Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

October’s scores did come out at midnight (central time). If you go to the ACT site, it will say “tested” instead of “registered” if your scores will be ready right away. If it still says “registered”, you will likely be in a later wave.

@3kids2dogs Great tip! Many thanks. His says “tested” so I’m eager for tomorrow. Hoping he went up in math and science.

@JESmom – enjoy that trip to VT!

I was going to check my D’s account later tonight so I asked her for her login info (which she gave me in the past). Her reaction? “I took the test, not you, so you are NOT going to find out how I did before I do!” Ummm, she does have a point! ? so I wait.

Waiting here too! D is not up yet so I wait. We have our course selection meeting this morning too. She’s waffling about taking AP Lit and so I’m like “great! Lighten your load and take Eng 4” to which she got mad and said maybe she wants to take AP. Sigh. I think I need to try some reverse psychology here!

Good luck to all waiting for scores today!

Scores are out, and D let me check. :slight_smile: She exceeded her goal, and her score is at the 75th percentile for her target schools, so I’m really happy for her. She’s happy, too, though I wonder if she’ll decide to take it again anyway. She said she likes the ACT better, and she’s heard the scores generally go up the second time around. She also did rush through the end of a couple of sections. Her English/Reading/Science were higher than math, and she’s doing a math SAT prep class at her school right now, so she may end up trying it again. She’s always been a strong math student and tester, but I don’t think taking Algebra 2, etc., early in HS has helped when it comes to SAT/ACT.

Scores back here, too. And very pleased. Composite went up 3 points from last summer.

So…now I’m curious. Is it past the deadline to be able to send scores to school for free? I think so. (What would schools do with scores sent by juniors now anyhow? Do they start a file on them?)

I have no idea but now we are considering more schools and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.

Yes, past the time to send free scores. Schools store any official scores sent until they can match them up with an application.

Many schools (and the number increases every month) allow students to self-report test scores now, which saves money!

Check the policies of the schools on your kid’s list, then check them again right before submitting the application in the summer/fall…no need to send any official score reports now. For the schools that allow self-reporting, most do require an official score upon matriculation.

Jealous of those who got the scores! We did course selection this morning with her (AP Lit it is for now) but she hasn’t checked scores yet. :frowning: I have her password somewhere but will restrain myself. LOL.

@disorbed I would not be re-testing with those scores! More on to subject tests, studying, ECs, etc… I know a few kids at Ivies with scores lower than that - if Vanderbilt rejects her, I don’t think it will be based on test scores.

@disorbed I agree with njwrestlingmom…done with the ACT and SAT. Focus on other aspects of the applications, and congratulations to your D.

Scores. here too…not quite as good of a composite (30) as her SAT but it does confirm that her very lopsided SAT was not a fluke. 36 reading, 25 math. Yikes!!, But she did say she didn’t’ like the ACT math compared to SAT math and has been prepping SAT math heavily since the Feb ACT. All of her potential schools superscore so we have one ace in hand anyway as she works on math. At all her schools she is above the 75 percent mark in ERW and at or below the 25 percentile mark in math so it’s impossible to figure out solid match schools.

Congratulations, @kbm770, @123Mom123, @disorbed ! @disorbed, maybe you could contact Vanderbilt and find out if they will accept the new ACT single re-tests being offered in the fall? I read that many schools are just now deciding what their policy is to be on that…

Congrats to your D, too, @inthegarden. An ace in the hand takes some of the pressure off, which is always a good thing! I have to believe that colleges see the value of kids who lean toward English/Arts/Humanities OR STEM, that not all kids are – or want to be – both!

@disorbed, 1530 concords with a 35 and that’s pretty darn great! So if she doesn’t retest I’d go with the SAT.

Thanks, @kbm770, I’d like to think so, but I hear so much from some of the most experienced posters on CC about the importance of balanced scores, so I don’t know. Maybe that mainly pertains to T-20s or impacted majors. Since all the schools D happens to be interested in fall in the 30 to 60 range of LACs maybe it’s not as critical. She’s managing A’s in pre-calc and AP physics 1… It’s just when all different kinds of math are being thrown at her under pressure that she has problems. I just want her to get solidly near the middle 40 to 50 percentile in math (or out of what I think of as the danger zone!) in her target schools and let the ERW be the attention-getter. So maybe something around 27/28 or 660 in math would be enough, though not exactly balanced.

S21 taking school-based ACT right now! We’ve also signed him up for the regular one in April. Fingers crossed. He’s done really great on some practice tests, but he has test anxiety when it comes to actually taking it, so we’ll see…

I haven’t said anything to him about the test in the lead up in order to help him be as chill as possible. No discussions of target scores or such; he already feels the pressure – from himself and his high flying peers, unfort.

If he gets a 32 today or in April he’ll be in pretty good shape for his list of schools and he may want to re-take some sections this Fall to try to get his super score up. If he gets lower (or higher!) , he’ll want to re-think his current list.

Another challenge is that in his practice tests his lowest scores have been math – not good for someone planning to apply to engineering. :frowning:

@inthegarden I’m thinking the same thing for D. Maybe shooting for 75th percentile for EW and 50th percentile for math. It’s weird but, even for the LACs on her list, the Math 50th percentile range is so much higher than the EW range. For instance, the mid 50th percentile for Richmond for EW is 640-710 and Math is 650-750. For Wake, it’s EW 650-710 and math 660-760.

I haven’t checked into schools’ SAT composites but I hear some of them post them now. I didn’t have to think about this with S because he was above the 75th in both for all schools he applied to. I guess that’s why I’m thinking D has a better chance in ED if indeed her scores end up like her practice tests. We’ll see.

What’s the consensus on whether admitted SAT scores are typically higher than enrolled SAT scores? Looks like the enrolled scores are on CDS but sometimes schools put out the admitted numbers in other news releases.

I think admitted ranges are often higher than matriculated.

Logically, admitted would be higher than enrolled, but I don’t know how much higher; probably depends upon the school and to what extent it is used as a safety.