Parents of the HS Class of 2021 3.0-3.4

Congratulations! Hofstra was one of the early acceptance favorites for S20 last year. It might have remained in consideration but the FinAid for us was not enough to keep it in the running.

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@NJMom18 congrats on Penn State! My husband is from western PA and grew up rooting for their football team.

@Schadret congrats on Rutgers!

@Johnny523 a decision :slight_smile: I recall your D getting one of her acceptances really early in this process. Congrats on Montana State!

Congrats to everyone whose kids have found their place. Still undecided in this house, but maybe this coming weekend? We had a good trip to see Dickinson last weekend. A long drive (11 ish hours) and dreary drizzly weather, but we got enough info even in Covid times to be helpful. They put on an admitted student day event (small, distanced, masked, primarily outdoors), and we explored on our own as well. We felt really good about the academics, strength of professor/student relationships together with advising and mentoring, and the small walkable town adjacent to campus. But the road through campus bothered us more than we expected (we found it to be crazy noisy), and we all preferred the layout and style of the campuses of S21’s other top 2 choices (Wheaton MA and Wooster). It’s going to be hard to let some of these go, but I’m ready for a decision! S21 isn’t sharing much, so I don’t know if he’s leaning any particular way.


I think it’s safe to say…JMU for the win!

Lots of twists and turns to get here, but JMU was an early front runner, and gave her honors, then dropped when she got no money. In the last few weeks they came back 2x and now is within budget. She struggled a bit letting go of Miami, but the decision is made!

Congrats to everyone and good luck to those stil l deciding! So happy this is the last time I have to go thru this! Lol


Congratulations @NJWrestlingmom! I’m so glad JMU worked out as it sounded like that was where she really wanted to be. JMU was my son’s only OOS public that he applied to but no $$ for him so it never made it to top of his final choices. Happy to hear they brought it within budget for you!


woot woot! Congratulations! I love to hear the stories of the money coming through in the end.


So happy to hear that it all worked out at her top choice! It goes to show that it never hurts to keep negotiating!


Congrats on JMU! I’m so glad they came through for your D.

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S21 has made his decision. He’ll be going to Wheaton College (MA). Letting College of Wooster and Dickinson go was a little tough! But he loves the open curriculum at Wheaton, could see himself on that campus, and the overall campus culture seems to suit him well. It’s also nice that he’s able to go far from home as he wanted to do but will be in a state where he has relatives and a touch of familiarity, having visited Boston and its suburbs quite a few times. It’s sort of a home away from home already up there for him.


Congratulations—sounds like a great choice!

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Seems perfect for him! You’ve also said he loves Cape Cod. I’m so happy for your family :slight_smile:

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After much debating my daughter decided on Seattle University. Excited for the Fall.


Congratulations! One of my favorite cities and the campus is in an excellent location. My nephew will be a sophomore at Seattle U. Chemistry major I think. He’s had a pretty good year on a covid scale but here’s hoping all these students will have a much fuller life starting soon.


One leaving one coming back. Son decided on Montclair State awhile back. My daughter was accepted to Rutgers Masters program with 50% scholarship and will be moving back home and commuting.


At the end of the cycle, our kids did alright!!


Curious if anyone applied to a high reach in this group (T10, T20,T50?) and got a surprise acceptance beyond expectations? Would love to hear those stories too!!

I’m not sure there are many stories like that from this year, plenty of super high performing kids didn’t get offers from those schools this cycle. It’s likely the only way a kid in this GPA range got an offer from a top 50 school would be if they have some extraordinary talent/experience in a highly desired area for that school.

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Nephew was admitted to Purdue with a 2.77 GPA. Purdue is top 53 per USNews.


Yes, I do realize. I was just curious about any outliers!

Wow, that’s pretty cool!

That’s incredible. In state student? Assume not engineering but still, it’s Purdue!