Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

Our school only offers the PSAT to 11th graders as well. 10th graders take the Pre-ACT So D21 is taking that today. But I’m having her take the PSAT it this Saturday at a local private school. We are hoping to use it to prepare for next year when it really matters for NMSF. Eek

@NJWrestlingmom I have a friend in NJ and at her kids’ school, they offer the PSAT to 10th graders but not to 11th graders when it counts for NMSF. Still scratching my head over that.

@mamaedefamilia that’s strange! D21’s school offers it to nobody - even 11th graders have to pay and take it on a Saturday if they want to. Not an option for 9th graders, just 10 and 11. But S17 school had 9, 10 and 11 graders take it during school, and our K-8 district has started giving it in 8th grade!

What’s strange is D21’s school is a much larger, wealthier, higher ranked school with much higher SAT scores. My guess is they look at it as a stress-reducer by not pushing on the kids too much.

S21’s school offers the PSAT junior year.

We’ve had an EC breakthrough over here. S19 dragged a grumbling S21 into cross country this summer. And now, S21 is all in. Loves it. Plans on doing track in the spring too and continuing with both. I am really happy for him. He’s finding his way. :slight_smile:

@infintewaves - That is great about the cross country!

Our school system has the kids start taking the PSAt in 8th grade! I think it’s crazy so let my kids skip it in 8th then it is up to them in 9th. Like some of your schools though they make the kids pay for it in 11th when it actually counts - so strange. Last year I paid for D19 when they sent the letter home - then later in the week she was called to the office and told that because her score made some kind of cut off she didn’t have to pay for it, that might have been nice to know before they sent the letter!

DS will take the PSAT this weekend.

In NC, the state pays for everyone to take it once, so it will be free this year but we will pay to take it next year. He just took the SAT and prepared for it pretty well over the summer and scored 1550. It will be interesting to see how he does on the PSAT to determine how much he needs to prepare when he takes it next year for NMSF.

Our school (Title 1 school) pays for 9th grader PSAT8/9, 10th graders PSAT and 11th graders must pay 16 dollars and sign up (9th and 10th graders do no sign up, it is required for them. I think it is because the school only wants the high stat kids to take the PSAT/NMSQT. This must look good for them???..Anyway, no prepping because I don’t want to use the precious released SATs and prep books till next summer. Great to hear from everyone!

My kids’ school does the PreACT on Wednesday in the morning. PSAT is on your own dime this Saturday. D20 and S21 are both taking it.

D21 is currently attending the first Mathletes competition for the school year. Boys boys and more boys. ?

@EGHopeful Our state has an annual statewide math contest that is up to PreCalc and the results on this test are used (along with other contests) to select our ARML team. Two years ago, the top two finishers were both girls and there were 3 girls in the top 10.

Last year, boys dominated again and only one girl in the top 15…but clearly there are some exceptional girls out there. Good luck to her!!

OK Picked up D21 a bit ago from the PSAT test. BIG concern. She said other than 2 math questions the entire thing was easy.

OK she totally bombed it cause anytime she says that she aced a test she gets B’s. Thank goodness it doesnt count. Cant wait to see the score as shes only taken the PSAT 8/9 in the past.

DS took it today and felt like it was not too hard either, Hopefully they both did well!!

D said math was easy peasy, writing has hard and reading was hard as well but not as hard at writing. She did not run out of time but guessed quite bit on writing.

Hey – haven’t posted here in a long time. My S is doing well his Sophomore year. Hard to believe first quarter is almost over!

Does anyone know if the Pre-ACT be offered any other time or did it have to be this October? Our school GC told me they were going to offer it to 10th graders this year – a new thing – but they didn’t in Oct. so I’m wondering if something has changed. I’m not sure if it’s like the PSAT where there’s only one sitting a year or districts have flexibility.

There are no options for 10th graders to take PSAT in our district – no Sat. offering and they can’t take it with the Juniors.

Regardless, I’m going to give him option to take the SAT in late Spring so he can, if he chooses, do prep over the summer.

@AlmostThere2018 I’m not sure about the PreACT but there is one more date for the PSAT. If you just do a search on College Board there may be a private school that is offering it. I beleive its the 24th. Thats what i had to do. The school was very accomidating to my D21.

Our local private school let Dd21 (homeschooled) take the PSAT with their students last week. She thought it felt easy, except for one reading section.

The school has a new registration officer - the old one was great and happy to let my kids take AP exams at the school…am hoping this one is just as kind.

My DS21 also thought the PSAT was easy which surprised me. I wonder if the scoring will have same issues as the June SAT that was too easy.

@AlmostThere2018 I believe the PreACT is only offered through school.

DS21 took both PSAT and PreACT this past week. He felt he did fairly well on both, estimating an 80-85%. (He’s still clueless on the scoring.) He definitely liked the PreACT better than the PSAT, so I’m very interested in how his scores compared.

@chicaintheusa – Yes, I think you’re right! I’ve sent an email to the testing office in our district. It’s possible they won’t do it at all. There’s a real anti testing movement in our state and I’m wondering if our district took it out of the plan and budget. I think it’d be good practice, but I know a lot of folks hate the stress and hassle of testing. As it is, the state is a bit wonky b/c they pay for universal PSAT in Fall of 11th grade and universal ACT in Spring of 11th grade! But I know they would never get rid of PSAT b/c of NMF. It just seems haphazard.