Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

My daughter says it’s Kalamazoo! Lawrence said yes; not enough money. And, for the last few weeks, she has been talking about being a Kzoo girl! So happy for my daughter. :partying_face:

@auroranights Please share any inside info you have for us. D has never even visited! What a strange year…


Congratulations!!! So exciting!!! :black_heart::orange_heart::honeybee: Will send a DM.

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I posted in the main 2021 thread a few days ago and didn’t update here: S21 committed to Texas Tech! RRO (orientation) registered, done, signed and sealed! We’re still waiting to hear if he got accepted to the Business Leadership Program, but aside from that we are all excited for this next chapter to start! Wreck ‘Em!!! :heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart:


Out of curiosity, which schools in the midwest?

Bradley, Iowa State, Southern Illinois at Edwardsville, and University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Bradley is probably the strongest option for both majors and the best fit size-wise too.

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Some good options there.

Good luck with the decision.

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Happy that you have the decision! We are between Hendrix (visited last month), Beloit (visited yesterday) and Goucher (going there next week). Its going to be a rough April for us


We won’t have a decision anytime soon. Visiting CoC in 3 weeks; didn’t hear from Syracuse in the first round Friday, so we canceled out trip there this weekend. Even if she gets in, I doubt they are going to come in where their NPC says they should, so we won’t bother.
That leaves CoC, Miami U, App State and Rowan. Still hoping JMU somehow comes back with some merit, but I know they won’t, so it’s probably between those 4.


So just when I thought we were done… Less than two weeks ago my son narrowed his seven choices down and picked Penn State. We enrolled him so that he could register for summer classes, bought the gear, etc. Then Friday night his deferral at University of Delaware–one of his ingoing favorites–came through as an acceptance and now he is not sure. We are doing admitted student tours at both schools next week and he said he will decide after that. I see pros and cons to both, but at this point it will definitely save me money if he sticks to PSU. Given what is going on right now I am also afraid we will go through the whole thing again if he comes off the waitlist for Virginia Tech–his other ingoing favorite. I am not depositing anywhere else until May 1 at this point in case he changes his mind multiple times!


Congrats to your D - she found her place. That’s so exciting! We were really impressed with the virtual sessions we sat in on for Kalamazoo (we also talked to them at a CTCL fair), and I love the open curriculum they have. My S21 was also a big fan of their health and wellness classes - thought a bunch of those sounded fun.


Congrats to your S21 on his decision. I had a feeling after your visit to Tech that he would end up choosing it. :slight_smile:


We had a wonderful (and busy) 3.5 days in the Boston/Providence area. We were able to tour Clark and see Worcester (including actually getting briefly inside 3 buildings at Clark - a nice surprise), visit fully vaccinated relatives in the Boston area, walk around Brown/Providence (nostalgia for my husband but also figured it was worth showing S21 since he can get from Wheaton to Providence by train and can potentially take a class at Brown, though I don’t know that he would), tour Wheaton and drive around the area a bit, and stay a night and morning in my old stomping grounds - Back Bay/South End area of Boston.

The result in terms of the college decision is that S21 officially declined 5 schools when we returned - Beloit, Denison, Kalamazoo, Knox, and Willamette. So he’s officially down to Clark, Wheaton(MA), Wooster, and Dickinson. He said he went into the MA tours leaning a little more Wheaton’s way than Clark’s and still is, but he doesn’t want to drop Clark just yet. We were all really happily surprised by Wheaton’s campus - bigger and nicer than we’d been able to tell from virtual tours and google earth.


Yay! Both my daughters love Clark. It was on D21’s list and I am sure it will be on D23’s as well. Great school, cool people!

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Glad to hear that Wheaton is still on the list.


Any ideas of colleges with good school spirit, possibly a good marching or pep band, and a good communications major? Putting off things for a year and none of the acceptances are grabbing her. Gpa 3.5 sat 1350. Within driving distance from NJ a plus.

Not really our criteria but Syracuse, Temple, Penn State all come to mind?

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Maybe Delaware?



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UCONN would be another one. great PEP band, with Huge School Spirit. Not to mention a great communications department

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