 attended for the first 2.5 years was on a trimester schedule and quite rigorous so that part doesn’t really concern her. She thinks that it will be fine, especially if she is mostly taking classes in her areas of interest which she doesn’t mind immersing herself in. Academics aren’t really her problem but she was miserable in high school socially — quiet, bright, artistic, sweet, somewhat quirky kid — and we ended up pulling her out last year and changing course because it was crushing her spirit. I hope that K won’t be too stressful for her if she decides to attend but I probably will worry about that with any school tbh. :confused: D21 is looking forward to a fresh start and meeting some kindred spirits. To be fair, I’m a lot like D21. I hated high school too and I thrived at Kalamazoo, socially and academically. I worked hard but made wonderful friends, had a lot of fun and never found it to be beyond my capacity.

Japan: How cool is that re: your son! I’m so sorry that COVID ruined his plans and hope that he has the opportunity to go back. D21 is obsessed with Japan as well. She took also 2 years of Japanese in high school (online) and did an immersive home study program in Japan the summer before junior year. She had the time of her life and is chomping at the bit to study abroad there.


My husband went to UT for graduate school and loved it. We have family in Knoxville and have visited often. It’s a wonderful little city with great music, arts, good food, good feelings. On days when the football team plays home the roar takes over the city. I can’t speak to the undergraduate experience there, but imagine it’s the kind of school that you can get out of it exactly what you put in.

@nichols51 my son had an interest in Wilamette too, I think mostly because he liked a girl from Salem in one of his online friend-groups but we have family in the PNW so he was looking for that reason too. I would actually love for him to go to school out there but he didn’t get the application in there or for Lewis & Clark either which I think he’d like even more. Both of them would likely have cost us at least $10k more per year than whichever other LAC he likely ends up at so I’m not crying. University of Puget Sound didn’t require extra essays so that was the one school he did apply to. I think if our trip out west to visit these schools had not been cancelled…oh well whatever!


@BktoNJ Yes, I think Willamette will likely fall off our list when the cost is finalized (hoping to hear from them re: acceptance and any merit next week, though I suppose the full aid letter may take longer), but S21 actually liked doing their supplemental “essay” because it was a maximum of something like 200 characters? I can’t recall the exact length, but basically it was only a sentence or two. Short can be tricky, but in this case it wasn’t too bad. They just asked what the SINGLE biggest influence was on you applying to Willamette, so it was pretty easy to focus in and just describe that one thing. I think S21 wishes more schools would have had that for their supplements!


I was in Tennessee a long time ago when I drove cross country to visit my sister. Beautiful state. My sister has a friend who is from Tennessee who is a Uni of Tennessee grad. She still has family there. My sister and friend lived together in DC right out of college and worked at the same school. This friend’s kids both applied to UT, but decided to attend U of Maryland and James Madison University instead.

I do remember enjoying Knoxville when I was there. I’ve known people over the years who’ve gone to Knoxville on business


@auroranights Thanks for your words of encouragement. Indeed, in these strange times, it’s good to have plenty of options. I would never want to pay for online school if things don’t change re: the pandemic. D has had enough of that between homeschooling and COVID schooling! I’ll definitely be considering which schools successfully had in-person classes this year.

Did your D21 end up homeschooling? Fresh start. Kindred spirits. Sounds lovely and I wish it wholeheartedly for your daughter. Sounds like her Japanese experiences have been similar. My husband and I loved Japan and are planning a return. My oldest son (27) Face Timed last night talking in Japanese lol. He’s been teaching himself, too.

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Some updates - Juniata and Allegeny are out of the race - both just offered max merit and gaped us with student loans. Still waiting for Beloit FA and Wooster acceptance/FA.


@psblstnr Let the games begin!

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Fingers crossed for you. We are waiting on Allegheny with great anticipation. My son’s stats are not what yours are but it’s probably his first choice right now? I think? It’s definitely my husband’s as his father, sister and our niece all live within an hour or so. We really liked the feel and curriculum on campus when we were there.


App State EA decision out early- she’s in! That’s a nice one to have!



We are still waiting on 5 schools, including her top choice. She is in at her 2nd choice so that’s something.


Congratulations @NJWrestlingmom!


Wonderful news! Huge congrats!!


@BktoNJ - great school! They suppose to be done with EA by Holidays. For your reference - D21 got accepted on 12/4, FA was done on 12/10. I just cannot justify paying that much since D got other great choices that are affordable. Good luck to your son!


Congrats to your D on App State, @NJWrestlingmom!


Wow! Kalamazoo came back with an additional $6500 grant! With merit and grant, that makes it under $24,000! So grateful. :slight_smile:


@lisabees - what an amazing offer! Congrats!

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