Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@AndreaLynn yes I think you’re way overthinking. No school needs a certain number of history/social studies classes and who knows where CB gets its info. I always just look at the colleges’ websites to find info like that. I think CB is just trying to say that the college likes to see three years of history/social studies.

@homerdog thank you! Sometimes my mind gets “stuck” on something and I over analyze it, since this is new to us and my D is really having a rough time mentally I am trying to be ahead of things so I can help her the best I can. This board has been so helpful to me. Thank you all, and Happy Holidays to all if I don’t post again this week.

We are over the moon here…Math still disproportionately low, but getting into the ballpark for a non-STEM student (620) …but a 780 ERW! Went from 1220 PSAT to 1400 SAT!

In my wildest dreams I hoped she would attain a 1380 or 1400 after testing another time or two after heavy prep. All I dared to hope for on the December test was a modest improvement from the PSAT to encourage her to prep hard this winter (enough to see that her month of light prepping on Khan most nights was helping). We thought she’d switch to the ACT but since her target schools superscore I think she should stay the course and prep hard this winter to improve SAT math a little and maintain the ER. We’re not shooting for T-20s so I think if she can just get the math up to mid-600s, we’re good. Then if she wants to try the ACT (for fun, lol) she can do it in the summer, no pressure. But, honestly, it will be hard to know where to stop. I mean, what’s not to like about the possibility of merit aid or more choices?

Congrats to your D!

Thank you! She had a hard day yesterday. She got confused during a physics test and switched two concepts that were used in several problems. She gave herself a very hard time about it. So today’s news is very welcomed.

Some kids are “fighters” and work harder in the face of their failures. Unfortunately, my D is a bit of a sensitive soul who gets discouraged easily and tells herself “why try?” I mean, she’s conscientious enough to do what’s required in all situations, but when feeling down she’ll do no more than what’s expected. Modest success and encouragement make her work harder.

@Aguadecoco, Is your son shooting for “reaches for everyone” schools, or is he an aspiring STEM student? Otherwise, his scores are strong… especially for a first SAT. Few are “one and done”.

He is wanting Environmental Science or Neuroscience at UT, we don’t think he’ll be auto admit.

PSAT 1360. SAT 1450. Surprisingly the kid taking AP Cal in 11th grade did 690 on math and 760 verbal. Although she did spend time with the books someone recommended on her for the verbal part. She will take ACT in February and then see which one she wants to retake.

@burghdad the math on the SAT (and ACT) is so old for your D. She probably learned some of it four years ago. She just needs to refresh.

Poor DS woke up today with an awful headache, I think he was stressing about seeing the SAT scores. But he did great – 1490 (710 verbal/780 math). He may be one-and-done since this puts him solidly above 75%ile for his 1st choice VA Tech (math or statistics major) and in the admit area of our schools’ Naviance scatterplot.

I’m shocked he got his verbal out of the 600s. He’ll be annoyed that he didn’t get 800 on math – that was his goal but he got one question wrong, exactly the same as the PSAT!

Exams are done! Some classes had final papers or projects instead of exams. Everybody has to take final exams, no matter what grade you have in the class.

Congrats to everyone who did so well on the SAT! For those of you whose kids did better on RW, I think it’s easier to bring up the math score with prep than RW. As @homerdog mentioned, especially for kids that are accelerated in math, they may just have to go back and review. Khan Academy can be helpful for that.

This has been a tough year so far. I hope everybody has a restful break and a chance to recharge!

Wow- those SAT scores are incredible! What a great holiday present for all your kids!

@homerdog you are probably right. She needs to do a bunch of practice tests for math like she did for verbal and should be fine.

@JESmom Those are some great scores congratulations to your son.

@3kids2dogs you are correct that we need to put what the kids did on these standardized tests into context.

When my daughter texted me her score this morning with a 690 in math she said “I don’t know why I am so bad in math.” And I immediately texted her back that a 690 in math was a great score that all kinds of kid would love to have.

We need to be positive with these kids as they deal with the pressure of their peers, their parents and their own expectations and dreams.

They will all find a place to go to college that is right for them and with the proper amount of love, encouragement and support will end up being successful, productive and great human beings. And I am sure the last thing is what we all wish for our children.

1430 for our son on his first attempt. He’s disappointed but considering he did essentially no prep work it’s a good start. I think he’s been of the opinion that he’s smarter than he thinks he is and doesn’t need to work hard but I think it’s finally setting in that he actually is going to have to work for it. Unfortunately he’s at the point where his GPA won’t change dramatically this year so that’s basically locked in. Standardized tests are his spot for easiest improvement. Next up will be ACT after which we’ll decide which to take a 2nd time.

@burghdad, yes to perspective and support. Also a 690 is 91st percentile in math which is obviously excellent. Congrats to everyone on the great scores.

This makes a much sense. We don’t have Naviance, and I really wish we had access to the data it provides.

The good thing is you don’t have to worry about the less rigorous school down the street as AO only look and compare students within their own schools. I was. VERY concerned about this with my D21 due to the lack of APs that will appear on her transcript. Her school requires the regular or Honors level class prior to taking the AP and must be approved by department chair/current teacher. She’s currently in Honors Physics (AP not avail at her school) and not only did she have to test to get in but there were grade requirements. Local Public School, if u want in you get in. Oh and ours max at 3 APs/year. So you can’t have a full load. And it clearly states that on our school profile.

Anyone get ACT scores? Still waiting here. Hoping for tomorrow.