Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@yearstogo Congratulations on the NSLI-Y, which language? My DD will be going on YES Abroad.

@saga9497 He will be studying Russian in Narva, Estonia. Which language will your DD be studying and which country?

@saga9497. What an amazing opportunity, congrats! You must be very proud.

I agree with you that the path traveled is more important than the destination, especially as there are no guarantees at the most competitive colleges. If our kids are their most authentic best selves, that is the most anybody can ask.

Wow, congrats. Thatā€™s an awesome opportunity. Best of luck and success!!!

@yeartogo Yes is different from NSLI-Y in that itā€™s focus is cultural awareness and exchange rather than language learning. She will be studying in India. Iā€™m not yet sure in which part of the country she will be, but I have heard that all students generally have opportunities to study Hindi, at least in school, even if itā€™s not the regional languageā€“because itā€™s one of the national languages. Some students chose to study both. Subject matter classes will be in English. Iā€™ve heard that itā€™s fairly rigorous there in terms of academics.

@mamaedefamilia Thank you! I think that if she stays focused on what she wants to do after she graduates, this is definitely the right decision for her. Sheā€™s excited to go.

Hello All! Iā€™m getting back on this college applications train (have a current DS college sophomore) with my DD class of 21. This site was such a great resource when researching college admissions for DS, but DD is a very different kid than my DS in terms of GPA, scores, interests, majors, etcā€¦ so I feel as though I am starting completely from scratch on researching colleges. We are just beginning to build our college listā€¦ not quite sure about LAC vs. state schools/universities or even locations for that matter. A big determining factor will be cost (isnā€™t it always? haha) as we will likely not qualify for scholarships, grants, financial aid. We are not looking at super competitive/elite or Ivy admissions schools but top 100 schools. Ideally, we would like to keep annual costs for tuition and R&B to $35K or less. Current GPA is 3.55UW/4.27W and interests are all over the placeā€¦ maybe business, teaching, psychologyā€¦ so we need a school that has lots of options for degrees. No test scores to report yet but Iā€™m anticipating maybe a ~28 on the ACT? We have our stateā€™s flagship school on our list but looking for other schools to add to the list that we should consider that might fit the bill, state schools that might give OOS tuition waivers or private schools that are known for generosity? Open to all suggestions. Happy to be on this crazy train with you all!

@saga9497 What an AMAZING opportunity for your D!

@BingeWatcher Thank you! I know it will be quite an experience for her. Iā€™m still trying to figure out what that means for her trying to study for SATs and SAT IIs (required by her current top choice). We wonā€™t likely be able to do as many college visits, either, so she may have to visit only places to where sheā€™s been acceptedā€“during her senior year. It will be great, but also has itā€™s challenges for this whole process.

@DOTexe Does your DD know what kind(s) of majors she would be interested in? I would think that would be the first place to start. When you get a list of colleges/universities that offer good programs, (and I believe you will likely find at least 1 in-state university that does,) then a strategy that I use is looking through the course catalog to get a sense of depth, breadth in that subject matter and also how well they fit your DDā€™s interest. From amongst the colleges that sheā€™s a ā€˜likelyā€™ candidate for, Iā€™d place first choice on the one that has the most classes she would genuinely be excited to take.

@DOTexe Is your state in consortium with other states to provide reciprocal in-state tuition? Or tuition discounting. For example, the Western Undergraduate Exchange has many schools where OOS students pay between in state and 1.5x in state rates. Some schools recommend an early (non-binding) application because WUE funds can run out.

There also are many schools that offer auto merit for stats that states right on the website what the cost will be for a certain GPA/test scores. Some of these are U of West Virginia, U of Wyoming, U of New Mexico. She might be eligible for merit at places like Arizona State, or U of Alabama (different campuses offer different packages).

For privates, especially LACs, try the Colleges That Change Lives website. There is often significant merit discounting for students similar to your daughter although getting down to 35K might be tough. 40K is probably more doable.

Good luck!

S21 is starting to get nervous about his 11th course selectionsā€¦he had selected Pre Ap PreCalc but now is fretting about it and wants to drop down regular Pre Calc. All his other core classes will be AP or Dual Credit, both which have a gpa multiplier of 1.2. PreAp multiplier is 1.15 while regular core classes are 1.1.

Math is not his strongest subject so he thinks itā€™s better if he does the regular PreCalc and do better in there than a lower grade in the Pre Ap. Heā€™s planning on taking AP Calc AB in 12th grade. Heā€™s currently in 1Q, with a class rank somewhere around 22%.


@Momof3B, I wonder what the difference in preAP and reg precal. I mean what is the difference is what is covered and homework. Maybe you can shoot an email to the teachers that teach those courses. 1.15 vs 1.1 does not seem like a big deal.

@BingeWatcher Thatā€™s a good idea. I emailed his GC and current Alg 2 teacher to get there opinions and see what the difference is. After talking this through some more, another possibility would be to take Pre Calc over the summer through our districts Virtual Learning Academyā€¦heā€™s going to be working all summer with a math tutor anyway for SAT prep, and that would then free up space in his schedule to fit in Debate 2 (heā€™s already selected Debate 1) which is something heā€™s really been wanting to do.

Hi, 2021 parents! Iā€™ve been reading this thread for awhile, and posting on Parents of 2019, but now that D19 is getting so close to graduation, Iā€™ve been thinking more about D21.

I wanted to float an idea and get some feedback. What do people think of a thread for parents of 2021ā€™s who wonā€™t be targeting Top-30 universities or Top-20 LACā€™s? Would it be helpful?

The posters on this thread are so supportive, interesting and informative. Yet, I get stressed out sometimes hearing about the road to highly selective colleges. (This is absolutely my failingā€”of course people on that road should share all their milestones and successes.)

I think I need to focus on ā€œthe kid on the couchā€ (who is studying her butt off right now for a B in AP Euro). She wonā€™t take Calculus in high school (or ever, probably). She wonā€™t take any AP science or SAT2ā€™s. She likes school, works hard and has solid study skills. Sheā€™s going to thrive at the right college, but I feel myself getting affected by the drive for the schools with sub 20% acceptance rates . . . I thought about a thread for 3.0-3.4 GPA, but what if D21 ends up above that range? I want to make sure Iā€™m not misrepresenting.

Please let me know what you all think about the potential for a second thread. I definitely donā€™t want anyone to feel judged for having very accomplished kids and admirable goals. But if people would appreciate a thread for the kids who ā€œhear a different drummerā€, I will start one! What should we call it?

@3SailAway I donā€™t see anything wrong with that. Question though. I have a high stats kid who will apply to schools that feel like a fit - some of those schools are top 20 LACs, but many (most) are 31-50 LACs. Would it be okay to join the conversation sometimes when discussing such colleges? Her focus is on fit, not Top Whatever.

@3SailAway I love this idea. I feel DS will feel pressured to pick those schools but most of the ones heā€™s looking at are not as well knownā€¦heā€™s definitely going for fit. But, unless his stats change,I donā€™t think Iā€™ll feel Iā€™m being honest on the 3.0 thread. I also feel the parents of HS class of 2021 thread is filled with too many trying to postureā€¦Iā€™m not much into that either. So I quit reading it.

Iā€™m not good with naming thingsā€¦ HS 2021 off the beaten path applicants?? Or something to that effect??? Idk. I definitely love your idea!!!

@3SailAway , I donā€™t mind that either. D has high stats for AUTO merit chasing but no leadership or great ECs that would make her competitive scholarship material. We are looking at non selective state schools.

I do want to say that there is nothing wrong with parents talking about their kids stats - I donā€™t see it as posturing. Every parent should feel 100% positive about sharing their childā€™s accomplishments, achievements, and character traits. Itā€™s not a competition. No one should feel censored. JMO

@3SailAway I have a D19 who was just above the 3.0-3.4 thread, but she was targeting those schools and I found much more common ground on that thread. I read the regular Class of 2019 thread, and gleaned a lot of great information, but didnā€™t participate so it was easy to disregard the parts that didnā€™t apply to us.

My D21 is higher stats but not nearly as ambitious as what I see described on this thread so far, so I have not participated much. We will not be targeting T20-30 schools either, but Iā€™ll probably stay here because a second thread for A- students seems like too much stratification. I do think that as time goes on, youā€™ll see more parents here whoā€™s kids are more like yours and mine. Iā€™ll stay if youā€™ll stay!

I do think that a second thread for ā€œBā€ students is entirely appropriate.