Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

Welcome @RoonilWazlib99! Glad to hear he is making such progress at executive functioning! Kids can be so complicated; wish they came with individualized owner’s manuals.

Welcome @RoonilWazlib99, Glad you son is making progress too. D has ADHD-I and EF is coming along as she is getting older. I still kid her that I will have to follow her to college and walk 2 steps behind her at all times.

Good news, S21 was just accepted to the high school art academy that he’d applied to! The new parent meeting isn’t until mid-April, but there may be some movement on signing up for fall classes before then.

@ynotgo, that is great news. What a great high school experience he will have!

The waiting game for the Class of '17 is stressful, so I’m stopping by here.

Anyone have class schedules for next year? Or did we talk about that already and our schools are the laggards?

Our schools only have a 6 period day, so that limits the classes kids can take. S21 plans to take a 3-week health course this summer so that he doesn’t have to take a semester of it next year. I’ve emailed with his counselor, and his schedule currently looks like this:

Freehand Drawing (the 9th grade class in the art academy)
English 9H (taken with art academy students)
Math 2H (Math 1 is basically Algebra 1, so this probably is mostly geometry)
AP Physics 1 (gonna be tough, but he’s game to try)
French 1
PE (currently basketball, but seeing about moving to something else, as S21 is sensitive about being short)

They had him signed up for AP Human Geography with a great teacher, but we decided it’s more important to have classes in a 2nd language and that taking the 2nd language dual-enrollment would probably move too fast for him. I wish we had a 7-class day to work with.

Hi @BingeWatcher! I’ll introduce myself in a moment but just wanted to say that I too am an older mom (adoptive) of two girls. I’ve learned a lot in the process with D17 and because of circumstances a lot admission decisions do come down to finances.

Hi, I’m new here. Happy to find this forum. I have two daughters, D17 and D21 who could not be more different. D17 is in the midst of college acceptances. She applied to a dozen schools and has heard from eight. Her GPA is 3.86 but her SAT scores were low, compared to many of kiddos on these boards. She has been accepted at the first eight, but the four she is still waiting to hear from are much more selective. She is an introvert who has benefitted greatly from her small, expeditionary learning charter school. Very dependable and steady as she goes type of kid, organized, fine with time management but was never overly preoccupied with “grades” yet was a no-drama homework kind of kid.

D21 is more extroverted, more relationship oriented and scattered, I am looking into whether there may be some EFD as she was adopted at age 4 (D17 was adopted at age 10 mo). However, this kid is very goal-oriented and decided she would pursue the “exceeding expectations” options at school this year and has worked hard to get awesome marks.

Both of my kids play Ultimate Frisbee and piano. D17 also draws and runs cross country. D21 hates to read, and I’m considering bribery to encourage that.

Cost is a huge factor in college decisions for both girls as I currently work in a social-work type position with elders.

Glad to be here.

Welcome @Hardymum, hope your D17 lands at a school she will flourish at!.

On freshman schedule…D’s current school had her fill out the schedule based on going to highschool at the all girl’s school, but she is not going to this school for high school.

So we are waiting for her schedule to be sent to the new high school so we change it.
Our school district has 8 periods a day.

They are offering a lot of CTE (career & technical education) classes in response to Texas house bill 5, that requires the student to pick a pathway.

The good thing is a lot of the CTE classes are weighted and you can take CTE courses that are not in your pathway as long as you are on track to fulfill your pathway.

It is all very vocational. I am hoping to pad D’s schedule with weighted CTE course that won’t have much homework.

Proposed schedule …Our district calls Honors PreAP.

PreAP English 1
PreAP Chem
PreAP Bio
PreAP Alg 2

And pad the rest with CTE courses.

If she get’s accepted into Academic Octathlon (won’t know till the summer) this will count as a weighted class.

Taking PE online this summer.

Also PreAP Spanish II

@BingeWatcher how does one take PE over the summer?

Welcome, @hardymum! @veehee: often, you can take PE and other classes over the summer (in a public high school system) through an alternative credit granting institution (online credits, for example, or through a summer program offered by your school or another accredited school).

@veehee, Our school district charges 150 dollars for online classes. Most high stat kids take PE online. I think you complete the assignment and test. But the actual exercise is on the honor system.

Interesting idea @BingeWatcher I’ve never heard of it in our school district. I’ll have to look Into it.

I’m behind on welcomes … Welcome @Hardymum!
Bumping the thread to say Hello to the rest of you!

This week we attended the parent intro meeting for DS21’s art academy. It looks great. They say the students are really supportive of each other. I’m hopeful that it will be a good fit for him.

It would have been a terrible fit for DS17. Funny how different kids are!

No summer or online PE here. But, I have him signed up for the 3-week summer health class to get rid of that requirement.

@Ynotgo, That sounds great!

Wow. Just for yucks I thought I’d see if there was a Parents of 2021 grads and found you guys! I spend most of my time on the Parents of HS Class of 2019. It’s been really insightful. So, we have a S19 and a D21.

D21 is a good student and a ballerina who dances at a pre-professional school 25+ hours per week during the school year and spends her summers at ballet intensives. She loves it. She’s choosing a little bit different route than S19 when it comes to her freshman classes. Somewhat easier to choose classes after seeing S19’s experience. While he took all honors freshman year except history, she’s decided to take all honors except Bio. She saw his Bio experience and, while he did great, she thought she would hate it. He probably spent 50% of his total homework hours on that class.

So, classes look like this

World History H
French 2 H
English 1 H
Integrated Algebra/Geometry H
Study hall

D21 took Geometry in eighth grade and is on accelerated math track in middle school. This “integrated” class is an honors class for kids who just don’t want the super fast track in high school and basically helps them put off Algebra II Trig H until soph year. She will still end up in BC Calc senior year. S19 bit the bullet and took Trig H freshman year and did fine but, again, different kids and different interests and we are also trying to give her time to dance so less stressful schedule will be better. Plus honors history classes are notorious for heavy work loads and she loves history. I see AP euro in her soph future!

Can’t wait to see how she likes high school!

Hi @homerdog. I have enjoyed your posts as I lurk on other boards and I’m glad we’ll be going through our college searches together ~ twice! I have a D19 and a S21, both ballet dancers. They’re going (together) to their first summer intensive this year. My son is a history buff, like your daughter, and he’s on track to take AP Euro his sophomore year, too.

Hi y’all. I have two daughters, one graduating this year and D21. I know @Ynotgo and @STEM2017 from the Class of 2017 thread. Nice to see you here, as well as @Hardymum I am glad that the process is over for D17. I have learned a lot!

@curiosa and @homerdog I’ve seen the two of you on other boards as well. My D17 is also a ballet dancer. She targeted LACs and smaller universities so if I can be of help as you get further into the process, do contact me.

Like @ynotgo @eghopeful and @bingewatcher my D21 will also be starting at a new HS and is very excited about it. She likes all academic subjects and is a fairly even-tempered, extroverted, quirky kid - I am very fortunate! She will register for classes in a few weeks.

Welcome, @mamaedefamilia, @homerdog, and @curiosa. We have a lot of '21 dancers on this thread. Mine is as well. She pursued ballet until about a year ago. She now “only” dances about 12 hours a week. :slight_smile:

@EastGrad “only” 12 hours. That’s funny…and only something the parent of a ballet dancer would understand! We will see how it goes but D21 is bent on staying the course right now. She has many friends who are one or two years older than her in the company and they’ve shared their strategies on how to make ballet and school work. It will be interesting!

@mamaedefamilia I’ve seen your posts as well. Am I correct that D17 will be going to Oberlin? Would love to hear all of your experiences when the time comes for D21!

@Curiosa Two ballerinas! Hope they like their summer intensives this summer. D21 loves spending seven hours a day dancing. I’d rather her get outside and go to the pool every once in a while! This year, she will have only one week of “summer” without dancing before she starts school since freshman start a couple of days earlier than the rest of the kids. I’m sad about that but she wouldn’t choose to spend her summer any other way right now.