Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

A new baby is absolutely sweet with the bitter! And thank you for your words. I’m very excited for him and how he’ll grow there.


I’m sorry about your mom and about your D dealing with her sadness while trying to make this big decision.

It sounds as if she’s fairly comfortable with her choice but just wants more time to sit with it which is understandable…and Earlham changing their deadline for EA to be now !? That would be enough for me to decide to go somewhere else…that feels like a bait and switch and it rubs me the wrong way. All RD notifications aren’t even out yet. If Earlham is really a contender in your D’s mind than that is hard (but if I recall, she was thinking either Kalamazoo or Beloit? or maybe it was Knox as her runner-up? I may be remembering incorrectly).


Congratulations! I love that everything aligned - parental opinion (though you didn’t make it known), your son’s opinion, and the scarf and mug. :slight_smile: I’ve heard really wonderful things about St. Olaf.


My niece just graduated from St. Olaf, even though her parents are both Carleton grads. She studied physics and spent all 4 years in the traveling choir and had a great experience. She’s just started a PhD program in physics.


So great to hear!

@auroranights My thoughts are with you and your family. We’re experiencing the last few days/weeks of my stepfather’s life here (he was the father who raised me). My mother has a difficult decision to make and it’s so difficult to watch her grapple with it.

And college decisions? D is looking forward to Kalamazoo! It’s been fascinating for us b/c she has no other financial choice (other than being a Temple commuter) and she’s never visited. And yet, here we are. She’s super excited and not at all feeling like “I have no choice.” In fact, it’s allowed for an amazing sense of freedom. Freedom to embrace a school that really wants her. Freedom from option anxiety. Freedom in knowing that it’s ultimately up to her to make the best of it. Freedom from the pressure to pick the “perfect” school.

We originally thought we’d appeal for merit at other schools. We originally thought we’d wait on Lawrence. But, as of now, my girl has her heart in Michigan. And having her best friend heading to the same state, although 5 hours away, doesn’t hurt one bit!!


@lisabees I’m sorry for what you and your family are going through with your stepfather.

I am so happy for your D21. We really enjoyed the Kalamazoo parents’ session last month (complete with cocktail as directed by their Hornet Highball recipe). How fantastic is it that your D is loving the one that loved her back in all the ways including affordability and has time to dig in and get excited about K instead of worrying about remaining RD notifications or weighing different options and figuring out what to choose?! There IS definitely freedom in that. Wonderful news. Congratulations.


I have a friend who’s a professor at Brandeis and she wants to send her kid to Kalamazoo. Seems like a really special place. I also had hands down the best jelly donuts I’d ever had in Kalamazoo. Home made apple strawberry jam!


I think that Texas Tech is a hidden gem. I know a number of kids who have followed the money there and ended up being very happy!

@nichols51 Those are all great schools, both those in hand and those still pending. To my mind, they are more alike than different and there’s no bad choice. Congrats!

@auroranights I’m so sorry for your loss.

@BktoNJ I love Saint Olaf! Great choice.

@lisabees I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. The pandemic adds even more weight to our personal sorrows. How nice that your daughter is clear on her choice and doesn’t feel like there is no choice. That speaks to her maturity and resilience. I have heard very nice things about Kalamazoo.


So excited for everyone here! Some wonderful choices.

@auroranights I’ve said it before, but I’m so sorry about your mother.

@eb23282 Did you update us?

@AndreaLynn Congrats on Binghamton! What a great feeling it must be!

@Momof3B Sorry about Texas A&M. Crossing fingers for the Business Leadership Program!

@4kids4us I hope the senior events happen in some way for you!

@nichols51 Wahoo for Denison!! I’ve said it before. I can’t wait to hear the final verdict! So many great choices.

@Schadret Down to 2! You’re almost there!

@BktoNJ So excited for your son and St Olaf. What a great, special school.

@mamaedefamilia Thank you. Today was a bit easier meeting with the hospice liaison. We feel not so alone. And, yes, I’m so proud of my daughter for embracing Kalamazoo so happily!


Is her major the performing arts and social justice? If so, it is a great program with lots of opportunities.

@lisabees I’m so very sorry about your stepfather and am holding your mother and family in my thoughts during this time. I’m glad that you have the support of hospice. I am so grateful that we had that help and guidance during my mom’s final months. It was truly a godsend, especially with the complications of the pandemic.

Congratulations to your daughter! I am so thrilled that she is excited about Kalamazoo! I’m biased but I think it is a very special, life changing place with so many opportunities. How wonderful also that her best friend will be in Michigan as well. D21 hasn’t finalized anything yet but she was wearing a K shirt yesterday and mentioned that she wants to have family meeting soon to talk through her final decision.

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@nichols51 Thank you so much for your condolences.

In terms of Earlham, changing the decision deadline was a surprise and left a bad taste in our mouths. It wasn’t D21’s top choice but there were things she genuinely liked about the school. This is likely a dealbreaker for her.

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Yes! What do you know about the program?

The school is Jesuit, which embraces teaching and caring for “the whole person.” The program is based upon social justice activism through the arts. The students are pretty engaged and seem well supported. Housing is really tight.


Thank you. That sounds great! So far, she’s been impressed by what the school has sent her. We are hoping to visit and walk around in April. She’s not use to tons of space & knows about difficult hosing - we’re from NYC. So, tight housing won’t be a worry for her.

Thank you.

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Great! I think she will like San Francisco. I’m out there about 4-5 times/yr and always find new sights to see. I haven’t been there for a yr. due to COVID. Have a good trip!

Looks like S21 is ready to pull the plug. He was 6 for 7 in acceptances. He found out this week after being deferred EA from Fairfield that he was waitlisted. Kind of relieved and expected. It was the most expensive option and when deferred we assumed even if he got in, there would prob be little/no merit.

He had narrowed the remainder down to three-St. Joseph’s in Philly, Univ of Dayton and Xavier. Dayton is the only campus he had not toured tho he did a drive by a couple years ago with dh when they happened to be in the area. We were all set to go for an Accepted Students event at the end of March, however, I realized his high school rules are such that if we left the state, he would have to quarantine for 10 days. No problem with that until his high school rugby team added a game, against their archrival 5 day after our trip. He does not want to miss the game. We looked at other options, including just going for a regular tour tomorrow so he’d only have to miss practice, no games, but he didn’t want to do that either. We left it sort of up in air what to do.

Last night at dinner he suddenly said he was ready to commit…to Xavier. When queried as to what led to that decision, he said he decided that Dayton might be too much of a party school for him and maybe a little too big (I think it’s around 8000 vs 5000ish at Xavier). My son is not the most mature kid for his age, so felt like this was a pretty mature thing for him to determine for himself. He’s a bit quiet/introverted but still social if that makes sense. I think he is a little worried Dayton might be overwhelming. He really liked St. Joe’s but I think lack of a big sports reputation was its downfall. Xavier and Dayton are usually both pretty good at basketball, which appealed to him (all other things being considered). We said he should mull it over for a bit before making a final decision, but he will turn down the other schools. I think in part, he is ready to move on, start engaging with other kids who have made their decision, etc. I think Xavier is a great fit for him, my only negative is the distance! Philly would have been perfect (two hours by car or train). Xavier is 8 hrs by car or a direct flight.

So that’s where we are. Pretty close.

@Momof3B So sorry to hear about Texas A&M but sounds like your son has some great options!

@auroranights my sincere condolences on losing your mom recently. :heart: I’m glad your daughter is able to work through her grief and has time to consider her options without having to rush a decision on where she wants to accept.

@BktoNJ congrats on your son’s decision! It’s a sigh of relief to know that part is over and can start planning for what happens next.

@lisabees I am sorry to hear about your stepfather. I’m sure this must be a difficult time for your family. Sending you some hugs! I hope it’s a bit of comfort that during all of this, your D is excited about Kalamazoo and her future!

@Snowynyc I don’t know much of anything about Univ of SF though my SIL got her law degree from there ages ago. My dh is from San Francisco and his mom and two of his siblings all live in the city. As an East Coaster myself, SF is a great place to visit! She has great choices in CA (my FIL was a Santa Clara grad). My oldest left the East Coast for college in CA as well but she is down in San Diego. She graduates in May and plans to stay in San Diego for now. Good luck as your D makes a decision!

Sorry I wrote a book in my reply today! :flushed:


Congratulations to you too! It is such a relief to have this phase done.

Regarding housing at USF: This fall they are opening a new dorm that will house 600 students (with views of the Golden Gate Bridge, no less.) My son managed to find on-campus housing all four years. It can be done!