Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

@4kids4us - I feel your pain. It has been a rollercoaster for my S21.

He got in to Hoftstra and Roger Williams with generous merit so we got very excited. Then, he got deferred from Fairfield which was disappointing but maybe not totally surprising. Then, he got rejected from Univ of VT. Kids from his school usually do well getting in there. I would have thought he would at least be deferred so they could see senior grades. This one really threw him for a loop.

Now, we are waiting on a few more and hoping for good results. He would be happy with Hoftstra and the package makes it affordable but it was not his top choice.


@nichols51 and @psblstnr Wanted to give you a quick update re: my SD’s quick overview of how module learning went at Beloit. She texted me this last week and I never got around to sharing it.

“To be honest, it was challenging for a lot of students and professors. The general consensus seems to be that taking two courses at once instead of 4 doesn’t really make up for the accelerated pace. Spring is better now that we have the hang of it. We haven’t heard what the Fall plans are yet; it will depend on how covid things pan out.”

SD really likes Beloit. She’s a dance major. She participates in Voces Latinas and works at the Greenhouse. :slight_smile: Her boyfriend is a geology major.

Here’s what she said about English and Languages: I’m not sure if I can speak to the English department as a whole, but I know that English students are big fans of Chris Fink and Shawn Gillen. The foreign language department is well-loved and well supported by the big community of international students. Japanese is super popular as well as Russian, Spanish, and French. I enjoyed my time taking French with Prof Derosier.

Congrats on the great f/a. Let me know if you want to connect with anyone at Beloit. She’s happy to do what she can.


Can relate, there is no thread for the 3.5 or so, so I hang out here LOL.

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Anyone here have a student apply to


I know it sounds like I just went off the CTCL list, but that was not by design LOL.

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Yes. My S21 applied to and has been accepted to McDaniel and Ursinus. He has been offered very generous merit aid from both, but will likely not attend either one. He changed course after applying to a whole slew of small schools, deciding he wanted a bigger school. The only small school that he is keeping on his short list is Allegheny.

S21 I think is a better fit for a small LAC. These schools have all recruited him for football but I only have FA package from 2. He loved McDaniel but not sure if $ is going to be where he needa to be

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@Billb7581 Last year, my S20 applied to Ursinus and Wooster and was accepted to both. Both were strongly considered and might have been his choice, but he ultimately chose a different school.

D21 has been accepted to Ursinus and McDaniel. She ended up applying to a lot of the CTCL, but ours wasn’t intentional either.
We did an official visit at Ursinus and D21 really liked it- may be number 1 for her currently. We walked around McDaniel, but didn’t do a tour.
She’s chasing merit and looking for a smaller school that will allow her to sort of customize her major/minor.


Arrrggh. My daughter just got an email to her top choice school that says due to technical difficulties they may not have an answer to her until as late as mid-Jan. She started crying. They said they feel terrible about it but wanted to let her know. We are going to go look at one of her accepted schools next week—York—just to drive around and get a feel. She had done a virtual open house in October but we know how those go.

For those of you discussing McDaniel…we did a tour there and I really liked it, but my D21 not so much. She couldn’t really pinpoint why. She ended up not applying due to them not offering Nursing. We have a friend with a sophomore there who did great her first year but fell into partying/bad habits this year and they’re keeping her home after this semester. Certainly not a reflection on the school.


Does anyone have any idea of what “technical difficulties” could affect a decision from a rolling school? I just can’t imagine.

no idea, that’s odd, I’m not sure why it would take until ate January to get a decision…I feel for your daughter - it so so hard to watch our kids go through disappointments this year.

Wooster decision is up for us! D21 is in with College scholars award, no FA package yet


D21 is accepted to McDaniel, Wooster, Ursinus


We toured McDaniel the admissions guy we spoke to designed one of his major in Medieval studies

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Last year, the AO at one of the CTCL asked my son to send Q2 (or maybe Q3) grades. We tried to do it on CA but it didn’t work. After I checked with tech support at CA, they said the university had not enabled “Mid-Semester Grades” for any of their applications on the CA site. The AO had her tech person enable Mid-Semester Grades and we clicked the button to send it from CA. The AO did not receive them. We both checked with tech support at CA and discovered that a university cannot enable Mid-Semester Grades in the middle of the application season and have that change effect applications already in the pipeline. I didn’t understand why not but it was what it was.

This process took a couple of weeks – partly because each time I had to communicate with CA, it took 2-3 days to get a response. By the time the AO agreed we should have the GC send the grades directly to her, S20 had already received acceptances and FA packages from several universities he preferred over this particular school, so we thanked the AO for her efforts and withdrew his application from consideration.

I know that may not be the type of Technical Difficulty affecting your situation, but I wanted to offer one real-world example. It frustrated us too, because at the time it started, the university was still a contender in our minds because S20’s options were still open at the time. Fortunately, it worked out for us in the end. I hope it does for your daughter too.

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My daughter was accepted to Ursinus. They offered a nice package, but Eastern offered her way more. still waiting on Etown to send theirs and then it’ll be those three she will most likely choose from out of all the schools she applied to. She will need to utilize the office of support so I plan on having us meet with them after second visits to these three in the spring and then I guess we will decide. Although Eastern’s financial package will be hard to beat no matter what.


Same with us, I follow both threads, but the schools listed here are more inline with what we are looking at. My daughter only applied to match and a few financial safeties, No reaches, because even though she has a good gpa, great recs, and an essay with a hook, we were afraid academically she would drown at a reach school. She also wants to stay within 2 hours of home so that shortened the list too.


Yea same here, any idea when Wooster or McDaniel sends the FA letter? Had another call with the Montclair coach last night giving us an in state option for reference and now Hartwick has “entered the chat”. Just eyeballing the numbers I don’t think I will be able to swing Hartwick. We shall see. Thank goodness for fee waivers LOL

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My phone cut off half of my post, the admissions guy and one of the tour guides we had at McDaniel had customized majors. They REALLY are a LAC. The admissions guy designed a Medieval Studies major, and had a major in acting, and was certified in “Stage Combat” he said he was not strong in Math so you could take a logic course to meet the gen ed requirment. Also had American Sign Language as one of the languages you could take.

Seemed like a decent area, but it was hard to get a feel for campus with noone there LOL


@Billb7581 - McDaniel mailed us FA last week, we didn’t recieve it yet.