Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@TVBingewatcher2, my D is using a prep book called The Black Book that was recommended by some posters her on CC, but in order to use it, you must also have the official ACT Red Book! That’s because the former makes constant references to particular passages in the latter and explains them more fully or descibes better ways of approaching problems. It talks alot about strategy and describes how ACT tries to trick test takers and ways NOT to be tricked. Seems to be pretty dense and has great detail, over and beyond regular test prep. My daughter doesn’t have a lot of time to prep for the ACT, as she is focusing on the March SAT (and I’m sure will get nowhere close to a 36 composite) but I advised her to do ACT prep for science at least. (She signed up for the Feb ACT on impulse). She seems to think the Black Book makes a lot of sense. Just by doing the Red Book’s short section/practice questions over a long weekend she went up three ACT points in science between practice tests, and now she’s starting to wade through the Black Book’s longer, denser science section. We shall see. At any rate, the science section is less about having prior science knowlege and more about reading analysis skills and interpreting graphs as they relate to the reading passages.

Thank you @inthegarden , will check those books out.

@TVBingeWatcher2 My older kid got a lot of benefit from the online materials that ACT offers. There is an annual fee for access, but it is modest. In particular, it helped bring her science score up.

Does Alabama require a perfect 36 in all four categories. I ask because I believe that the composite rounds up from a 35.5 or a 35.75 to a 36.

My recollection was that the science section is not particularly hard but the curve is punishing. Just a couple or errors can be very costly. As the test requires speed, careless mistakes can creep in.

I would have her take a timed practice test at home. A baseline will help to see if this would be worth her time and effort.

From how you have described her, I am still convinced that her GPA and 1590 SAT will open up lots of merit opportunities - but probably ones that require separate applications and more work. Have you looked into U of South Carolina? There are some big scholarships there and a well-regarded honors program. I think that @Mom2aphysicsgeek had kids enroll at both USC and Alabama. Her threads are worth seeking out because her family had to chase big merit and her kids have done very well.

@mamaedefamilia Thank you for your reply, University of South Carolina is not affordable with the merit my D would qualify for (instate tuition with 4K off that).

I wished I shared your optimistic view about scholarships, but honestly I just can’t see it.

D has ZERO leadership, very minimal to none volunteering, I just don’t think she would stand a chance at scholarships that are not about GPA, Rank, Test scores. Her main EC is Academic Decathalon, which is very time consuming and currently she is in the NASA aerospace program, also very time consuming but the program is only 4 months long.

The BAMA site says 1600 or 36, does not say anything other that that so I do think a 35.5 that rounds up would qualify.

I will definitely look at the online ACT materials.

D feels (still to this day) very bad, and feels like she let me down (she worked harder than anyone I know), and I am very proud of her effort and laser focus, I realize the chips just did not fall her way that day). I very much want to give her an “away college” experience.

@TVBingeWatcher2 I’ll keep my eyes out for stats-driven merit scholarships that don’t require depth in leadership, volunteering, and high stakes interviews, then!

@TVBingeWatcher2 – I’m sorry I missed this from earlier, but remind me, what’s your ‘all in’ budget that you are able/willing to pay for college each year? And is there a reason you’re not looking at places that meet full need?

Apologies - I’ve only been recently following this thread regularly.

@AlmostThere2018 D’s dad is not required nor will he pay one penny for college, He and his wife are high earners so any CSS school is off the table.

Last time I checked my EFC was around 35K. I think I will be able to pay 12K/yr max. And we live in West Texas so travel is expensive if flights involved and time consuming if driving (don’t mind long car drives, I can drive D to school and drop her off.
I think she should qualify for Mississippi State’s top
auto merit (excluding NMF).
It would be full tuition/fees X4 years and one year dorm/meal. And 4K towards study abroad. That one sounds promising. And she would not need to take the ACT for a perfect score for that one. Just Bama is requiring 36.

^^oh, @bingewatcher, this makes me so angry!

I mean, did he and his wife get all the way through med school with no financial help?

Sorry…I know it’s none of my business. But GRRRR. And I’m so sorry. And I hope one day he realizes how he missed out. Your D sounds like such an amazing young woman.

And I will cross my fingers that she nails that 36.

Thank you @mamaedefamilia

@inthegarden , thank you

@TVBingeWatcher2 did you follow the thread by KevinfromOC some time ago? His daughter was a Natl Hispanic winner but they had about the same amount they could afford. She’s in the midst of the application process but he posted some updates. IIRC, there might have been some schools mentioned that would fit - U Kentucky and Miami Ohio come to mind.

Edited to add - what about applying for UH Tier 1 scholars?

@mm5678 That thread prompted me to join CC. I was following closely and was disappointed it was closed.

@BingeWatcher are all the TX schools out of your price range? Is your D looking just for the big schools? Totally understandable if she is.

I’ve been hoping @KevinFromOC comes back with an update! I was bummed the thread got shut down!

Yes I have been following the KevenfromOC thread, have learned so much from it. Miami OH sounds wonderful, That was the one school I came away from the thread excited about. D will apply for sure. UH (Houston), she did not care for it. We did not d official tour, but walked the campus. She wants defined campus, tradition setting. School size not smaller than 15K.

@TVBingeWatcher2 – Tks for sharing. I haven’t delved into the whole world of auto merit; I wish I had more suggestions for you!! Miami-Ohio mentioned above is a great school. I have a niece and a nephew who both loved it, and it’s def. the traditional college experience.

It sounds like you’re looking for full tuition and your contribution can cover room & board? Is that your current strategy?

Just wanted to say that for my D18, we have so far paid less than the estimate for books. More professors are moving to open resources instead of crazy textbook costs so we’ve never paid close to the estimate her college includes for books in total cost of attendance. And she’s a STEM major which is known for pricey textbooks.

Also, she’s significantly reduced her meal plan to fix more easy things in her room. She doesn’t like a big breakfast and doesn’t think it’s worth a swipe, for example, so just makes instant oatmeal in her room and adds almond butter and banana.

At many schools, moving off campus after 1st year can also reduce costs.

My point is that in my experience the “room, board and books” estimated costs as closer to a max figure, not min. But of course, it’s worth digging into those numbers at target schools.

@AlmostThere2018 I agree about book costs. Bowdoin predicts $1200 in books for the year. S19 has spent only $150 for both semesters total. He has some that are free online and he shared one with his roommate in the same class. He also opted for just using one book that was available at the library since it was expensive and he would just read it there when he needed it. It was only needed for a two week period and the class was small so he didn’t run into any problems with other kids needing the copy at the same time. I couldn’t believe how far off he was from the $1200 estimate. He’s paying for his books so I think he worked hard to spend as little as possible!

@NJWrestlingmom what? That thread got shut down?? I missed that. Why?

@homerdog – Good to hear it’s not just Davidson where book costs are coming down! She’s had only one or two courses with an expensive text – so she’s rented it from the book store for a fraction of buying it, even used.

@TVBingeWatcher2 – App State in NC is a state school that doesn’t get a lot of attention on CC, but it’s generally considered the 3rd best public in NC (after UNC and NC State). It’s in a gorgeous college town in the mountains of NC. Very traditional college experience. Big football school these day – they were in the top 25 this year! The vibe is a mix of students, but leans toward earthy, crunchy. It’s about 16k undergrad and very solid academic reputation. Not easy for you to get to geographically, though.

My kids attend(ed) a top public HS in the state and tons of kids go to App State every year and do really well. Anyway, I know they have merit awards, but not sure at what level. Because your D is so high stats, she’d need to show interest. She’d be top of their applicant pool, and they may not think she’s seriously interested.

Iowa State? Ames is supposed to be a fantastic college town.

What about Northern Arizona University?

I second Iowa State. My friend’s daughter is a Chem Engineering Major there. We’re from North Texas, and after merit aid they are paying less then what in state tuition would have been. It was an adjustment first semester but now she’s loving Ames! It’s a beautiful campus from what they tell me.

Another vote for Iowa State. Ames is a beautiful campus. Overlooked by so many even at our school where kids flock to U of Iowa. The kids I do know who went to Iowa State were women engineering majors and had an incredible experience. We actually just went to one of their weddings (bride in her early 20s) and met a bunch of ISU women engineers since they made up her whole wedding party! All are gainfully employed and I assume got really good merit there.