Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Son got some really good news from Allegheny tonight $36K a year and they don’t condition renewal of the merit award to GPA, just to good academic standing. It makes Allegheny not only his top choice so far, but the least coa. I saw some happiness and relief on his face for the first time regarding this process. It seems like a special place and a really good fit for him, and I hope they are going to be OK financially.


Oh my goodness! I’m so happy for the two of you! Huge congrats!

I’m hoping that this week brings news like this to all of our great kids.


@BktoNJ having his top choice align with the most affordable is fantastic! Congrats. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I hope so too!

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@nichols51 yes, but tbh it was in part by design. After some great advice on this forum early on we got very focused on fit and likely cost combined. There were some reach schools that would have come in much higher if he had applied and been lucky enough to get in, like Macalaster and University of Rochester both of which he loved back when he loved things about going to college. He definitely cracked a smile tonight.


Congrats! My son was accepted to Allegheny, too, with a $31,000 merit award. We haven’t been able to visit yet, but hope to in the spring. A couple of relatives attended years ago, but we don’t know anyone who has attended within the past 20 years :laughing:


So nice to come here and read all the good news. Congratulations on all the acceptances and merit awards! It really is nice to be reminded there is a place for all of our kids!


Congrats to your son @cjami02!! And, yes, @4kids4us, doesn’t it give you all the warm fuzzies? I mean, I practically jump with joy when I read about each acceptance. So proud of our group of kids!

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Anyone looking at Albright? So far that is the strongest offer. Sonny boy didnt love it when we rode around, and they cancelled our visit, but rescheduled to Jan so hopefully doing an actual tour will turn it around.

D delighted tonight to be accepted to Elon. Don’t know if she will end up there but she was really thrilled.


Yay!!! Congrats! So glad she was thrilled!

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@scotiagal that’s great. Congrats on Elon!

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Congrats! Son got into Elon today, too :slight_smile:


I just need to vent somewhere. My D has applied to 7 schools and has acceptances to 5 so far. They are all “likely” schools, are all rolling, and applications went in the second week of November. She has not heard from her #1, so her college counselor at school reached out to them on the 7th (last Monday). They emailed her that day and said they’d like to see her first quarter grades, which her CC sent first thing the next morning and copied us on. They are the best grades she’s had in years, so they can only help. We waited all last week and this one, and then yesterday she emailed her admissions rep at the school and said she just wanted to check in and see if there was anything else they needed from her, convey interest, etc. The rep immediately responds and says that while she got her class schedule, she needs the grades. The report card was sent!!! It says “first quarter grade report” and has the freaking grades!!! So she responded, sending it again, and her CC has reached out again as well. WTH??? They’re really not impressing me and I’m wondering if this is even the school she should be going to. I am just so frustrated. We were so hoping to have an answer before the break and now that doesn’t seem very likely. I just can’t imagine what is going on. Her counselor is confused/frustrated as well. And my poor kid is super anxious and wondering if she won’t get in now.

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incredibly frustrating and worrying. The waiting can be torture and then to run into unnecessary confusion it’s only worse. Are you willing to say what school it is? Fingers crossed for you.

Very frustrating!

I will say that we got a similar email from a school, Oswego, she applied EA, my daughter got an acceptance before they received her 1st Qtr grades, so maybe they just need the grades on file and the acceptance is being held up on that. Just a thought.

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I’d rather not say at this time. She’s a lower stat student, even for this group, but the other acceptances all came so quickly without needing those grades. This school doesn’t seem any more selective so it’s worrisome. Although, like I said, her first quarter grades can only help her so if they just need to see improvement, that should do it. I feel like if they were going to outright reject her, they could have/should have done that right away. It just doesn’t seem like this admissions rep has it together. When the counselor sent the grades, he said “please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to support her application”–so you’d think at that point, if she couldn’t see the grades or there was any confusion, she would have contacted him! But no! It takes my student emailing her to check in for her to say that she didn’t see them. Ugh. Like I said–they’re certainly not winning any points with me on this.

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Have any of you had an experience with asking for more $$ after the 1st semester grades are up (straight A’s with 5 AP courses out of 7)? Will some colleges automatically upgrade the scholarships once they get those mid-year reports thru CA?

@psblstnr I don’t know if they look at first semester grades to improve scholarships but some, like my older daughter’s school, waited until all acceptances went out and then at some point, I believe Feb or March, they sent out new letters and most got more money. Her initial acceptance had said she’d get “at least” a certain amount. Some schools may wait to see the final number of offers they put out and then if they believe there will be extra money available, they can then sweeten the pot. My first didn’t use Common App–is there something on there where you can upload/send mid-year grades?

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