Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@TVBingeWatcher2 HA! He wishes he fast enough to run at Tech or UT.

@InfiniteWaves I have never heard of It. Off to google.

Coming back with a little brag. My Dā€™s wisdom teeth made their emerging presences known quit clearly last week and, despite unremitting pain D carried on like a pro. Just completed two full days of all-county band practice and performance as first trombone with her sore mouth and headache, and the visiting conductor told her that her sound is amazing.

The bad news is, her initial consultation with the oral surgeon is not for 2 1/2 weeks so no telling how long before she can get the things extracted. The kid who normally balks at any medication is having to take ibuprofen twice-daily to get her through the day. Meanwhile, weā€™ve paid for the mid-March SAT, hoping that will be the end of testing but I may not expect her to take it if this pain doesnā€™t lessen. As if junior year is not hard enough!

@inthegarden, ouchā€¦junior year has enough to deal with already, doesnā€™t it!? Sorry to hear your D is dealing with this.

Iā€™m crossing my fingers that S21 stays healthy for the next 3 weeks or so. One D23 is down with a bad cold. S21 has the National Latin Exam next week, final round of interviews and tests for the Governorā€™s Honors Program (a long shot, but heā€™s made it this farā€¦less than 1% of GA students doā€¦heā€™ll have to get up super early next Saturday, dress up, ride 1.5-2 hours in the car and then do tests and panel interviews for several hours, and heā€™s a bit quiet, not totally confident, etc. so itā€™s a lot for him, but itā€™s a good stretch, and if he were to be selected, it would be an amazing summer experience for him). Then he is also paging at the State House of Representatives, taking SATs, and doing college trips to Wisconsin and Massachusetts (from Atlanta) all in the next 3.5 weeks. Got to keep that sister quarantined, I think. ?

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@inthegarden ugh. I hope she feels better soon! Thatā€™s the thing about standardized tests - you donā€™t know when you sign up if youā€™ll feel well that day. D didnā€™t take the Sept ACT because she was really sick and then had to wait six more weeks to take it. That was not helpful. I feel like sheā€™s two months behind now. If we could have figured out that the ACT was not her test earlier, she would have taken an SAT by now.

@inthegarden Sorry about the teeth! Like @homerdogā€™s D, S21 had to skip the February ACT - sinus infection with terrible cough.

I feel like we are months behind as well! S21 took the October SAT with zero prep since we registered really late. Heā€™ll take it again in March at his high school and then will hopefully try the ACT in April. He needs to register this week for the ACT but he has a school event the Friday night before the test that will go pretty late so not sure how the test will go. Feels like we are running out of time!

Youā€™re fine - plenty of time. Donā€™t fret.

@nichols51 Wishing your son best of luck!!

Hi folks, Iā€™ve been lurking here and there but have stayed off CC generally speaking because the whole process was getting me too stressed out. My kids are fine; itā€™s just Mom who needs to chill. :slight_smile: Itā€™s been nice reading about everyoneā€™s teens.

@kbm770 My daughter has interviewed at two schools this month in the northeast and has another interview coming up next week. She is applying to a fairly large number of schools and we thought it best to spread out the process over many months - one or two interviews a month - so she isnā€™t crammed for time during the summer and fall. She asked ahead of time if they wanted a resume or transcript, and these particular colleges said no. One had her fill in a sheet when she got there though, so she basically recreated her resume right there on the sheet they provided. One extremely selective LAC interviewer was very nice but definitely very formal, and the other less selective small college interviewer was more down-to-earth and they ended up chatting about all kinds of things that seemed a bit random but it was just where the conversation naturally went. Both experiences were different but she felt both went well. She was careful to highlight certain aspects of her background, ECs, and education that she felt aligned with what the particular college valued. Hope it goes well for your daughter!

If it makes people feel better, D21 has not taken an official ACT or SAT. She didnā€™t take the PSAT either.

She did decide she likes the SAT slightly better and will focus on that. We feel like we have a fairly good idea of how she will score based on timed practice tests, and she has a wide range of schools on her list. She just didnā€™t want to start with the admissions test studying until she felt more secure with her classwork. This past week she started to work on the math (her nemesis) using the panda book.

I do understand the frustration of missing a test due to sickness, and the complication of figuring out which test is best!

I am getting so excited for our Spring Break trip - 34 days until we leave, but who is counting?

I canā€™t wait to spend this one on one time with my daughter. We are all so busy; we never have substantial time to spend together, just the two of us.

Sometimes I create beautiful pictures in my mind of these things and then they turn out differently (hello - first homecoming dress shopping trip that I thought would be a beautiful mother daughter memory and turned into an extended bickering, sighing, eye rolling event) so Iā€™m trying desperately not to do that, but is it wrong that Iā€™m even looking forward to driving with her for hours in the car from one school to the next?

I also canā€™t wait to look at the schools and take the tours. Picturing herself at each one in this next phase of her life. I feel a little cheated that my husband was the one with her when she toured her current favorite, so it will be nice to see it there and see what it is about it that made her so happy and whether any of these other schools can top it.

@3kids2dogs I get it! I traveled alone with D21 for the first time last weekend to visit S and it was just as good and I thought it would be!! Youā€™re going to have a great time.

35 days until we leave for our spring break trip. Iā€™m pretty excited as well. With S, either I took him on college visits or all four of us were there. And then my H took him back for admitted student days. That worked well for us since H was the one who also needed convincing before S committed somewhere. I had done all of the legwork and had seen all of the schools already. I think we will be repeating that plan this time too.

@homerdog and @3kids2dogs where are you folks going to visit in 35 and 34 daysā€¦

Next weekend D21 going to visit D18 at Clemson. I will be very interested to see if Clemson officially get on the list for D21 or if it falls off the list.

@burghdad Davidson, Wake Forest, Washington and Lee, and Richmond. Iā€™m really hoping one or more of these float her boat. They are currently the bulk of her list. She liked BC last weekend but didnā€™t love. I think she might use ED so she will be looking at these schools with that in mind. Both Wake and Richmond have long shot dance merit opportunities and sheā€™s meeting with dance professors to see (or take) class and to discuss dance as an EC. Sheā€™s also going to an academic class at all schools except W&L since they donā€™t allow juniors to take class.

@3kids2dogs I had such a great time looking at colleges with my oldest - all of the schools she was considering were in such fantastic places. We did a spring break road trip in So. CA where we had ample time to visit colleges as well as just relax. We also went to NYC, Boston and Charleston, SC together. As a mom of four kids, and with her leaving for college, it was awesome to have the one on one time together before she left us.

Due to my husbandā€™s work schedule, I have also done most of the college visits with my two sons but they havenā€™t been nearly as fun. They arenā€™t exactly chit-chatty! Their visits were/have all been 5-6 hour car rides so I get some brief conversation before they stick in head phones and sleep, so I entertain myself with audiobooks. A tiny bit of bonding but not nearly the same as with my oldest daughter! Iā€™ll get through this with S21, but my youngest is a girl so I look forward to having a similar experience as with my oldest when her turn comes around!

Where is your spring break taking you? Understand if you donā€™t want to name specific schools, but what part of the country will you be visiting?

Editing to say, I did chuckle regarding the dress shopping comment about it not being the mother/daughter bonding experience. That has been one area where D17 were never able to see eye to eye. She refused to listen to me about her prom dress choice and now in hindsight when she sees pictures, she realizes I was right! ?

@homerdog - I hope our week is as great as your weekend was!

@burghdad and @4kids4us - we are headed to UofSC (her current favorite), Clemson, Elon, LSU, Tulane and Alabama (she has a cousin there graduating in May, so a nice way to end the trip).

Fingers crossed the temps will be in the 60ā€™s+ across the board!

@3kids2dogs DS21 and I are headed to Florida: first stop UM, then UCF and then UF. We are stopping over at ASU on the way back home. Thank goodness for Marriott points, but had to pay full price for airfare, sigh. We are both really looking forward to our trip. I am on pins and needles to see my alma mater after so many years, and hoping being on campus might spark interest in DS21 because right now heā€™s much more interested in UF. Not that a full ride at UF would be a bad choice! Iā€™d be thrilled with any of these schools, as long as heā€™s happy and theyā€™re free, or mostly free, due to NMF and Benacquisto (still pinching myself about that).

@3kids2dogs I didnā€™t know you were seeing so many schools!! That is super fun. Good for her to see so many on one trip. I think seeing one school after another really helps clarify what kids like. Buckle up and drink some caffeine though. Thatā€™s a lot of schools. Keep notes!