Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@homerdog SCU would be worth a campus visit. The college has really shot up in the rankings if that matters to her/you. Forbes ranks them #51 and the Bay Area is a wonderful area of the country to go to college with excellent internship and job prospects as well as great weather.

How about Tulane?

@NJWrestlingmom One more thing about Miami. D is not pre-professional. Not interested in business. The kids we know at Miami are in the business school. Doing very well coming out of there but that wouldnā€™t be a fit for D.

@AlmostThere2018 Iā€™d love her to consider a womenā€™s college. She laughs out loud at that. Iā€™ve tried to get her to like Scripps since the women I know there say that it hardly seems like a womenā€™s college because of the other schools in the consortium. Still working on that. :wink:

Butler is a no. Sheā€™d consider Miami before Butler.

@socaldad2002 visiting SCU is unlikely. Sheā€™s not considering any other CA schools and it would be an expensive trip to one off. We are already spending spring break in NC and VA for visits and she will go to Boston/Maine in April to see BC, Bowdoin (but not for real, just to visit S19) and Bates. Iā€™d like to get her to Colgate too. Maybe this summer depending on how other visits go and how the ACT/SAT is looking.

Tulane is an interesting idea but I just looked it up on Naviance and at her GPA and a 30 ACT and above, itā€™s a slew of waitlist. The two kids I know there are recruited athletes. Only two went last year and none the year before. They obviously donā€™t think kids from our high school will enroll. I think she would need to use ED. Itā€™s a thought.

D21 just told me she saw her PSAT score on Naviance so the secretā€™s out! And barring any disasters this year, she should be NMF. So I told her she should look again at the FL schools and explained the possibility of a near full rideā€¦

Good luck to everyone taking the SAT today! May the curve be in your favor. :slight_smile:

I asked D21 what her most helpful prep book was for the SAT math (she took in August) and she said Barronā€™s NEW SAT. Purchased for $1 at a library book sale by me. Still available on Amazon though.

@mm5678 Again a huge congratulations to my fellow Texan. I am beyond filled with anxiety. I keep looking at the sub score conversion chart and stressing myself out. Monday morning canā€™t get here fast enough. If D makes NMF she will also be applying to the Florida schools.

@homerdog - has your D taken the time to do the CollegeBoard Big Future College Search? It was very helpful for my daughter to create a list of possibilities.

@homerdog, too bad your D wouldnā€™t consider a more pre-professional schoolā€¦I think University of Richmond might be a good one for her otherwise. What about Carleton, Macalester or Case Western?

I think weā€™re looking at a tier or two less selective than your D (sounds like your high school is larger and a good bit more competitive than oursā€¦rarely does anyone here go to a truly top school). Iā€™m sorry to hear about the food at Denisonā€¦weā€™re planning to visit Denison and Wooster in the spring. Depending on how the math scores evolve, Iā€™m thinking Denison might be a match (or even high match because itā€™s getting more and more popular it seems) and Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed that sheā€™d TRUELY like Wooster as either a true match/safety (again, the wild card of those darn scores!) Right now sheā€™s very biased against going to Ohio for no good reason. She has barely set foot in Ohio!

These discordant scores are driving me wild because (maybe other than Wooster) Iā€™m not finding a school that may be a good academic middle ground between her high verbal and low math scores within a reasonable dayā€™s drive of us (no nearby airport). Sheā€™s solidly in the top half of the middle 50% (or higher) in verbal scores for the schools she likes but below the 25 percentile in math :frowning: despite diligent work and straight As in honors math/science. Since D will not be a STEM student and is very adept at reading (got the highest possible reading score in our State testing this year) I donā€™t want her to have no choice but to be in a small college where most of her classmates will be at a significantly lower verbal level (and maybe bored/unmotivated in class), especially in whatever she majors in. If adcoms do tend to rank/eliminate applicants by their lowest scores (which I hear is prevalentā€¦they have to cut numbers somewhere) Iā€™m afraid that will be where she finds herself, since the competitive schools will define her by the lower math skills, unless she opts for a large school. She could go test-optional in a couple of places she likes but that would put more focus on her ECs (which are fine but not outstanding). And I think it would be a shame to ā€œwasteā€ her good verbal scores. So sheā€™ll just have to prep very, very hard. Iā€™d be satisfied if she could just get math within 8o points or so of her verbal scores.

Not looking for elite admissions but I do want her to enjoy a solid school with motivated classmates. Something like St. Olaf would probably be great for her (I hear a lot of non-religeous students like it), or maybe Lawrence or St. Lawrence, but all of these are really far. On top of this, sheā€™s progressive/liberal but not at all SJW and presents as a bit ā€œpreppy lite.ā€ Is not a snob and doesnā€™t judge others but sheā€™s really uncomfortable in a very politically charged atmosphere. Personally, Iā€™d like her to stretch a bit. Get a tad outside of her comfort zone.

So. Many. Limitations and Conditions! (HAVE I RAISED A SNOWFLAKE. LOL?)

@inthegarden good luck to your D today.

I completely get it in regards to trying to tutor oneā€™s own kids. Iā€™m doing that, and itā€™s definitely a struggle.

My D took her 1st SAT today and said it was too easy - sheā€™s worried about the curve. Also, she got the lucky 5th section and didnā€™t get out until 1:45. Of course she didnā€™t get enough snacks, so she came home starving and immediately got a migraine. Ugh, one more thing to love about these tests. Anyway, 8am - 1:45pm seems outrageous to me since she did not even have the essay. What the heck takes them so long? My D19 once had a proctor show up an hour late, and this was at a lovely private school where they have the fewest problems and best environment for test-taking according to one local tutor.

When are SAT scores available? Theyā€™re on scranton, no?, so I donā€™t see why it should take longer than 1 week max, though Iā€™m sure it takes several.

@inthegarden Richmond is on the list. I feel like she has to get to 31 to have a decent shot without going ED. She can do EA and we are visiting in March. If they do interviews, she will interview then. She wouldnā€™t be in the business school but maybe study political science or psych. And she likes their leadership school too.

@eb23282 SAT scores from today (12/7) will be available on 12/20.

@eb23282 The score release dates are here:

What is the lucky 5th? Some kind of pilot test? Glad to have avoided that. D was done by 12:25.

D says she has no idea how she did but she thinks the math went better than before (fingers crossed. ) Was able to finish, but not with a lot of extra time. Said there were only a couple of math questions for which she felt completely lost and had no idea. So maybe thatā€™s progress? But said some grammar questions seemed harder than she expected.

She said scores will be out on December 20th.

D21 also said she thought math went betterā€¦and was easy. That makes me very nervous!!! Fingers crossed until 12/20!!! I would so love for her to be done!

Best of luck to all the SAT takers today!!!

Hi All,
New here. My Son, a junior, took his first SAT today. He thought the Reading and Writing was easy and Math was hard. He said there were a handful of Math problems he didnā€™t know at all.

Itā€™s very interesting reading how different the opinions on the test are depending on the student.

@inthegarden Some SAT sessions have a 5th section that is for the college board to test out new questions. It does not count for the students, but they donā€™t know itā€™s coming until they start the session. Iā€™m pretty sure they throw a few unscored ā€˜testā€™ questions into the regular sections, so having a 5th section added to the test is overkill. I sure hope she doesnā€™t get it again.

@NJWrestlingmom , Iā€™m from Ohio and lots of kids go to Miami from our HS. I donā€™t think it has a conservative reputation around here, and the kids that attend are the standard selection of your typical smart liberal-leaning high schooler. Also we have a good share of Denison students and Iā€™ve never heard about bad food! As for Elon sports, my son isnā€™t really into sports! He has been to 2 football games, and we were with him one of those on parents weekend. It was fun and there was spirit and cheering, but honestly more like a high school game in terms of size of the stadium and crowd!
@homerdog for some reason, I consider U Rochester as similar to U Richmond but a little more attainable, just an idea. And did you or your daughter see the movie Booksmart? There is a hilarious part (and actually the whole movie) about that ā€œwhy did I push myself so hardā€ question!

@TS0104 Iā€™ll have to look up Booksmart! Did your S ever consider Denison or Miami?