Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

Yes, very uncomfortable living in this limbo. We have a planned short college trip (and a few I’d like to consider taking) this spring. Fall is crazy-busy here with marching band season so I really wanted my D to get her preferences straight (and whether to consider applying anywhere ED) before school gets out. Applying to LACS, so getting a feel for the campus culture is all-Important…

My D had a kind of breakdown yesterday afternoon right after school even though it seems nothing in particular triggered it (except that she did finally register for classes.) Crying (sobbing, really) “I won’t get into a good school, and I’ve worked all my middle and high schools years, so what was it all for, and then I’ll have to be an adult and work all the time until I die…” It was as if it hit her that childhood is really over, and those carefree days were long gone years ago but the realization of it is just catching up to her. Really, I felt heartbroken listening to her, and wondered what have I said/done all of her life to convey this anxiety. I hope to hear some excitement from her about what’s next but Ithink she has more trepidation about it than anything. It’s not as if she goes to a competitive school where everyone applies to T-3o’s…in fact, hardly anyone does, and though her scores/ECs are very moderate compared to the CC forum, she’s at the top of the heap academically at her school and the kids have recently figured it out. Maybe she’s feeling pressure now to live up to that? Locally, people know about local/regional /state schools and the famous-to-everyone schools, and maybe she’s unmoored knowing she doesn’t fit either extreme. I think she did feel better after a ten-minute cry and tonight is sleeping over at a friend’s house ( a super-chill, cheerful girl who is a good student but not at all intense about grades.) So I’m hoping that will be good medicine.

Wow, Denison RD results starting to come in. Doesn’t look as if previous comments on this thread about Denison being somewhat of a safety school for highish-stats kids are holding true this year. Or is it yield protection, maybe?

Although not many students reporting results yet (as decisions were just released) several reporting SATs in the 1400-1500 SAT range with high grades and IB rigor reporting being waitlisted while some in the 1300 ranges getting in. One parent reports that the school admin said that they are not chasing high-stats kids per se as much as those that they deem fitting the school values of reaching across differences and civil discourse. Hope that’s true (and hope my D likes the school and gets over her Ohio bias) because, except for THAT prejudice, I think she’d embody those values very well, lol.

@NJWrestlingmom Yes, I read that on the Amherst feeds. Not only no spectators, but no tailgating and they will be taking temperatures. Here is what it said about authorized personnel inside the gym:
“Additionally, prior to the games, on-site medical personnel will be on hand to take the temperature of all credentialed personnel who are attending the games. We urge you to participate and, should anyone have an elevated temperature, the medical personnel on hand will provide advice and assistance.” Dang.

@inthegarden is Denison need aware ? Perhaps that played into some of the results…and/or were some of the high stats rejections international students with financial need, perhaps ?

@nichols51 , Some were, but not all, it seems, and a good number of those accepted (at a range of stats) seemed to get fairly generous aid. I hope students continue to post results so a clearer picture might emerge.

Cornell just cancelled admitted student day AND all tours through April 15th. If this catches on, I think many of us are going to have our spring break trips affected…

Denison is need aware. Last year, there were kids on CC (both international and domestic) who needed a lot of aid and did not get in even with high scores. I guess fit could also be a reason for the denial. At least at our school through last year, high stat kids all got in but probably most people around here are full pay. All six kids at Denison from our school got merit.

While demonstrated interest is important there, I don’t believe they turn down high stat kids for not showing enough interest. There’s no pattern of that at least from our school.

Yes, I think this issue may become widespread very quickly, @homerdog. Now I’m glad for the few college visits we’ve already done…started last spring (and at that time wondered if that was too early). Haven’t seen a lot but it least it’s something. It’s a good thing your D got to see some schools on her brother’s visits, at least to narrow down the type of schools she prefers.

Just this moment was talking to my husband about this. He said that at the directional state school where he teaches there’s a lot of concern about students traveling during spring break and returning. He said there’s already discussions about the possibility of students finishing up the term remotely. So it really doesn’t bode well for all our college travel plans (let alone issues for all of you needing to fly). Ugh. ?

I’m having a hard time facing this. D doesn’t know what she really wants in a school and, if we use ED, she absolutely has to visit. I also think all of this cancelling is a huge overreaction as the virus usually presents itself as mild. I don’t have a problem flying at all but can’t visit if they aren’t accepting visitors. No scientist out there has told people to cancel domestic travel.

And don’t get me started about paying thousands of dollars for S19 to sit at home for the rest of the semester and take classes online.

Some SAT sittings have been cancelled. We got an email yesterday. D’s sitting is still available but dozens have been cancelled across the US. So, check your emails if you have a student taking the test next Sat. Fingers crossed our kids can all take the test!

I think it’s more out of public health concern that healthy, younger people not be carriers until we get a handle on containing, or at least treating it. I do think it’s inevitable that it will spread everywhere but if we can somehow gain time in amassing the supplies, tests, medical and other infrastructure needed before it hits hardest it will be worth it.

re Denison, I realize it’s a tiny sample size so I’ll try not to read anything out of it for now. I guess the prospect of possibly not getting to visit this spring has me trying to read the tea leaves more than usual but I’ll resist that urge.

AmI continuing to monitor (like all of us are) whether or not we’ll be visiting colleges. Thinking ahead about my D16’s graduation and wondering about that.

@carlson2 i can’t remember where you are but lots of big public events are still happening. There’s a big Bernie rally at Grant Park in Chicago today. The indoor Division 3 track championships is happening soon and not cancelled. While it seems like things are shutting down everywhere, that’s just not true. I certainly hope that graduations won’t be affected!

@homerdog - I hope graduations aren’t affected! I can work around doing visits another time (it won’t be ideal), but missing a graduation would be terrible. My S21 is at our state debate tournament today and he told me that no one is shaking hands (which is wise), and everyone is elbow-bumping each other.

@inthegarden is right. The goal is to flatten the spread so that healthcare systems are not stressed to the breaking point. Our kids will be fine, but they are also likely to be carriers and we need to be aware of vulnerable populations. I have two family members with CF so I’m very aware of this.

I do think political rallies and big sporting events will need to cease soon.

My S21 is worried all the rest of the robotics competitions this Spring will be cancelled. The good news is that he was on the winning alliance for the one event held so far so they’d be ‘quitting while ahead,’ lol. Still he’d be very disappointed b/c they’ve put TONS of work into their robot.

D has been in San Antonio since Wednesday for state Academic Decathlon competition. She too said bumping elbows is what everyone is doing. Here in Texas, South by Southwest has been cancelled. It is a huge annual music festival held in Austin.

D21’s college interview at a New England LAC is still on for Monday morning. The overnight, class visit, interview, etc she has scheduled for the end of this month in CO is also still on (for now, anyway). Just got confirmation emails from both places.

I checked the webpages of all colleges to which she wants to apply. None have canceled visits as of now. Most of them are in rural locations, so that may have something to do with it. Crossing our fingers.

We now have a 1/2 day of school Wednesday so the district can figure out how remotely run classes if they have to. As long as school lasts this week, we should be good for Saturday’s SAT.
Fingers crossed!
People are really freaking out… not a bottle of water or roll of toilet paper to be had at Costco!! That’s A LOT of tp!!!

Nothing cancelled yet for our trip next week… but some cold feet in this house about travel. My employer has banned international professional travel so I have cancelled some April travel. No domestic restrictions yet.